854 Mole Lord

Li Fan returned to his rented room, sat quietly there, and started practicing.

The television in front of him was broadcasting the news of the imperial capital.

With so many people dead at the Dongdong Seafood Factory, this incident cannot be hidden.

However, the matter of Phoenix Villas was not disclosed at all, and Sanye blocked the news.

To Li Fan's surprise, there was a survivor in the factory, who didn't know how to survive. He spread the news of the tiger-head man, and this time, the city knows that such a terrible tiger-head man is known as a murderer.

The entire emperor began to want this tiger-headed man. It was really a rumor, and the city was on alert.

With such a large case, it cannot be ignored. However, Li Fan did not reveal that he used the tiger head to hide his existence.

On the TV is a female anchor, wearing a sullen head, standing next to the factory, doing a live broadcast.

"People look at the factory behind me. Because the scene inside is terrible, the police blocked it and let us not go in to shoot. We talked with the police and the police have not yet answered us. Who is that mysterious tiger head , There is no clear answer yet, and there are many rumors. "

Li Fan, while listening to the female anchor complaining about these things, is practicing her internal strength.

He is not in a hurry to find the factory in Hebei, because there are still several industries under Long Qingyun, and Li Fan is ready to uproot him.

By the time the night came, Li Fan had re-made the mask of the tiger head, riding his own black motorcycle, and galloping away.

This time, Li Fan drove directly in front of a nightclub and parked the car aside.

Although Long Qingyun is an official, he secretly supports such a bar called "Dawn Carnival".

According to information, there are still many dark businesses in this bar.

With a tiger head, Li Fan walked generously towards the bar entrance.

At the gate stood two security guards watching the field, smoking.

As soon as they looked up, they saw the tiger-headed man approaching themselves and froze for a moment.

"What the hell, why are you wearing a hood?"

"Wait ... Is there a killer, a tauren?"

"Hehe ... wouldn't be so coincident ..."

The two murmured for a long time, and Li Fan had already come to them.


Bao'an suddenly yelled and stared at Li Fan fiercely, "Take down your mask!"

"Why, can't you bring a mask here?"

Li Fan asked.

"Honestly, this is Mouse's place!"

Security A felt that Li Fan was not good and decided to scare the kid away first.

When it comes to the well-known Mouse Lord, this kid is probably scared. Who is Mouse Lord, who does n’t know his name!

"Oh, is it really Rat Master?"

Li Fan nodded, this mouse grandfather was a subordinate of Long Qingyun, and he was looking for him.

"Of course! The two of us are both Rats!"

Security Man reminded Li Fan, "If your boy wants to play in the field, take off the mask! If it comes to trouble, please hurry me!"

"May I ask where is Lord Rat?"

Li Fan asked.

"Fuck, why should I tell ..."

Before the words of Bao'an Jia had been finished, Li Fan had pulled out a tiger claw dagger from his arms and wiped his neck directly.

Security B is scared to pee. This brother shot so hard, he wiped his brother's neck directly, and the blood came out like a fountain. It must be more scary and scary!

Even if they are bastards, the killing has never been so simple!

Murderer, this guy is the murderer on TV!

"Where is Mouse Lord?"

Li Fan asked again.

"Rat Lord, Ryan hasn't come yet ... He will come here every day at 1 AM ..."

Baoan B hurriedly said it, but where did he dare not to say.

"Oh, let me wait here for a while."

Li Fan looked at the time, and this mouse grandfather came in half an hour. He nodded, and then kicked the body of the security guard to the ground next to the car, and at the same time said to the security guard, "Take me to a single room and have two drinks with me."


The security guard froze, and Li Fan's voice was cold.

"Why not?"

"Okay, yes, I'll go and open a room for you! Let you take a good rest and taste our best wine!"

The security guard did not dare to say anything else, and hurriedly took Li Fan into the bar and opened the room for him.

The security guard was about to go out. Li Fan put his hands on his shoulders. "I'm bored. Stay with me here."

"I, I'm going to get you wine ..."

The security guard is about to cry.

"No, I don't drink when I'm doing business."

Li Fan's words made security despair.

"Are you afraid of me?"

Li Fan pressed the security guard to the sofa, making him sit beside him.

"Bad, afraid ..."

The security guard had just finished talking and was a little regretful. He said that he would be upset if he was afraid, so he hurriedly changed his tongue.

"No, don't be afraid ... you see you being so kind ..."

"Am I kind?"

Li Fan wanted to laugh when he heard, "I'm still kind?"

He pointed to his tiger head cover.

"You, you must be kind and won't kill anyone ..."

The security man said tremblingly, "Please be merciful, let me go, I'm really a good person."

"Oh? Why do you say you are a good person?"

"I haven't done any bad things. Although I have been mixing with Mouse Master for two years, I just have soy sauce."

"What do you believe?"

"You, why are you killing people?"

Obviously a bastard, but the security guard counseled very much, hiding in that shivering, he did not answer, but asked Li Fan instead.

"I only kill bad people."

"But how do you think ... the people you kill are bad guys ..."

The security officer asked, Li Fan thought for a long time.

"You are saying the same thing, and someone has asked me before. Let me put it another way. I want to kill all of them who messed me up."

"But I didn't mess with you ..."

The security guard was crying.

"Well, you didn't mess with me, but the people above you provoked me. If you want to hate, hate yourself for following the wrong person."

The security guard finally got out of control, he suddenly jumped up, rushed towards the door, and shouted at the same time.


Before the security words were finished, Li Fan threw out a cup on the table and smashed it on his head. He smashed him to the ground and lay on the ground.

Li Fan glanced at his watch and found that it was 12:50 in the morning. He was sitting on the sofa, waiting for Mouse's arrival.

There are a total of five or six industries under Long Qingyun's hands, and Li Fan has to pull them one by one.

It's almost time, Li Fan stretched himself and was ready to start.

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