My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 855: Intractable Mouse Lord

Chapter 855: Intractable Rat Lord

Rat Lord, with his four powerful men, went straight to his own bar.

The control of Emperor Capital is very strict. Many underground industries want to set up in Emperor Capital. Without a strong background, it is impossible. Fortunately, Mouse Master has such a strong background, and most people don't dare to touch this night club.

In this nightclub, his location is not remote, and there are some illegal transactions in it.

Drugs, pornography, for example, are almost everywhere in his bar.

There was a man called an eye under Master Mouse, because in the early years, he peeked at a woman to take a bath and was blinded by birth.

But he is not ashamed but proud, and now he is even more under the control of Lord Mouse, to cheat some young and ignorant young girls to come to this night to be a lady with wine. Someone said that one eye would do **** sooner or later. But one eye felt that they were making a big deal, and he thought he was helping these women. Why not make money by drinking and drinking at a bar and spending time with your guests?

But if I do good things, I should go to heaven for good things. How can he go to hell!

The Lord Mouse admired this, so he pulled him to his side and asked him to do things for himself.

This eye can get a new **** average for at least one week. Rat Lord comes every day. It takes one week to tune in the new girl, and then let the girl officially go to work.

Lord Mouse is the same today. He just dug out an eye for a little girl who just graduated from a health school. I heard that it was quite simple. Mouse Lord likes to play this innocent girl, that kind of seductive showy product, Mouse Lord sees too much, and most people can't get into his eyes!

"Niu is ready. I'll wait for you in the house!"

Rubbing his hands with one eye, he followed Moya with a smile.

Lord Rat was very satisfied. "Okay, I'm by your side, and I'm the most sensible of you."

"Thank you for your praise, I will continue to work hard!"

One eye couldn't be more fun. Although the man is very cruel, he is very generous when he is generous! This time, I must reward myself with a lot of money! Sure enough, to mingle with the grandfather, don't worry about eating and drinking!

One eye led Lord Mouse to the Emperor's Private Room No. 666, then opened the door and respectfully invited Lord Mouse to enter.

Mouse Lord looked down the open door, and sure enough, there was a tender girl, probably seventeen or eighteen, with eyes full of water, full of innocence.

She was also wearing the uniform of a high school in the Imperial Capital, and she must have been instructed by one eye to put it on. This time, the lethality is indeed very strong, and Lord Ye felt his lower body immediately strengthened.

It's great, it's the style you want.

The Mouse Lord walked in with a smile, closed the door behind him with one eye, and ordered a few beaters on purpose.

"Raw Lord's rules, you know, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to enter the house, you hear nothing!"

With that said, the footsteps of one eye went away.

Lord Mouse looked at the little sister paper sitting on the sofa, and his heart was itchy.

What she likes is exactly this kind of taste, especially the timidity in her eyes, which are all from the heart, not pretending!

Great, this is the best product!

Rat Lord licked his lips, and the whole man was excited.

Just as he was about to enjoy the girl, a sudden breeze felt over his head.

Lord Mouse looked up, and a man with a tiger's head mask was leaping from above his head. Rat Lord was scared. He subconsciously pulled out the pistol from the waist, but the tiger-headed man was faster and clasped directly on Rat Lord's head.


Li Fan pressed Rat's head and buckled him to the ground.

The Rat Lord was too late to scream, and was smashed to death.

Li Fan glanced at the little girl sitting there, and the other side seemed to be very scared, shaking with trembling.

Li Fanba, the Rat Lord resisted on his shoulders, and said to the girl, "Don't do this again."

Talking, Li Fan walked over and knocked the girl out with one palm.

He carried the Lord Mouse, opened the door of the private room, and came outside.

The four thugs were still standing in the doorway, and they saw Li Fan still stunned. Who is this?

And Li Fan clutched a tiger tooth dagger in his hand, and backhanded, and instantly cut a thug's throat.

Looking at the companions who were **** around their necks, the other three thugs reacted!

Li Fan has kicked a beater with one foot, one foot on his crotch, he screamed in pain.

The other two thugs took out pistols from their arms, but Li Fan was faster.

The tiger's paw in his hand turned and stabbed in through a thug's chest. While another thug raised his gun and was about to fire, Li Fan turned around and kicked off the gun in his hand, supplemented his foot, and kicked the thug to the ground.

The beater fainted, Li Fan, carrying the mouse grandfather, swaggered away and walked towards the outside.

When encountering thugs on the road, Li Fan directly added a dagger and killed the other directly.

These thugs basically have one after another, just like Huluwa saved Grandpa, all of them were killed by Li Fan.

Lord Rat only felt a headache, and when he woke up, he found that he was physically weak, and there was a busy traffic flow below.

The traffic flow became clearer and clearer, Lord Mouse suddenly heartbeat accelerated, he was even hung in the air!

He looked back, and sure enough, a rope tethered to his legs and hung him from the top of a building, still dangling in the night wind.

Lord Rat was afraid to struggle, for fear of falling down.

The tiger-headed man sitting on the edge of the building seemed to be snoring.

But the tiger head found himself awake, and immediately turned his head and glanced at himself.

"The scenery is good here?"

The tiger head asked.

"Tiger, who are you?"

Rat Lord has also seen Da Shi, "You ruined San Ye yesterday, are you?"

"Yes, it's me."

Li Fan nodded. "Don't patronize the scenery, come and talk about where Long Qingyun is."

Li Fan opened the door and asked the mountain, but Rat Ye sneered.

"Although I don't know who you are, do you think that this will scare me, Mouse?"

"Aren't you afraid?"

Li Fan was curious, "As long as I cut this rope, you will become a pile of meat."

"You dare not kill me. If you dare, you won't hang me here a lot."

Rat Master sneered again and again, Li Fan smiled.

"You're wrong, I'm just a bit too busy. It's nothing to kill you. Long Qingyun has so many industries to kill you, and others can tell me."

"You seem to be making sense, too."

Grandpa nodded, "But you can't kill me."

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