Chapter 851

The shotgun in Li Fan's hand had a black hole in his muzzle, and the man in the jacket looked desperate for a while.

"I really don't know what Long Qingyun ... If I lie, let me fight five thunders!"

The male voice in the jacket was hoarse, as if saying these words exhausted all his strength.


Li Fan shot him on the wall next to him, and the wall was flying everywhere.

The man in the jacket twitched in fright, and he really was about to collapse.

"You, kill me! Anyway, I'm a dead person!"

"Do you really know Long Qingyun?"

Seeing this reaction from the jacket man, Li Fan thinks what he said is probably true. This guy is afraid that he really doesn't know Long Qingyun.

"My brother, father, and grandpa! I really don't know any Long Qingyun!"

The man in the jacket felt a little better, and he hurriedly choked up. "If I knew this dog day, I would rot and die!"


Li Fan nodded. Since the other party didn't know, he didn't need to follow up. He changed the question and looked at the man in the jacket. "Say, who is the owner of this factory."

"Yes, it's my cousin ..."

The man in the jacket sold his cousin without hesitation. "He gave the factory to me to take care of it, and then he came to the factory every day to deliver, pack, fill with fish and seafood, and then take away ..."


Li Fan raised his eyebrows and felt as if he had found a breakthrough.

"Who is your cousin and when will he receive the goods?"

"My cousin is Wang Erzhu, and now the rivers and lakes are called bergamots."

The man in the jacket quickly said the name of his cousin, "He used to be a smuggler, but later he didn't know what he had committed, and he made such a seafood factory!"

"What time is it to receive the goods?"

Li Fan asked.

"Two o'clock in the morning ... this, this is coming soon."


"Heroes, I, I know everything I have told you, you show mercy, let me go! It's not my destiny to waste a bullet!"

The jacket man begged, Li Fan nodded.

"makes sense."

A delighted smile just appeared on the jacket man's face, Li Fan had pulled the trigger, and the shrapnel that burst out directly bombarded the upper body of the jacket man.

"But this is your own bullet."

Li Fan threw the shotgun aside. He wrapped his fingers with qi, so no fingerprints were left.

The scene of such a gunfight was at first sight caused by a gangster fire, and no one else could doubt the martial arts.

Li Fan thought for a while and picked up the jacket shotgun again.

There were also eight red shotgun bullets hanging on the gun, enough for Li Fan to fire a few shots.

He checked the shotgun. It should be a year or two of firearms, and all parts are well maintained.

Li Fan sorted out his tiger hood, then walked out of the factory and went directly to the unloading area.

There were dozens of wooden boxes sealed in the unloading area. Li Fan walked to the front, knocked a shotgun, and directly smashed a wooden box.

A lot of fish and shrimp leaked out of the box together with ice cubes and spilled on the ground.

Li Fan dumped out the fish and shrimp in the box, and a football-sized ice hockey came out from the inside.

He held it in his hand and found a bag of white powder inside the puck.


Li Fan floated this idea in his head for the first time. He took the ice hockey in his hand, urged the vitality in his body, and applied it on the ice hockey.

The ice hockey warmed up quickly, and quickly melted into water, flowing to the ground, and billowing white smoke.

Li Fan took out a bag of white powder, poured out a little, and sucked it with his nose.

This time, Li Fan was almost on track!

A sense of strength filled Li Fan's body, and he was full of energy at once, as if he wanted to soar in happiness!

This feeling will only appear when you **** on others' anger!

And taking a sip of white powder, the qi in his body began to increase rapidly! It seems that this white medicine powder is a peculiar invigorating tonic ... No, unlike Huiyuandan, Huiyuandan can restore the vitality in its own body, but this white powder is a kind of authenticity , Into your own body!

It's as if the anger was plundered from others!

The same feeling, the same happiness, but from different things!


Li Fan secretly said that this powder is definitely not a drug!

It should be some kind of special potion specially for Wudou family, which can greatly increase the vitality in Wudou family!

My God ... there are so many wooden boxes here, if each of them contains such a bag of white powder ... then, a generation of masters can be created overnight!

Who on earth would have such a powerful powder?

According to the law of conservation of energy, it is impossible for qi to appear in large numbers in vain!

And what is the source of this white powder!

Suddenly, Li Fan felt a little bit horrified. An unprecedented horror poured into his body and entered the internal organs.


Li Fan had the urge to destroy all the wooden boxes, but he knew that it was useless to do so. The people who created this thing must be constantly making it!

And another impulse, Li Fan wanted to take all the white powder ...

In that case, if you are happy and stronger, why not?

Suddenly Li Fan drew a lip in his mouth. How could he think so? Practicing martial arts is hard work and gradual. It's too bad that I even thought of gaining nothing for nothing!

Just as Li Fan was thinking about how to deal with these things, a roar suddenly came from behind him.

"How did your kid work and break things! You know how much these things are worth, and I can't afford to sell you!"

As soon as Li Fan turned around, a young man in a black down jacket was walking towards him, with a red truck parked beside him.

Li Fan was shocked, put away his cranky thoughts, and carefully looked at the down jacket man in front of him.

Here comes the opportunity.

Turning his head, he was a man with a tiger head, and the man in the down jacket was startled.


This guy's response is not slow, he will go to the gun subconsciously! But Li Fan's speed is obviously faster than him.

Li Fan fired an arrow quickly, an arrow pierced the buddy's wrist and stuck it in his hand, causing him to scream in pain.

"Isn't there any bones?"

Li Fan came over and looked at the young man who was kneeling on the ground and was stumbling with pain. "Say, which company are you from?"


The other side took a sip of his mouth, but was blocked by the infuriating spirit of Li Fan's body.

"It seems that toasting is not about eating and drinking."

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