My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 852: Phoenix Villa

852 Phoenix Villa

The young man in the down jacket looked very tough, and his hand was shot through. He still looked at Li Fan angrily, and wished to swallow him alive.

This guy is a ruthless character. If he wasn't subdued by himself, I'm afraid he would come up and fight for himself the first time!

However, it's one thing to be desperate, and whether you can fight it is another.

"Ask you again, who sent you?"

Li Fan asked again, but the young man gritted his teeth and glared at Li Fan, "Even if you kill me, I won't say it!"

Li Fan nodded, he didn't use a gun, he just squatted down, stretched out two fingers, and poked the youth's brows.

Click Crane!

A burst of energy flowed from the youth's brow and poured directly into the youth's body! A huge force began to tear his body from the youth's body, causing the youth to scream again and again and shed blood!

Li Fan's move is more terrible than any punishment. The youth's words are crooked, and they can't even scream.

Thousands of worms seem to have penetrated into the body, constantly biting the flesh and blood of the youth, making the youth anguish and want to die immediately.

Li Fan put away his own skills, and the youth only eased a lot. Changsong breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kill, kill me ..."

The young man shivered and said, Li Fan didn't answer, and **** poked on the young man's head again.

The youth was close to collapse again, as if all the internal organs were cracking.

He couldn't survive, and he couldn't even die. He couldn't even faint in the past, and could only endure his pain alive.

Li Fan pulled back his inner strength and looked at the youth again.

"kill me……"

The words of youth are almost inaudible, but Li Fan's hearing is much better than ordinary people, and he still hears them clearly.

Li Fan is a little crane again.

The young man couldn't even scream, his body continued to tremble, and his bowels and incontinence began.

"Tell me, I'll set you free."

Li Fan spoke again.

"Bai, Lily Gang ..."

The young man threw out these three words, and no matter how Li Fan used the crane, he no longer revealed half a word.

It seems that this guy has nothing to offer himself. Li Fan was compassionate, picked up his shotgun, and shot him in the head.

The youth's headless body was lying there. Li Fan didn't even clean up, and threw the wooden boxes directly onto the truck, and then sat in the large truck himself.

Lily Gang, the name is a bit awkward.

Li Fan was sitting in the car, a little at a loss, where was this Lily Gang?

Li Fan was thinking that the cell phone of the youth in the car suddenly rang. He took it out and took a look. It was a text message.

"The delivery location has changed. Within half an hour, I arrived at Phoenix Mountain Villa."

The news flashed out. Li Fan wanted to take another look, but couldn't open the phone because he didn't know the password.

He put the phone back into the truck and finally found a breakthrough, Phoenix Mountain Villa.

But this truck will not drive itself. But this is not embarrassing for Li Fan. He dragged the motorcycle to the truck with qi, then exerted qi, wrapped the truck, and slowly moved forward.

There is no need for a driver at all, Li Fan's anger can control the truck. He followed the navigation all the way, while it was still dawn, he drove towards Phoenix Villa.

On this way, Li Fan had not contacted anyone, and he didn't want to leak his news about the capital to others.

Twenty minutes later, the truck slowly approached the villa. While Li Fan was sitting in the car, his muscles and bones began to change slowly. Soon, Li Fan's appearance was infinitely close to the previous down jacket youth. Although only about 60% are the same, after Li Fan brought a peaked cap, he basically couldn't see the gap.

Li Fan's car slowly approached the gate of the villa. As he passed the post, he picked up a pass from the car and posted it on the window.

The guard in the sentry looked at Li Fan a few times, and scolded him.

"Well, why are you here so late?"

As he scolded, he opened the iron door. "Hurry up and get in, San Ye is anxious!"

Third Lord?

Who is this?

Li Fan didn't say a word. He drove the car into the manor, but the embarrassing thing happened. He didn't know where to go.

There are many guards wearing black suits in the manor who are patrolling.

A guard's gaze fell on Li Fan's car, and he frowned slightly as he watched the truck getting slower and slower.

"Why not leave?"

Guarding his shotgun, he approached Li Fan and asked, splitting his head.

"The car is broken."

Li Fan explained it.

"What's wrong?"

The guard approached, his face pressed to the window, "Hurry up!"

Li Fan reached out and pressed directly on the guard's head, smashing his head against the window of the car.

Defender passed out instantly, Li Fan dragged him into the compartment.

Li Fan quickly changed the guard's clothes, then jumped out of the compartment.

The contents of this car could not be moved for the time being. Li Fan dragged the van behind a house next to it and hid it.

When you're done with things, come over and take everything away. These things are worth studying.

After changing into the security clothes, Li Fan shot his shotgun and black sunglasses, and walked into this Phoenix Villa generously.

The villa is very large, Li Fan really does not know who to look for. Yes, go to the third master and ask, maybe I can ask what information.

Seeing a guard standing in front of him, Li Fan was secretly smoking, and he immediately walked over.

Li Fan was silent, and there was no sound at all. But even so, when Li Fan approached behind the opponent, the guard actually responded, raised the shotgun hanging on his shoulder, and prepared to shoot at Li Fan.

But Li Fan was faster, slap from bottom to top, slap on the buddy's chin, hit him and flew out, hitting the wall hard.

As soon as Li Fan reached out, he stuck the man's neck in midair.

"Where's San Ye."

Li Fan asked coldly.

The defender struggled a few times, but couldn't get rid of Li Fan's iron-like palm.

Guarding his flushed face, fear appeared in his eyes.

Li Fan relaxed his palms a little, and defended it before he could speak.

"He, he's fishing by the lake ..."

The guard said hoarsely.

"Thank you."

Li Fan twisted his hand and twisted his neck.

This time, Li Fan has already been ruthless. Long Qingyun's people, Li Fan intends to leave none. These industries should be the industries that Long Qingyun runs secretly.

Since Long Qingyun dared to move Li Fan's people, Li Fan was ready to uproot all his industries!

Let Long Qingyun know that some people can't mess with it!

Li Fan held his shotgun again and walked towards the lake.

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