My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 856: 1.25 major cases

856 1.25 cases

"Can't kill you, are you sure?"

Li Fan turned the Desert Eagle in his hand, and pointed his muzzle at the mouse Lord hanging below.

"You shoot."

The Rat Lord said calmly, "See if you can kill me."

This Mouse Lord, it's very rigid!

Li Fan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, but he looked so fearless?

It's interesting.

Li Fan's brain turned quickly, thinking about how to let Rat Ye speak. But Rat Lord pulled a bag of white powder out of a hidden pocket of his sleeve, and it looked like that fairy powder.

Rat Lord inhaled the fairy powder into his mouth, and then his eyes began to glow blue.

There was a sudden burst of infuriation from the Rat Lord. He jumped up the rope and jumped to the top of Li Fan's head in a blink.

Really angry?

Li Fan was a little surprised. How could this guy be energetic?

Before that, he was obviously an ordinary person, how could he be really energetic.


The only explanation is that white fairy powder!

Before Li Fan wanted to understand, Lord Mouse had already jumped in front of him, and at the same time he slaped his face towards Li Fan's brows.

The authenticity of this palm belt is indeed not weak, at least it has a level of fire.

However, Li Fan directly raised the desert eagle and fired a shot at Ratye. The bullet hit directly on Ratye's shoulder, knocking Ratye's body out.

Only the fire was pure, and the bullets could not be blocked.

Rat Lord's body flew out, Li Fan grabbed his feet, and threw him back to the rooftop again.

Lying there, half of his shoulders were blown away, and the whole flesh was blurred, but because of the fairy powder, he still had a life.

"It seems you can't live long."

Li Fan squatted on the ground, looking at this rat master, lost in thought.

"Oh ... you killed me ... more people will come to kill you ... I ... give you a good place below ..."

After finishing speaking, Lord Mouse suddenly raised his hand and slapped him on the head with a slap.

Died of suicide.

Li Fan really admired the Mouse Lord, at least he was fierce.

In this way, the clue on the side of the mouse is also broken. The only clue in Li Fan's hand was the refining factory in Hebei.

However, before eradicating Long Qingyun's foundation in the imperial capital, Li Fan did not intend to move there.

"Don't do this in the next life."

Li Fan said, pulling out the shotgun from the back, aimed at the mouse, and shot him in the head.

You ca n’t let others know if something really infuriating. If you let outsiders come to see it, you might think that the Lord Mouse died in the hands of a martial artist.

This cannot be discovered, and it disrupts your plan.

But now it seems that things have gone beyond Li Fan's expectations. The appearance of fairy powder was beyond his expectation.

A medicinal powder that can be eaten by ordinary people. Although I don't know what the side effects are, they are already very good.

Li Fan cleaned up Rats, and then began to study other industries.

The sun rose quietly, and everything was returning to calm.

In the past few days, the emperor has been fried. In just a few days, another wave of people has been killed by the tiger head.

A nightclub of this size was swept away in a blink of an eye. Even the manager of the nightclub, Yang Xiaoshu, was brutally killed. This imperial capital, known as the safest city, simply slammed a big mouth!

"Resolve the case! Be sure to solve the case within a week!"

At the Royal Metropolitan Police Station, the director is furious.

This matter has been characterized as a major case of 1.25, and the above is also a hard target. You must catch this tiger-headed man who is the evil capital in a week!

However, the tiger-headed man seemed to come and go without a trace. When the whole city wanted him, he still destroyed the two industries of the imperial capital.

One bath and the other is a games room.

Although it is not a very big place, there are also many dead people. Four cases have been added together, and more than 100 people have died.

This number is not a small number, catching up with a natural disaster!

"If you don't solve the case again, you all go home and farm!"

The secretary growled.

Not that he wanted to lose his temper, but that the people above him also lost his temper like him!

The director's anger has been able to burn everything, but the tiger head people didn't catch it.

"Zhang Ju, we have carefully investigated the scene. But the tiger's whereabouts are weird, and he knows anti-reconnaissance methods very well. He did not leave any fingerprints and DNA on the scene, and we cannot find any information about him."

"What about the camera? When he left these locations, he was riding a black locomotive. We have Skynet. Couldn't find where his car went last?"

"We found it."

His men immediately reported, "But every time his locomotive entered the tunnel, it disappeared from the camera. And no matter which tunnel he went through, he would disappear without a trace, as if it had evaporated."

"Nonsense! Who will evaporate out of nowhere! Look at the surveillance at that time, and whether there was a truck or something coming out of it. This tiger-headed man is very cunning. He is likely to hide in a van and hide the locomotive while it is on the plane. . "

"We also thought about this possibility, but we have also investigated the trucks that came out at the same time, and all are fine."

These policemen were also helpless. They did not understand that when Li Fan was out of the tunnel, he reflected the light with his vitality. Although it is impossible to completely hide, it can temporarily shield itself from the camera.

In particular, the place where he rented his house belonged to a very remote area. The Skynet of the police did not control it there.

Although Emperor Capital has a powerful Skynet system, this system cannot be spread all over the corner.

However, Li Fan will eventually miscalculate.

"Actually trying to find the suspect is simple."

An old police officer took out the map and circled several areas on it.

"You see, when the suspect left the scene of the crime, they all went in this direction. It can be inferred that the suspect was probably in this direction, that is, this area. Only in this area, the police's Skynet did not have comprehensive control. As long as we block here, we will be able to find the suspect's car. Locking the car will naturally lock the suspect. "

"OK! This method works!"

The director nodded. "Immediate control, find out the suspect! We have limited time, act now!"


All the police in the Imperial City acted and began to collect the whereabouts of the tiger-headed man.

At the same time, it's not just the police who are furious, Long Qingyun is also a variety of scolds!

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