My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 846: Midnight Drag Racing

Chapter 846: Midnight Racing

Li Fan still can't believe his eyes. Huang Lei would like this kind of woman? This is impossible! Is Huang Lei blind?

Hey, why is it so strange?

Although the girl in front of this is quite thin, the heavy makeup of the painting makes Li Fan a little dislike. After all, Lin Yuexian, Mu Rongying and other beautiful women used to give out the eyes, naturally cannot tolerate such girls.

"Ask her in the past."

Li Fan instructed Lin Yuexian, "Don't go out in the car first, it's a bit messy outside, lock the car door."

"Okay, you go and explore the tone first."

Lin Yuexian nodded, watching Li Fan get off.

Li Fan was also wearing a school uniform, so he approached the smoky outfit Zhang Chuchu.

"Are you Zhang Chuchu?"

Although the surroundings were extremely noisy, Li Fan's voice clearly passed into Zhang Chuchu's ears.

Zhang Chuchu chewed gum in his mouth and looked at Li Fan rather dismissively.

"Children, what are you doing here, are you looking for a mother?"

"Looking for you."

Li Fan was not angry, but looked at Zhang Chuchu with a calm face, "Some things I want to ask you."

"I know you, kid?"

Zhang Chuchu squinted at Li Fan.

"Zhang Chuchu, I look a year or two older than you."

Li Fan estimates that this girl is eighteen years old. Although she has painted a killer dress, the green thing on her is hard to conceal.

"It's your business! Are you owed!"

Zhang Chuchu glanced at Li Fan with a fierce look.

"Boy, what are you looking for my girlfriend?"

A rich young man with yellow hair drilled out of Ferrari, holding a beautiful axe in his hand, turned it upside down twice, looked at Li Fan very disdainfully, "Do something?"

"I'm just asking something. I'll leave after asking."

Li Fan was still polite, "Zhang Chuchu, do you know Huang Lei?"

When mentioning Huang Lei, both looked different.

Zhang Chuchu's face was a bit ugly, and Huang Maofu growled directly.

"You are here to do things! That's the stupid comparison of Huang Lei. Let him get out, and I'll have another match with him!"

"It seems you don't know."

Li Fan looked at Zhang Chuchu, "but your girlfriend seems to know."

"She was cut off from Huang Lei already! You hurry up or I'll hack you!"

Rich and young scolded again and again, "I have money at home, even if I hack you, I will lose some money! Hurry up and get me!"

"Zhang Chuchu, don't you want to say?"

Li Fan looked at Zhang Chuchu, ignored the rich and the young, and asked, "Although others are a little less serious, they are also brothers who were born and died with me. Something happened to him now, I can't ignore it."

"I asked you to ask!"

Fu Shao was finally angry. He picked up the axe and hacked at Li Fan!

Li Fan raised his right hand casually, and clamped the axe of Fu Shao with two fingers.

"Zhang Chuchu, please tell me, thank you."

Zhang Chuchu and Fu Shao both hold on, holding the axe with only two fingers? What's up with this high school student!

Fu Shao wanted to pull out his hand axe, but Li Fan pressed hard with **** and snapped. The axe was immediately pinched by his finger.

Rich and young are stupid.

"Will you say it?"

Li Fan asked again.

"I, I can't tell you ..."

Zhang Chuchu shook her head.

"Do you think, I'm a bit too friendly?"

Li Fan's eyes narrowed slightly, Zhang Chuchu felt that Li Fan had a terrible breath on her body, as if a man was holding a dagger against her throat, making her hair creepy and covered with hair.

"Yes, or not ... compare yourself to us."

Zhang Chuchu pointed at Xiao Yuyan behind Li Fan, "I see that you drove ... then follow our rules. Outperform us on the Maoershan track, and I will tell you about Huang Lei ... If you are If you lose, hurry up! "

Looking at Zhang Chuchu's look, Li Fan felt that even if he forced himself, it seemed that he could not force anything.

It's better than trying water in a game, and see what kind of trick this girl is playing.

"Boy ... no matter what you use ... but on this track, Lao Tzu has never lost!"

Fu Shao pointed at his supercar, "If you lose, the car must stay!"


Li Fan has his feet full. "If you lose? How about your car?"

"Grass, come here!"

Many people around are thinking that it's not worthwhile to be rich or poor, but rich or poor is rich or poor. He doesn't care about the money at all, he wants to win Li Fan and wash the shame just now!

Li Fan turned his head and Lin Yuexian heard Li Fan's words and nodded to him.

Lin Yuexian looks like a good girl. In fact, she particularly likes exciting things in her bones, otherwise she won't go to learn to drag racing secretly.

Li Fan sat back in the car and fastened his seat belt first.

Lin Yuexian drove this little Swift and slowly stopped at the starting point of the track, next to the Ferrari F12, where the tires were burnt up there.

"Are you confident?"

Li Fan asked Lin Yuexian, who was wearing a pair of racing gloves.

"In terms of odds, our car has only a 2% chance of winning when compared to the opponent's f12."

Lin Yuexian analyzed, "But our car has been modified by Lingtian, which can increase the winning percentage by 35%. In addition, if I drive it, it can increase by 10%."

"That's 47%, not even half."

Li Fan pouted his lips.

"But with you, it's 100%."

Lin Yuexian glanced at Li Fan, "Aren't you the biggest plug in this game?"


Li Fangan laughed twice, "If you say so, I will not refute you. Come on, don't let people down."

"Rest assured that they will be satisfied."

Lin Yuexian waited for the signal of the start of the game. A woman wearing shorts and a half-butt shook her hips in a big winter, walked to the front, and raised the led panel in her hand.


The beauty said diligently that she held up the panel and the countdown started.

Ferrari next door, rich and young are still mocking Li Fan.

"It's **** to let a woman drive! You little broken car, you are going to throw it here today! But I'm not interested in your **** truck. After a while, I've heard it!"

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Li Fan shrugged. "This car is Ling Tian's baby."

"I'll take care of you, let's eat farts!"

The signal board countdown reached the "0" position, Lin Yuexian and Fu Shao stepped on the throttle almost at the same time!

The two cars scooped out together, but the speed of the Ferrari F12 was significantly faster. The whole scooped out, bringing up a dust.

Lin Yuexian didn't panic, put the car in the s-range, started to accelerate, and followed behind Ferrari.

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