My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 850: Interrogation

850 Interrogation

The so-called feng shui is good, there is a royal park next to it, just a dilapidated small park.

The subway station is very close, and the transportation is convenient. The subway station is about eight kilometers away from the house. I have to walk one kilometer away recently and take a bus.

The intermediary introduced this house to Li Fan, which is not large in size. It has a total area of ​​more than 30 square meters.

The room is a single room with a bathroom, kitchen and balcony combined.

The bedroom has ordinary linen sofas and a simple camp bed.

"This place, you see, is economical and affordable. Except me, where do you find such a good house!"

The intermediary followed Li Fan's advice and Li Fan was too lazy to listen.

"Xing Xing Xing, how much money I rent."

"Twelve thousand a month, is it cheap?"

"I rent a quarter first."

"One charge, three pay, early checkout deposit is deducted."

The agent took out the contract and said, "Let ’s write it in black and white. If there is any problem with the house, you can come to me directly."

The intermediary talked with Li Fan about the house for a long time, and finally they settled down. Li Fan paid the money and lived in the house.

Long Qingyun is in Kyoto. To find him, he must come step by step in Kyoto. He hid deeply, but Li Fan planned to dig from that Dongdonghai product first.

He lay on the camp bed and slept straight into the night.

When it was getting dark, Li Fancai got up, washed his face, put on a black special combat clothing, and put a tiger head mask on his face. At the same time, Li Fan hung the compound bow on his waist, then jumped down and jumped out of the window.

There was a black motorcycle parked downstairs with no license plate on it. Li Fan rode directly onto the motorcycle and took advantage of the night to ride outside the sixth ring road.

Dongdong Seafood Factory is here. At this time, the factory has been closed, but a few workers outside are sitting there playing poker.

"Did he know to play!"

A man in a jacket stepped out of the factory and kicked the table.

The poker and small change above are everywhere, but a few workers dare not to say a word.

"Are the goods packed? Did they come over tomorrow morning to pull the goods!"

The man in the jacket yelled angrily.

"Let's pretend ... this pretend ..."

These workers reluctantly put down their playing cards and patted their butts to load.

Li Fan squatted above a street lamp and looked at the factory below quietly.

He watched the man with the jacket walk back to the factory while several other workers walked towards the loading area.

Two guards stood at the factory door and were smoking.

The two men bulged around their waists, and at first sight they were guns.

Li Fan took out the recurve bow, put on a bow and arrow, and shot a guard's head through an arrow. The whole man was nailed to the back door panel.

The other guard was taken aback, and unconsciously pulled out the pistol behind his waist, and another arrow had flew through the air, shot through his heart, took him out, and nailed it to the door panel.

The two were nailed there, just like the specimen.

And Li Fan silently, fell from the sky, and gently fell to the ground.

Li Fan approached the factory, and a worker walked over to see Li Fan at first glance.


The worker shouted, pulled out his pistol, aimed at Li Fan, and started firing.

Li Fan hid behind the machine next to him and dodged the bullet.

Li Fan does not want to reveal his kung fu, he is now disguised as an avenger.

He opened the recurve bow and shot an arrow into the sky.

Li Fan didn't use much strength. The bow and arrow marked a parabola in the air, and finally fell on top of the shooting worker's head and penetrated his head.

The sound of the gun has alarmed the people in the factory. The workers here are equipped with guns. They rushed out of the factory and started firing at Li Fan.

Li Fan picked up two pistols, leaned against the back of the steel machine, removed the magazines of one of them, and put them in his pockets.

He closed his eyes and formed a realm of anger, sensing the position of all workers in the factory.

After locking these people in, Li Fan suddenly rolled aside and fired three shots at the same time, shooting all three workers to the ground.

Li Fan continued to walk, hiding behind the surrounding machines, covering his body.

When he finds the opportunity, he will shoot, every time he will shoot a factory worker.

There were not many workers in the factory, and Li Fan was killed clean after a while.

He sorted out his weapons and stood up from his bunker.

This is definitely not an ordinary factory. How can ordinary workers be equipped with pistols?

Li Fan's guess was correct. He went directly to the factory office and kicked the door open.


Li Fan hid aside, and the door of the room was beaten.

The previous jacket man snarled at the shotgun and snarled at Li Fan.

"Grass and mud, I can't beat you!"

The man in the jacket walked out with a shotgun and chased Li Fan trying to shoot him into a horse honeycomb.

Li Fan leaned against the wall and pushed up when the jacket man's shotgun showed his head.

With a bang, the shotgun bullet hit the ceiling above his head, and the wall was all cracked and fell down.

And Li Fan lifted a foot, struck the man in the jacket, flew him out, and avoided his shotgun at the same time.

The man in the jacket hit the table behind him and knocked the table over. And Li Fan went in, stepping on the jacket man with one foot, holding a shotgun in his hand, and pointing at his head.

"Say, where is Long Qingyun."

Li Fan asked coldly through his mask.

The man in the jacket was awesome just now, and now he is scared to pee.

With a tiger head mask, Li Fan is ready to reap his own life like a beast from Hell!

"Who, who is Long Qingyun ... I don't know ..."


Li Fan broke the guy's arm with a single shot.

The man in the jacket screamed in pain, like killing a pig, but Li Fan had no sympathy at all.

"Say it."

"I, I really don't know ..."


Li Fan broke another leg of this buddy.

He passed out in pain and was awakened by Li Fan again with water.

The jacket man is desperate, this guy is just a demon!

"Please, let me go, let me go, I really don't know anything ..."

Jacket man crying piss.

"Where is Long Qingyun."

Li Fan was sitting on the boss chair, his legs were on the table, holding the shotgun, facing the jacket man lying on the ground.

If one leg was broken, he couldn't even run if he wanted to run.

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