My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 864: Hell evil tiger

864 Hell evil tiger

Li Fan chose a clever choice.

He didn't know the situation inside the factory and didn't plan to storm. It's not that they're afraid of danger. It's just that in case everyone is shocked, that's not good.

Li Fan squatted quietly in the dark corner, and the whole person was motionless like a statue.

As time passed by, Li Fan remained silent and said nothing. Many people walked past him, no one noticed that in this place, there were still individuals hidden.

Li Fan is like an old hunter who has been waiting for many years. Soon, the prey finally came. An iron-faced man slowly came out of the door, holding a pack of cigarettes in his hand, and seemed to be looking for a place to smoke a cigarette.

He hadn't even thought about it, someone would be hiding here.

When he walked past the shadow, a hand suddenly stretched out of the dark place, and dragged the iron man into the darkness.

The Iron Man didn't wait to react, and Li Fan's palm had pierced his throat, tearing his throat bone out.

Li Fan cleaned up the man's blood, and then stripped off his clothes and the black iron mask, which he brought to his face.

In this way, Li Fan is no different from an ordinary iron man.

He sorted his clothes and walked into the elevator.

There was a code lock in the elevator, but Li Fan observed for a long time and had already determined the code from their hand movements.

The elevator descended slowly and took Li Fan to the basement.

As Li Fan expected, there must be no caves underneath. There is also a processing plant here, and many machines are making a roar.

Before Li Fan came, he had been guessing how this fairy powder was made. When he arrived at the underground factory, the whole man was compared.

In this underground factory, all the martial artists were locked up.

These martial artists were all dying, and they were each locked in a nutrition trough and fed with some nutrient solution.

Countless pipes are connected to their bodies, extracting energy from them, and then transporting them to the nearby pipes.

These pipes concentrate the energy, and then process the energy from another machine to form a special red powder.

These powders were then purified by several workers to become white fairy powder.

Li Fan clenched his fists, **** it, these **** were so excessive that they used the human body to refine the fairy powder!

Just as Li Fan was peeping, the two iron men held two people, one large and one small, down from the top.

This is a pair of father and son. The father is about forty years old and the child is about ten years old.

"You just dispose of me and let my son go."

The father was bloody, and his voice was full of fortitude, and he said to the two iron men.

One of the iron faces kicked him and turned him to the ground.

"No matter who you were before, here you are nourishing! Nourishing has no right to speak!"

Another iron man said, pulling out the long knife directly, piercing the child's heart from behind.


His father's eyes were about to explode, and the iron man patted him directly on the head with a slap, and fainted him.

"How to kill?"

"This boy is not really angry, it is waste to keep it, killing him happy."

"Also. Just use his body to train Dan, and leave it to the suzerain to supplement his body."

As the two iron men talked, they delivered the middle-aged man to the nutrition trough.

Li Fan was really stunned. He didn't expect that these iron men were so cruel, even a child was killed!

An anger burned from the bottom of Li Fan's heart, and his eyes gradually turned red.

Mr. Yang's voice appeared in Li Fan's ears again. "These people deserve to kill them."

Li Fan's heart was about to move.

When Li Fan was going crazy, another iron-faced man walked over with a teenager.

"It's time to **** him off."

"Is this ... OK?"

"Others just live, it's useless to keep it."

"it is good."

Several iron-faced men were scrambling to get the teenager into the nutrition trough.

But at this moment, a tiger-headed man slowly walked out of the dark, stretched out his hands, and his palm was full of burning energy.


An iron-faced man immediately pulled out his sabre and rushed towards the tiger-headed man.

The Iron Man's knife was inserted into the Hutou man's abdomen. The Hutou man was unmoved, and tore the iron man's neck with one claw, and tore his head out.

The tiger head pulled out the knife on the lower abdomen, and the wound was healing rapidly.

The other two iron men were taken aback. They immediately pulled out their long swords, one left and one right, and stood siege towards the tiger-headed man!

The two rushed to the tiger-headed man, and the tiger-headed man suddenly stretched out his hands and grabbed the two iron-faced men's swords directly with the palm of his hand.

The tiger-headed man seemed to have a pair of iron palms, holding the long knife and not letting go. At the same time, a roar came from his mouth.


Tigers Howling Forest!

The two iron men shivered with this voice, their bodies shaking slightly.

The tiger's head crushed the two men's long knives, then split their claws, pierced the two men's throats, and tore their throats apart.

The presence of a brazen tiger-headed man surprised his guards.

Many iron men rushed towards Li Fan from all directions, each of them carrying a sword, with a steady and sharp knife, all of them were trained elite.

They rushed towards the tiger-head man, but the tiger-head man was short, as if the tiger was lying on the ground.

"Hungry tigers come out!"

The Toutou's body rushed out, and with a residual image, he flashed past the Iron Man.

His tiger claws kept waving, and each time he shattered the body of an iron man without mercy.

After a minute, the ground was filled with the minced meat of the iron man, and the tiger head man didn't hurt much except that he hit a few knives.

The iron man in this underground factory has been killed by the tiger head.

The boy knelt on the ground dumbly, looking at the tiger-headed man.

The tiger-headed man slowly walked towards him, his hands were still bleeding. The suffocation of the tiger-headed man, as if the tiger evil spirit crawled out of hell, devoured all the evil in the world.

The boy no longer hesitated, he knelt directly in front of the tiger-headed person, and threw three heads toward the tiger-headed person.

This is a gift of worship, and the boy waits for the tiger head to respond.

There was a fascination in the eyes of the young man.

What he waited for seemed to be such a man who came down from the sky and came to save himself. No, it's not salvation, it should be salvation.

Li Fan's demon gradually calmed down, watching the boy in front of him, his heart was a little strange.

Isn't this young man Jiangye?

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