860 Incredible

A super sweeper bounced on both legs, and the whole person jumped up, just like a cannonball, and immediately arrived in front of Li Fan! He held up his hands, fisted in the air, and then fell fiercely towards Li Fan!

Li Fan rolled on the spot and hid to the side.


A pit was smashed into the ground, and dust and earth and stones flew up.

Li Fan was very embarrassed. He got up, and the tiger's head was covered with dust.

The machines on them seemed to strengthen them.

"These super sweepers have new skeletal instruments."

Long Qingyun said proudly, "They are all troops built with the most powerful technology in the world. These people can not only eliminate the superpowers of mutants, but also strengthen their own physical quality, which is ten times more than ordinary people. ! "

While talking, another super sweeper ran to Li Fan, and kicked towards Li Fan's abdomen!

Long Qingyun waited for this man to be smashed by a super sweeper and challenged his authority, this is the end!

Li Fan leaped to the side and avoided it.


A small tree with a thick mouth behind Li Fan was directly cut off by him.

"Hide, I see how long you can hide!"

Long Qingyun sneered again and again, "Don't struggle anymore, you will not live long."

During the conversation, two super sweepers had reached Li Fan's side, and the two attacked from side to side, attacking Li Fan at the same time.

Long Qingyun's smile was getting stronger and stronger, looking at Li Fan as if looking at the dead.

The fists of the two super sweepers reached Li Fan's cheek. In Long Qingyun's heart, the troubled tiger head man would be beaten into flesh in the next second!

But he was disappointed. The tiger-headed man suddenly stretched out his hands, grabbed the heads of the two super sweepers directly, and bumped their heads together.


The two Super Sweepers stunned to death.

Although these two people can be immune to the energy around the field, but Li Fan's strong body is actually trained!

That was the hard work he had done every day, plus the hard work in life and death battles!

Even if Qi is not effective, Li Fan's physical strength has already exceeded ordinary people more than ten times!


Long Qingyun was startled, a little distrustful of his eyes.

The Hutou slowly walked towards himself, and the remaining two super sweepers immediately started the laser gun and opened fire on Li Fan! However, Li Fan's body moved left and right, so that the other side's laser beam fell through.

"What the **** are you!"

Long Qingyun was a little shocked. The strength and skill of this guy is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Do you know angel potions?"

Li Fan will not tell the truth, let this guy guess.

But as soon as the name of the angel potion came out, Long Qingyun seemed to understand something.

"It really is an angel potion! What country are you from? Agent Long Qingyun is my honorary chairman in the League of Nations. I and the major powers have the same interests! We should not be enemies!"

"No, we are the enemy."

Li Fan clenched his fists, "Long Qingyun, I'm collecting debts for Yan Wang!"

Talking, Li Fan took a few steps forward, with a residual image, and suddenly came to the two super sweepers.

With a big sword in Li Fan's hand, the heads of the two people were cut off and flew out.

Under his force, even if there is a gravity field, Li Fan can completely overcome it!

Looking at the two headless bodies falling beside him, Long Qingyun just frowned.

He is also a person who has seen strong winds and waves. Such a scene can't scare him.

"I underestimated you."

Long Qingyun held his hands and looked at Li Fan.

"Long Qingyun, you're almost there."

Li Fan pulled out his pistol again and pointed at Long Qingyun in front of him. "I won't listen to your last words. Goodbye."

Killing Long Qingyun, the factory in Hebei will not run. Li Fan does not intend to inquire about any useful information from Long Qingyun. He is an old river and lake. Some things must be taken to the grave.

"What do you think, Long Qingyun?

Long Qingyun smiled indifferently, "Since you are here to kill me, at least first find out, who is my Long Qingyun!"

"Go to Hell and introduce yourself to King Yan."

Li Fan pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit Long Qingyun.

Long Qingyun's face did not change color, but at this moment, another figure fell in the sky and slapped the bullet directly.

This figure is not particularly tall, about the same height as Li Fan.

A black mask stuck over his face, covering his face.

Who is this?

Li Fan really gathered her eyes and found out that this is the man with strange energy.

"Tony, come to introduce you grandly. This codename is Terminator, the most advanced humanoid weapon of the Emperor."

Long Qingyun introduced it proudly, "His power is far superior to these super sweepers. No matter who you are, you will soon die, and it is estimated that Lord Yan will not remember your name."

Li Fan was a little disbelieving, and he fired three shots in a row.

"Bang, bang!"

All three rounds were slapped by the so-called Terminator with a slap, like a fly.

Li Fan beat up the drum in his heart. What the **** is this terminator?

Although the opponent has strange energy, it feels weird.

"Terminator 0, kill him."

Long Qingyun gave an order, and the Terminator immediately turned his head, and his eyes seemed to be looking at Li Fan through the gap of the mask.

Li Fan felt a chill.

The Terminator stretched out his right palm and aimed at Li Fan, a powerful wind pressure broke out in the palm of his hand!

Similar to palm wind, directly oppressed Li Fan!

Li Fan stiffened, and then flew out with a single blow.

He directly smashed the back wall and smashed into the room.

The rubble pressed against him, and the dust stimulated his sense of smell.

This palm is really hurt!

The Terminator can burst into such a powerful palm wind, this palm, at least has the power of five dragons!

Li Fan's gun also fell to the side. When he was about to get the gun, the Terminator suddenly appeared in front of Li Fan, then turned and kicked, it was a trick to kick Bailu down and went straight to Li Fan's door. Come!

Li Fan was shocked. He blocked his hands with one hand in front of him!

The Terminator did not move, Li Fan was kicked again, this time smashing the house and hitting the backyard.

Li Fan rolled on the spot, unloaded his strength, and climbed up again, watching the Terminator oppositely.

How could it be that White Deer kicked the door!

Isn't this his seven chivalrous fist, how could it be exhibited by outsiders?

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