My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 858: To an address

858 come to an address

Li Fan held a machine gun in his hand and pulled the trigger. The fire tongue engulfed the mercenaries.

None of the mercenaries survived the disaster, and in a blink of an eye, all mercenaries were fragmented by Li Fan.

This machine gun was captured by Li Fan from the bath of Long Qingyun a few days ago. The bath was almost an arsenal. I am afraid that it would be unexpected for most people to have such a place.

The imperial capital is known as a safe place, but every city has a dark side. Now Li Fan is cleaning up the dark side of the capital.

When the explosion flames dissipated, the only surviving person in the field was the Sogo.

He looked at Li Fan, while injecting himself with an angel potion, while lowering the box behind him.

Li Fan just hit a shuttle bullet, he threw the machine gun aside, and pulled out the desert eagle again.

Sogo has kicked the box open, with a big sword in it.

There are some strange energy blocks inlaid on this big sword, and I don't know what it is used for.

Li Fan fired a shot at Sogo, but Sogo raised his big sword, and the bullet suddenly stopped in front of Sogo, and then fell down.

Li Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and it seemed that his sword was nasty.

Sogo held his big sword and waved hard! A peculiar force spread immediately, and all the surrounding tables and chairs were crushed by this force and scattered on the ground.

And Li Fan felt a burst of pressure, oppressing him, as if he had made him weight dozens of times!

Li Fan knelt on the ground, unable to raise his gun.

"This is a super-weapon with super-gravity. Against mortals like you, it is like an artifact."

Sogo raised his big sword and walked towards Li Fan step by step.

In fact, as long as Li Fan used his energy, Sogo ’s gravity would have no effect on him.

But until now, Li Fan still intends to hide his strength. Do not use it until the last minute.

Li Fan pulled a grenade from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

Sogo glanced, but Li Fan closed his eyes.

A strong light flashed, Sogo's pierced eyes turned white, and for a moment nothing was visible.

He immediately clenched his great sword, letting gravity cover the surroundings, covering his body and protecting himself.

By the time he recovered his sight, Li Fan had disappeared and did not know where he was hiding.

Sogo sneered, and he took out a pair of high-tech glasses and put them on his eyes.

His sight had changed completely, the room became blood red, and all the objects with body temperature were revealed in his glasses.

But there was a corpse on the ground, and Li Fan was not found at all.

Sogo frowned, holding his big sword, looking around for Li Fan's figure.

Sogo held a big sword and looked for Li Fan.

Just then, a bullet burst out suddenly, suddenly appeared in front of him, and stopped in front of him less than ten centimeters.

Sniper bomb!

Seeing that the sniper bomb fell to the ground, Sogo sweated coldly.

At the time when he had just put away the gravity, the tiger-headed man had hid and stood in a distant position, using a sniper rifle to deal with himself.

But where is the tiger head hiding? The hall was so large, but there was no energy response from the tiger head.


Another sniper bomb hit him, this time closer!

Sogo sweated coldly, he glanced in the direction of the bullet, and found a faint light of energy, in another room!

Damn it! Why did this **** run so far away and hit himself so accurately across the room?


The third sniper projectile hit Sogo ’s forehead. Although he could n’t break Sogo ’s forehead under the pressure of gravity, he still hurt his head, let Sogo ’s pain scream, and hold back his head.


The fourth sniper bomb arrived, completely tearing Sogo ’s gravity defense and blasting his head.

Sogo's headless body fell to the ground, and the great sword fell to the side.

Li Fan, carrying a sniper rifle, glanced at the punctured hole in the wall, then walked to Sogo side by side.

He picked up the great sword and looked carefully.

This sword seems to have unique abilities, but this is just a sword. How can it be done?

Li Fan looked at the energy block on the sword and found that the energy block was darker. It seems that this sword needs additional energy to launch its ability. Li Fan tried it, infused Zhenqi into it, and the luminosity of this energy block lit up again.

Li Fan has always had a conjecture that in this world, no matter it is true energy, super power, or any other power, it is a very pure energy.

Even what people usually eat is supplemented with this energy. The energy should be able to be transformed into each other, so one's true energy can activate Bai Linluo's good man card, and can also add energy to this super sword.

Li Fan raised this big sword with a switch on it. He pressed the switch and a gravitational force appeared around him. And a kind of aura-like thing appeared on Li Fan's body, wrapping him up so that he was not affected by gravity.

This stuff is really weird. What exactly has Long Qingyun developed?

This thing seems to play a role in your own plan.

Li Fangang just stowed the big sword, and at this time, the phone on Sogo's body rang.

Li Fan took out the phone, wiped the blood on Sogo's body, and then connected the phone.

"Sogo, how are things going?"

A familiar voice came from the phone.

"Mr. Dragon, when shall we meet?"

Li Fan asked, pressing his voice.


Long Qingyun's voice froze for a moment, and seemed a little shocked.

"Yeah, you see that I've been looking for you for so long, so sincere. Shouldn't you also come out and see me?"

Li Fan asked with a smile.

"Who the **** are you and why are you provoking me?"

"This, you know when you meet."

Li Fan said, "You may be dreaming of me every night now, don't worry, give me an address, and I'll go and meet you now."

"Do you think you're great?"

Long Qingyun's voice carried a little anger, as if it implied a thunder. "From the moment you provoked me, you are destined to die!"

"You're a second-second sickness."

Li Fan laughed, "If that's the case, will you still be uprooted by me in the imperial capital's industry? You can continue to hide, I see when you will hide!"

"Fulongshan Villa, come here."

Long Qingyun snorted, if you have that courage.

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