My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 869: Kill without pardon

869 Killing without pardon

The carriage seemed a bit cold, after all, it was very early in the spring, and the frozen people did not freeze the water.

Although the river water has been cultured, it is still very cold. Li Fan is okay. He has a true body care and doesn't care about the cold. But Jiang Ye's body is still weak, and not one or two rejuvenants can be brought back.

"This friend, is it cold?"

The fat man took out a cotton suit from his backpack and handed it over, "Put on warmth."

Jiang Ye frowned, her face hidden under the mask, staring at the hand the fat man handed over.

"Thank you brother."

Li Fan suddenly opened his mouth. He opened his eyes and took over the cotton suit handed over by the fat man, and put it on Jiang Ye's body.

Jiang Ye feels a little warmer, but she prefers Master to hold her hand to convey her vitality. This time, she hated the fat man a bit.

"Friend, it's hard to go ahead. Be careful."

When the fat man saw Li Fan's tiger face, his face did not change color, but reminded him.

"The rivers and lakes are inherently sinister, and I have long been used to it."

Li Fan arched his hand. "The kindness of Xiongtai's dress, I will definitely repay it in the future."

"Clothes are trivial."

The fat man said, "Your head, it is a big deal."


Li Fan grinned, "Is Xiongtai also interested in my head?"

"His head is good, but unfortunately it does not meet my preferences."

The fat man shrugged. "However, there is a killer called a gravedigger, he may not be."


This name was heard for the first time.

"Exposing the name of the old man, not too particular about it."

The old man, who had been mumbling, suddenly opened his eyes and glanced at them.

At this glance, Jiang Ye looked cold all over, as if something had touched her in a dark place.

Cold into the bone marrow!

"Tiger, your head is worth the money!"

The old man slowly stood up, "The old man is as good as the gods, so you will take this subway exactly. This week, the old man didn't do anything else. He took this subway every day and was waiting for you!"

"That's really hard for you."

Li Fan clapped his hands gently, "You can do a good job lurking here for a week."

"Thanks for the compliment, no matter what, the old man was also a white card killer of Yan Luodian."

The old man was a little proud, "No words to say, it's time to take you on the road. When you arrive at Yan Luodian, remember to say hello to Yan Wang and the person who killed you is the gravedigger!"

The old man's voice dropped, he suddenly threw out a short knife and cut directly to Li Fan. Li Fan reached out and patted him.

But the old man connected a short knife with a thin wire, and the old man controlled the short knife with a wire. The short knife took a bend and flew towards Li Fan again.

Li Fan was about to open the short knife, and suddenly found another short knife flying out of the corner.

The old man not only controlled a short knife, he took his left hand out of his sleeve, and each of his five fingers was connected to a silk thread.

Li Fan looked around, and sure enough, the dagger flew in all directions, attacking him.

"Master ..."

Jiang Ye tried to block the unnecessary short knife for his master, but was dragged behind by Li Fan.

"Just leave it to me."

Suddenly, Li Fan was short and lay on the ground. These short knives stabbed in the air.

Tigers come out!

Li Fan flew in the moment, slammed into the old man's body, and tore him directly in half.

But at this moment, a sneer sound came from behind Li Fan.

"Your Lord's Tiger Boxing is really powerful, but it is not enough to deal with the old man."

Li Fan looked back and found that the fat man did not know when to stand there, reached out his hand, grabbed Jiang Ye's neck, lifted her into the air, and pressed it against the wall.

Jiang Ye looked pained and couldn't break the fat palm.

"Sir, the strength of the husband is not just that. I'm afraid you don't know. Introduce, the master's skill is sarcasm."

The old man just now is probably a body controlled by a fat man. No wonder Li Fan didn't feel anything when he shredded him.

The execution of the living is different from the execution of the dead!

The fat man's words have become the tone of the gravedigger, "With a burden, I can't get out of here."

"Jiang Ye, the spirit snake is entangled."

Li Fan commanded, Jiang Ye suddenly closed his breath, locked his legs directly on the fat man's arm, and then grabbed his hands on the railing above, turning passive into active, and even locked the fat man's arm.


The fat man was taken aback. He wanted to withdraw his arm, and found that his arm seemed to be locked by an iron hoop.

"You too underestimate my apprentice."

Li Fan smiled and walked towards the fat man.

The fat man looked cold. He didn't hesitate. He grabbed his left hand on his right hand, and tore off his right arm, throwing it aside with Jiang Ye.

The fat man quickly retreated and tried to leave the compartment, but Li Fan had caught up with him, grabbed a hand on his head, and crushed his head directly!

Li Fan turned his head back suddenly, looking at the figure that shrank in the back.

The figure immediately stood up, grasping two Tangmen syringes with both hands, and firing at Li Fan repeatedly.

For a time, countless silver needles flew over. Li Fan took off the cotton suit on Jiang Ye's body, shook it hard, and was full of energy.

This cotton suit blocked the flying needles like a steel plate.

At the same time, Jiang Ye didn't know when he walked behind the figure, and directly wrote a broken hand to the dragon, piercing the man's head.

But Jiang Ye shook his head. "It's not a living person."


Li Fan could not help but hesitated for a moment. "This man's corpse stitching technique has really trained to be amazing."

Li Fan said, and glanced at the door of the carriage. I saw a few figures coming slowly in the other compartment.

"It seems that the entire carriage is his person."


Jiang Ye was a little surprised, this killer called the gravedigger was so horrible!

"The rivers and lakes are big, and there are many good people."

Li Fan said, "You did a good job just now, hide now behind the car, and give it to me here."

"I can do it, Master!"

Jiang Ye was a little bit unconvinced, but Li Fan reminded her, "You use my kung fu, and the two of us add one, and everyone will guess my identity."

"Yes, I know it wrong, Master."

Jiang Ye understood it, took two steps backwards, and no longer snored.

And Li Fan stood at the door of the carriage, like a door god, and held it here.

More controlled corpses came towards them, and Li Fan did not retreat, as if entering a flock of tigers, his claws continued to tear on these people, tearing them into pieces.

From the last compartment, Li Fan has been killed to the front compartment.

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