My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 847: Who caught Lei Zi

847 Who caught Lei Zi

What speed is Ferrari, how can a small Swift compare?

Almost everyone is not optimistic about Li Fan them, this Swift only deserves to eat dust behind Ferrari!

Maoershan Mountain is a ring road. In front of it is a large curved road with a nearly 90-degree right angle.

When driving here, Fu Shao quickly stepped on the brakes and slowed down Ferrari. This kind of place is called a death curve, and the car will run down without slowing down!

However, Lin Yuexian stepped on the accelerator to the bottom and almost stepped into the fuel tank. She pulled to the s position and turned on the air intake switch.

The twelve-cylinder engine finally reached its extreme, two flames sprayed from the tail throat of Swift!

Lin Yuexian didn't mean to slow down at all, she drove the car to the highest speed in one breath, and rushed towards the 90 degree bend in front!

"Well, are they crazy!"

The rich and the young were all scared of cold sweat. They were going to die!

However, Lin Yuexian turned the throttle and steering wheel together, and she had already calculated the car's trajectory. Based on her calculations, the car spun directly, made a large circle at a 90-degree turn, and then turned around beautifully!

However, at the last corner of the car, the tires on the back slipped off the mountain! If you continue to slide down, the two of them will be killed in a car!

This is the meaning of Li Fan's existence.

He raised his hand and was released with anger, as if a huge invisible palm rested on the bottom of the car. He even held the Swift to life and pressed it back to the mountain road!

Swift finished a big flick, then kept on high speed, galloping down the mountain.

"They, they are crazy!"

The rich and the young couldn't help yelling, and the two were crazy! crazy!

He also wanted to try his flick, but he resisted. Although he likes drag racing and likes to find excitement, he is not a fool and can't take his life!

It's just a curve, it doesn't matter, there is a long tunnel through the mountain ahead. That's a straight road, and that one hundred percent can surpass that little Swift!

The two cars rushed on the mountain road one after the other.

Soon, both men entered a mountain road. The deep tunnel was a five-kilometer straight line leading to the end of the mountain.

Several corners have thrown the Ferrari 12 away. But in this tunnel, Ferrari has begun to force, is chasing Xiao Yuyan fiercely.

Although Xiao Yuyan has changed the 12-cylinder engine, there is still some distance from the supercar. It won't be long before Ferrari hurries Xiao Yuyan over and throws him behind.

"give it to you."

Lin Yuexian drove the car steadily and gave a command.

"no problem."

As soon as Li Fan reached out, Qi appeared behind him, forming an invisible wind wall, standing in front of Ferrari's front!

This Ferrari's speed was directly slowed down. No matter how rich and young stepped on the throttle to downshift, the speed would not be able to come up, only the angry roar of the engine could be heard.

"Grass! Grass! Grass!"

Rich and young yelled, "What's the situation!"

Seeing that the Xiaoyuyan was getting farther and farther away from her, the rich and the crying were all there!

He has already been defeated once by that stupid man named Huang Lei. Is he defeated again?

It ’s a dog day, Huang Lei defeated himself by mistakenly taking laxatives in advance, which caused him to be in a bad condition while driving, which he lost! But what happened this time, something went wrong with the car? Impossible, your car is well maintained, how could it be a problem!

Evil gate, really evil!

No matter how unpleasant the rich and the young, Swift can't catch up with him!

The front line is the finish line. What shocked everyone was that Swift rushed forward and took the first place.

Lin Yuexian came out of the car very smartly, shook her hair, and provoked various saliva from the surrounding men.

This woman is beautiful! And young and tender, at first glance, it is different from those glamorous goods here!

The rich and young cars also drove over and stopped beside Li Fan.

Fu Shao kicked the car door and looked at Li Fan angrily. "I was not willing to lose, it was a problem with my car!"

"Blamed me?"

Li Fan shrugged, although it really did blame him.

"Who can do him! Who do I give a million!"

Rich and young had a bad temper, and with a voice, everyone around him was excited, copying various guys out of the car one by one, screaming strangely, and rushed towards Li Fan!


Li Fan was too lazy to get his hand. When he stomped, his vitality erupted and he went out!

Those grotesque screamers rushed over and were blown out in the next second, and in the blink of an eye they were blown to a place tens of meters away and fell to the ground.

"I don't have much patience."

Li Fan said, kicking on the rich and young Ferrari, the Ferrari's front was immediately depressed.

"Zhang Chuchu, hurry up."

Lin Yuexian reminded Zhang Chuchu, "He does not have much patience."

"Okay, you guys, don't hit him ... I just said ..."

Zhang Chuchu was also terrified, and hurriedly said, "Don't do anything ..."

"Say it."

Li Fan retracted his feet, and Fu Shao sat on the ground with one buttock.

Zhang Chuchu bowed her head, her face pale, and said slowly.

"I ... Before I went out with Huang Lei the last time ... I saw a man in a black suit ... He asked me to take Huang Lei to Panshan Road in Mao'er Mountain ... otherwise he would kill me ... Later on to Panshan Road We crashed into a truck and I passed out ... when I woke up, he was gone ... "

"Black suit? Do you remember what that person looked like?"

Li Fan frowned and asked.

"I don't remember ... he was wearing sunglasses."

Zhang Chuchu didn't seem to remember, Li Fan thought it would be useless to follow up.

This trip is not for nothing, at least I know that Huang Lei did have an accident.

It should be that someone planned to kidnap him, but did not move the girl. It is estimated that he did not want to have extra branches.

Or in other words, this group of people are fearless and don't take others seriously.

"No matter who caught Lei Zi, I won't let him go."

Li Fan frowned. "Tell Liu Yannan and Ling Tian, ​​check Huang Lei's whereabouts. Even if I dig three feet, I will rescue Lei Zi!"


Lin Yuexian nodded. "But city A is fine. If Huang Lei is taken to other cities, or even abroad, how can we find it?"

"There must be some clues."

Li Fan said, "By the way, I'll look for Xiao Siyan, maybe there are any mutants who know his mind, can you help me?"

"This is fine."

Lin Yuexian's eyes brightened, "I forgot, we have another power bureau!"

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