My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 863: Shenxian powder manufacturing plant

863 Shenxianfen Manufactory

"You kill me, you can't run!"

Long Qingyun warned Li Fan, "I'm from the government, you dare to kill me, and endless troubles!"

"Is it?"

Li Fan smiled. "Don't die in peace. No one knows who I am."

"It's not necessarily."

Long Qingyun's voice shouted, "In this world, there are no airtight walls, you understand."

"Even one day, you won't see it."

Li Fan grabbed Long Qingyun's throat, then pulled out a pistol, and pressed it against the back of his head.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Long Qingyun suddenly lost her calmness, sending out a series of screams, and a smell of **** in her lower body, "Please don't kill me, please give me everything you want! All for you!"

"Let's talk to Lord Yan then."

Li Fan said, pulling the trigger directly.

The bullet penetrated Long Qingyun's head and splashed on Li Fan's mask, making this tiger-head mask even more horrible.

Long Qingyun was finally killed, but Li Fan did not have any pleasure.

Kill him just because he provoked his brother, so he must die. But his death will not have much effect. I am afraid that from now on, there will be more people who hate to take over Long Qingyun's position.

Before he had no absolute power, Li Fan could not control the overall situation.

The little overlord was restricted by layers for various reasons. But this tiger head is different. In the dark, there is a mask to cover himself, but Li Fan moves more easily.

He sat there, looking at Long Qingyun, who was blown up in front of him, with mixed feelings in his heart.

At this moment, Mr. Yang sat in front of Li Fan again, stretched out a finger, touched **** and blood on Long Qingyun's head, and tasted it in his mouth.

"It tastes good. Do you like it?"

Mr. Yang asked Li Fan.

"What are you doing out there! Go back!"

Li Fan shouted.

"Too ruthless."

Mr. Yang smiled, "Li Fan, don't forget, you need me. Because I am you, you are me."

"Don't worry, come to disturb my silence!"

Li Fan shouted.


Mr. Yang laughed and laughed, "Li Fan, Li Fan, haven't you understood? I and you are already one. Will you do this kind of thing before?

Mr. Yang said, reaching out.

Li Fan glanced, outside the car, lying in groups of corpses.

Every corpse was made by Li Fan himself, and he has transformed from an ordinary high school student into a terrible killer.

"Now you don't pay attention to killings at all. Deep down in your heart, you desire to kill and destroy the world!"


Li Fan was a bit angry, why the **** Mr. Yang, the **** demon, poked at his own heart!

Could it be that he is really a bloodthirsty killer?

Li Fan was angry and looked at Mr. Yang.

"Even if you don't admit it, you can't betray your heart."

Mr. Yang reminded Li Fan again, "Remember the smell of blood, Li Fan."

"Get off, who will taste the blood! Evil is not disgusting!"

Li Fan waved and tried to disperse Mr. Yang.

Mr. Yang smiled, his body slowly disappeared.

Li Fan was relieved, but he felt a little fishy.

He reached out a touch of blood, even with blood on his hand!

Li Fan was shocked.

He seemed to hear Mr. Yang's voice echoing in his ear, "You can't get rid of me, I'm you!"

Li Fan frowned. He wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, endured the blood in his mouth, and got off the car.

The killing of Long Qingyun, an official of the Imperial Capital, once again detonated the whole of China.

This time, Hutou people have become the country's wanted objects, and they have become the objects of people chatting after tea.

It is said that the tiger-headed man killed all the members involved in the black, so some people touted the tiger-headed man as the messenger of justice from heaven. There are also people who scold the tiger head, saying that he is a pervert using lynching.

Either way, it doesn't matter to Li Fan. He had left the imperial capital at this time, and came to Hebei with a high-speed rail.

As a neighbor of the imperial capital, many people living in the imperial capital like to choose to settle here. House prices in the Imperial Capital remain high, while houses in Hebei are much cheaper. So many people choose to buy a real estate here as a shelter.

Li Fan got off the train and rushed to the factory that Sanye said from the first time.

Although Long Qingyun was dead, the factory still seemed to be operating normally and business as usual.

From the outside, this is just a simple feed processing factory. Li Fan squatted at the factory door for a long time and couldn't see any fuss.

Is this really just a normal factory?

Just when Li Fan was hesitant, two men with black iron masks came out of the factory.

These two had sabers hanging around their waists, with a master's breath on their bodies.

"Long Qingyun is dead, Zhuang mainly finds an agent again."

The two seemed to be out to let out the wind. They leaned against the corner of the wall and whispered in their mouths.

"Yeah, I didn't expect this guy Long Qingyun to be so brittle, and he said he would bring a terminator. I don't think that guy could do it."

"The Terminator is a joke, huh."

Another companion taunted, "How can some copying people be more powerful. We have been hardworking our internal strength for so many years, and are not as good as some toys made."

"But I heard that the Terminators were made from genes extracted from Li Fan, the little bully."

"Little bully is a fart, he just didn't come. If he comes, I will flatten him like that!"

"Don't blow it. But no matter how powerful the bully is, it is not as good as a finger of the owner."

"That's ... OK, OK, go back and stop talking."

The two were ventilating outside and then turned back to the factory.

Li Fan silently followed behind them. The workers in this factory seemed to be ordinary people, and no one noticed Li Fan's arrival. He followed quietly behind the two iron men and entered the feed mill.

Sure enough, there are mysteries in the feed mill. The peripheral factories produce pig feed, but there is also a processing plant in the basement, which should process immortal powder.

However, Li Fan hid in the dark and looked at the elevator in front of him.

This elevator uses a combination lock. When the two iron men entered just now, they were facing away from Li Fan, and the password entered was not seen by Li Fan.

Even if you see the password, Li Fan is not easy to use. This factory is full of cameras, and if one is not careful, Li Fan will expose himself.

Now the two roads are in front of Li Fan. Are they hard offensive or clever?

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