My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 861: Fight yourself

861 Fight with yourself

Li Fan is very surprised. Qixiaquan is a kung fu created by himself. How can outsiders learn it except for his apprentices?

Qixiaquan looks simple, just like ordinary Xingyiquan. But there are thousands of hidden changes that cannot be copied.

Even Jin Jiumao, who is proficient in Xingyiquan, cannot learn the essence of Li Fan.

But this terminator, he actually played the same, and there is a little essence in it.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Li Fan thought that the person who punched was the past himself.

The Terminator stepped forward and stretched out his hands, slowly lowering his body.

An aura appeared on him, Li Fan felt the momentum of the Black Tiger King!

how can that be possible?

Without waiting for Li Fan to think, the other party seemed to be a tiger descending from the mountain, and suddenly rushed to Li Fan's front, then his hands were like tiger claws, and a series of attacks were launched against Li Fan.

It's like a real tiger attacking Li Fan. Li Fan can hit the opponent by flying the tiger, but this will reveal his identity.

Li Fan kept backing, and at the same time pulled out the super-powered sword, casting the gravity field on the super-powered sword.

However, as soon as the opponent's body sank, he resisted the ten-fold gravity field and grabbed Li Fan with one hand.

Dad bear pile driver!

What a familiar move was used on Li Fan himself!

The Terminator slammed Li Fan on the ground.

The Terminator raised his foot again, ready to make a move to make a move.


Li Fan ducked away, this foot on the ground, stepping out of the ground with a footprint.

"Don't worry about it, you can't escape. The power of the Terminator is not what you can imagine! He will, but the top ten" Seven Chivalrous Fist "of the magical spectrum! My Terminator, not It's too perfect, only the gene of the Black Tiger Emperor. But this one is enough to kill you! "

Long Qingyun's words made Li Fan obliged. What do you mean, are these people the Terminators that they made with their own genes?

Li Fan now has a government signboard, and some things are inconvenient.

He pondered for a moment and decided not to sit still.

Why can't I use it since others can use Qixiaquan?

Li Fan thought of his tiger-head cover, boldly, and his body sank a little, and then he performed tiger attack.

For a master of skill such as Li Fan, he can defeat the opponent's Black Tiger Emperor only by using Tiger Strike.

The Terminator is another black tiger.

But Li Fan's body slammed on the ground, grasping the ground with both hands, as if the tiger had fallen to the ground, and thus avoided the attack of the Terminator.

At the same time, Li Fan's body bounced up again, one claw lifted directly, and a mask of the Terminator was torn.

Later, Li Fan added a kick, a tiger fluttered, and took a step back from the Terminator's body.

The Terminator stood firm again, Li Fan glanced, his spinal cord was cold.

The person opposite had a face exactly like himself!

Although there are some gaps, they are basically the same!

Own gene ... terminator ...

Li Fan seems to understand something.

This Terminator is a warrior created with his own genes!

I am afraid that the energy in him is a fusion of many genes!

"You can't live without seeing your face."

Long Qingyun laughed. "The existence of this terminator is still a secret."

The Terminator leaped forward and launched another fast break towards Li Fan!

Every strength he grabs can tear the air. If it is an unfamiliar person, I really think it is Li Fan who is punching.

While looking at the gap of the Terminator, Li Fan directly remembered that the black tiger climbed up the mountain, hitting the Terminator's chest, and the Terminator hit a step back.

Li Fan's moves followed, and the black tiger slammed the second half of the mountain. His palms clasped the Terminator's cheek and slammed his head into the ground. Li Fan pressed the Terminator's head and dragged him forward more than ten meters away.

Blood and dust were flying everywhere. Even the Terminator, he was persuaded to face the angry Li Fan.


Long Qingyun was astonished to see Li Fan casually falling the Terminator to one side.

"You turned out to be a martial artist? Who did you learn from?

"Your people will be the black tiger emperor, why can't I be able to attack tigers? This kind of superficial kung fu can be learned at hand."

Li Fan pretended to be arrogant. "Well, the obstacles have been cleared up, and our accounts should be accounted for."

Li Fan was about to go forward, and the terminator behind him suddenly jumped up again.

Terminator's head was blurred, but he put an injection in his right hand, and his injuries began to recover immediately.

Angel potion?

This guy's body is really weird. The angel potion can restore physical function, it is really powerful.

After Terminator's use of the potion of angels, his strength rose with the water.

He swooped over and grabbed his hands together towards Li Fan's head!

The attacking rhythm of the Black Tiger Emperor is very rapid.

And because of Li Fan's genes, which almost brings physical memory, this terminator's attack has few loopholes, and Li Fan has no chance to find a defensive counterattack.

To deal with the black tiger emperor, snake attack or dragon emperor snake is the best.

But Li Fan now has to hide his kung fu and can only perform tiger attack.

He now turned his back to Long Qingyun, and immediately brought his eyes together to look for the weakness in the Terminator.

The Terminator's body is almost perfect, because it is a human being created, so the degree of perfection is higher than normal people.

Before Li Fan finds the weakness, the Terminator's claws have reached his ear!

Li Fan was short again, lying on the ground, avoiding the Terminator's attack.

This guy is similar to his martial arts, and really needs a little skill to deal with him.

Li Fan leapt forward, jumped out, and distanced himself from the Terminator.

"Ha ha ha! See no, you can only die in front of my mighty Terminator!"

Long Qingyun laughed proudly, this terminator is really amazing!

"Although it is only the first-generation Terminator, its power and function are not perfect. But against you, it's really a trick! You know, in front of us, you are just an ant! I just need to move my mouth to kill you ! "

Li Fan looked at the proud Long Qingyun there and kept sneering.

Be proud, you won't be too long.

The Terminator came to Li Fan again, and even exhibited a black tiger climbing the mountain, hitting Li Fan's chest directly, causing him to stiffen, and then banging his head on the ground.

Li Fan was lying there, motionless.


Long Qingyun laughed, "Finally dead!"

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