My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 868: Legend of the Phoenix King

868 The Legend of the Phoenix King

Li Fan thought the alert had been loosened, but he knew he was thinking wrong.

Both Emperor Capital and Hebei have conducted strict investigations on Hutou people, and even launched a curfew after 10 o'clock in recent days!

The tiger-headed man was identified as ****, and a death order was issued above, to see people alive, to see dead bodies!

Although Li Fan did not take these policemen to his heart, he was still worried. Because the heavens and underground, and even the water, the main roads are all blocked.

All people entering and leaving the country will be strictly investigated. Li Fan wanted to leave from Hebei, it was hard to fly.

In the end, Li Fan decided to follow the line of the Phoenix King.

The King of Phoenix's network is spread all over China, and even in Hebei, there are hidden routes for him.

As night fell, Li Fan and Jiang Ye both wore inconspicuous sportswear, and by night, walked by the river in a small town in Hebei.

Across the river, from time to time, a team of patrol police can be seen patrolling.

The flashlight's light shone on the road, sweeping constantly. The barking of police dogs kept coming and going.

"Master, do you want to do them?"

Jiang Ye's voice came from his ear.

"Do not impulse."

Li Fan counted down the river and said, "You are so young, why are you so angry?"

"But they want to arrest you, Master."

Jiang Ye said, "It ’s better to start first, and to be attacked later!"

"They just acted on orders, after all, I did kill people."

Li Fan reminded Jiang Ye, "Everyone has the concept of good and evil in my heart. Although I kill, I do not kill innocent people. These policemen, they want to arrest me, just to safeguard the law. If there is no such person in the society, How does this people survive. "

"Master is right, I know."

Jiang Ye nodded, and she almost obeyed Li Fan's words. Whatever Li Fan said was imperial.

"This road may not be smooth. We follow the route of the Phoenix King and cannot use our own identity."

Li Fan took out the tiger head mask, and then took out a poisonous snake mask.

This venomous snake mask was sewn by Li Fan himself, his family is not very good, these needlework is a little bit more. But the Viper's mask was a bit crude, barely able to bring it. However, Jiang Ye won the treasure, and put away the mask of the poisonous snake well.

"Leave them alone, let's go."

Li Fan took Jiang Ye and jumped directly into the river below him.

The river has just thawed, and white ice is still floating in many places.

Jiang Ye jumped in with him. The lake was a bit cold, and Jiang Ye shuddered slightly.

Li Fan reached out and took Jiang Ye's small hand.

Jiang Ye felt a warm current coming from Master's hand and poured into his body, making his body immediately warm up, just like a small stove baking in his body.

Jiang Ye was also warm in his heart.

She will never forget that moment. The past leaves are as cold and desperate as living in the dark and boundless hell. But Master ’s appearance, like a little sun, shone on Jiang Ye's body, reflecting her entire life and warming her up.

Master is her savior.

Jiang Ye's body has just recovered, and his qi is relatively weak, so with the help of Li Fan, he can withstand the cold of the lake in early spring.


Li Fan stretched out his hand, pointed to the bottom, and then pulled the river leaves towards the watercourse under the river.

It was like an abandoned drain pipe. Li Fan opened the railing above and took Jiang Ye in.

The deeper you swim, the darker the water. But Li Fanmu was able to see at night, and was unobstructed in it.

Is there really a route for the King of Phoenix here?

Jiang Ye was almost invisible, and she was still curious. But Master definitely won't lie to her, maybe you can see it after a while.

Just as Jiang Ye guessed, a row of small white lights suddenly lit around, illuminating the long drain pipe.

The water was also getting shallower and shallower. Li Fan and Jiang Ye floated up together and walked up the steps.

Li Fan used his energy to dry himself and Jiang Ye at the same time.

"Thank you, Master."

"It's okay, come in."

Li Fan opened the front gate and walked directly in.

Jiang Ye followed closely. After entering, he was surprised.

Inside, there was a track.


"This is the route of the Phoenix King. Anyone who wants to see the Phoenix King can take a car from here and find him."

Li Fan glanced at the time, "After about ten minutes, there will be a shuttle bus."

The King of the Phoenix has his hands and eyes open to the sky, and I don't know how many years it took to lay down these underground routes in China.

Li Fan heard from Tie Zhu that the Phoenix King is not the name of a person, but the name of several generations.

Generation after generation, the Phoenix King has formed the myth of Wulin and Huaxia.

Both took their masks and waited for the subway.

The looks of both people are noticeable. Li Fan himself is okay, and he can use the special shape to reshape his appearance slightly. But Jiang Ye couldn't do it anymore. Her face resembled Jiang Feng so much that interested people would soon notice her identity.

At the same time, they pulled the caps of the sportswear at the same time.

Ten minutes later, the subway really arrived on time.

There are already a few people in the rivers and subways on the subway.

Jiang Ye took a closer look at a few people in the carriage. There were a total of six people in the carriage. There were four masters besides himself and Master.

One of them looks like a dart division. He has a Zhang Guozi face and is of strong build. He is wearing a dart suit with a shield on his back and a sabre around his waist.

The dartmaster seemed to be snoring, squinting, holding his arms, and stuffing the entire huge body into a chair.

And behind him was a gloomy old man. The old man didn't know which martial art he was. He was thin and dressed in a black-purple robe with his hands folded in his sleeves. He didn't know what he was mumbling about.

There was a tall man standing in the middle of the carriage, a little bit fat. He lifted his bald head and looked at the affinity of his face, as if humans and animals were harmless.

But at this time the fat man was holding the railing on the roof of the car, doing pull-ups, as if exercising his body.

There were still personal figures, shrinking at the back of the carriage. The whole person was huddled together, not looking up, and could not see clearly, as if they were snoring like a dart master.

Jiang Ye's eyes fell back on his master, who was very calm, sitting on a chair with his hands rounded, as if he had just entered his breath.

Is Master really adjusting her breath? In such a strange place?

In any case, this move is a bit too bold.

When Jiang Ye saw the fat man glance at herself, she immediately lowered her head subconsciously, avoiding the sight of the fat man.

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