My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 859: Super sweeper

859 Super Sweeper

Fulong Mountain Villa, this is a very famous villa area in Didu. People who live here are either rich or expensive.

Long Qingyun lived in this place, and his villa was waiting.

Many sweepers in dark-green uniforms wandered beside the villa with special firearms.

Long Qingyun can only solve this matter by himself, not others.

He manages a lot of sweepers, and now it comes in handy.

What hurts Long Qingyun the most is not the money that his casino has lost in the past few days, nor the lost industries. In his position, these things are gone, although unhappy, but sooner or later they can get up again.

The night had come and Li Fan arrived as promised.

He rode a motorcycle, all the way to the dust, and came to the villa side of Fulong Mountain.

It was late, and the moon hung in the air with a little yellow moon halo. The black night sky filled the sky, and the villas in the community were lit with light, reflecting the surrounding yard.

Li Fan squatted on the outside fence and looked at the largest villa in front of him. The villa is located next to a lake, and many sweepers are patrolling around the villa to protect the villa's security.

Li Fan gathered his eyes with his true energy, and his eyes immediately turned golden.

The darkness seemed to be dispersed. In Li Fan's sight, all the scenes were stained with a layer of golden red.

Judging by the color of these people's energy, there is no martial artist here. However, in the villa, there is a person with a strange energy ray, do not know which master.

Li Fan has not seen this kind of light.

It does not belong to the martial arts fighters, nor to the mutants, nor to those Paladins in Europe.

New warrior?

But no matter who it is, this level is all set.

Li Fan, wearing a mask directly, swaggered towards the villa.

The sweepers on the opposite side soon saw a tiger-headed person approaching them generously, and they stumbled first.

This guy did come, but why did he come straight to his feet? Is there something fool?

These people were guessing that the tiger-headed man had approached them with a big sword in his left hand. Immediately after the tiger's sword was swung, all the sweepers immediately felt their bodies sank and fell to their knees on the ground. The sweepers around the house, all of them fluttered, and finally all lay on the ground.

Instead of relying on his own energy, Li Fan used this great sword to easily solve the sweepers around him.

He held a silencer pistol in his right hand and fired at the sweepers.

The sweepers couldn't escape, all of them were shot dead by Li Fan's pistol.

Li Fan walked into the villa's courtyard, and the big sword in his hand almost became an artifact of the seal.

Within a radius of 100 meters, all people will be overwhelmed by pressure.

"Long Qingyun, have you cleaned it up, my lord is here?"

Li Fan shouted at the villa.

But the good times didn't last long. Li Fan hadn't waited for arrogance. The windows on the second floor were suddenly opened, and the four figures fell from the sky!

Each of these four figures wore strange mechanical equipment and looked very weird.

Behind them is a large instrument, relying on this instrument, they can actually move freely under the gravity field of the superblade.

The four men simultaneously raised their special firearms and started firing at Li Fan.

Strange red lasers were fired from their firearms, which were swept towards Li Fan's body.

Li Fan could feel the powerful power contained in the laser. He rolled on the spot, avoided the laser that was shot in front of him, and jumped behind the wall of the house.

The laser was scanned on a big tree just behind Li Fan, and the tree was directly scanned into coke.

This laser has no effect on the gravity field of the sword.

Li Fan wanted to perceive the positions of these people with authenticity, but some of them seemed to have blocked their authenticity and could not feel it at all.

What a hell, what kind of routine do these people play?

It seems that this is another new humanoid weapon of the sweeper.

That set of equipment should be able to invalidate all energy, including your own energy, maybe it has no effect.

But Qi is just one of the strengths of martial arts fighters. Li Fan has his own strengthened body. These guys, I'm afraid they can't bear their punch!

However, the matter of the martial arts cannot be exposed, Li Fan decided to take the risk and change his routine.

He quietly showed his head and fired at one of the sweepers.

But the bullet stopped before the sweeper, and then dropped slowly.

Gravitational field!

These guys also have magnetic fields that control gravity. In this case, Li Fan's firearms are useless.

As if Li Fan could hear the laughter from Long Qingyun, he vowed to come over and kill him, but at this time he was blocked out, even the four sweepers could not deal with it.

Li Fan bowed his head and glanced at the superblade in his hand. This thing is quite sharp, but if the opponent has a gravitational field, I am afraid I can't cut it.

This is tricky.

Li Fan was feeling depressed. A sweeper had rushed to his front while firing at Li Fan again and again.

Li Fan was embarrassed to dodge again, and going on like this was too bad for himself.

At this time, Long Qingyun finally appeared.

Next to him was a man with a black iron mask, who slowly walked out of the villa, stood in the yard, and looked at the wolf-headed man with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, say ok to kill me?"

Long Qingyun is very arrogant under the protection of four super sweepers.

With these four super sweepers, they are basically invincible.

A super sweeper suddenly fell from the sky, fell in front of Li Fan, and raised the laser gun at the same time.

Li Fan, however, wielded the super-powerful sword and fell down.

Although these super sweepers have gravitational fields, they can only cover about five centimeters of their bodies. The raised laser gun was useless and was cut off directly by Li Fan's sword.

After Li Fan cut off a laser gun, he rolled on the spot again, turned around and hid behind the nearby room.

"Oh, that's a good idea."

Long Qingyun smiled, "But do you think you can beat my super sweeper by cutting off the laser gun?"

Long Qingyun was very confident, and Li Fan suddenly appeared and chopped off another super sweeper's laser gun again.

But the super sweeper suddenly stretched out his hands and lifted Li Fan's body directly, then threw it out severely and smashed into a tree behind.


Li Fan's body broke the tree and fell on the grass in the back.

"An ordinary person dares to challenge my authority! It's ridiculous!"

Long Qingyun yelled, "You should pay the price!"

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