My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 871: Talk to Phoenix King for cooperation

871 Cooperate with Phoenix King

The train slowly entered the station and stopped on the platform.

Li Fan and Jiang Ye were about to get off, but the platform was already standing with a smiling fat man.

The fat man was wearing luxurious clothes with a naked belly, a big cigarette bag in his mouth, and looked at Li Fan with a smile.

There are two men in red standing behind the fat man. Both of them are expressionless, as if they are machines, but they all exude strong breath, which makes it impossible to ignore.

Jiang Ye raised his anger and was pressed by Li Fan with his hands.

"The King of Phoenix actually picked me up and was flattered."

Li Fan stood there, keeping calm.

"Li Fan, let's say no secret, come with me."

The Phoenix King broke Li Fan's identity in one sentence, and Jiang Ye became nervous again.

"It doesn't matter, go with him."

Li Fan appeased his apprentice, and then followed the Phoenix King to a nearby passage.

The underground route of the King of Phoenix extends in all directions, and many secret paths are only known to the King of Phoenix himself.

The king of phoenix opened the door of a passage and led Li Fan into them.

The tunnel is surrounded by glass, the bottom is underwater, and fish are everywhere.

The bottom of the water was originally black, but under the light of the corridor, it seemed a little mysterious. The floor beneath them was also an automatic conveyor belt, taking them deep into the corridor.

"How about my environment here?"

The King of Phoenix asked.

"The King of Phoenix's hands are full of eyes. There is nothing strange about this."

Li Fan glanced at the two masters following him.

"The two of them are bodyguards that I have cultivated since childhood. They belong to the dead."

The King of Phoenix did not look back, but seemed to notice Li Fan's mind.

"Although the two of them are good, it is only a matter of minutes if you kill them."

"Look at you speaking quietly, don't you worry about me doing anything?"

Li Fan asked.

"I and you have no enmity, not to mention, we are allies with the same interests, right?"

When Li Fan heard this, he couldn't help looking at Phoenix King more.

"Every step and every step you take is unpredictable."

Li Fan couldn't guess at all the thoughts of the King of Phoenix, and what he said was so intriguing that people couldn't guess what this person thought.

"Phoenix King, how did you guess my identity?"

Li Fan still asked his doubts.

"At my site, no one can hide his identity."

The Phoenix King grinned and spit out a ring of smoke.

"You can't even grasp this, how can you be the King of Phoenix."

This fox, you never know what to say.

Li Fan was too lazy to guess. He simply looked at the surrounding scenery and followed the Phoenix King all the way to his room.

It's still the spacious underwater office. The difference is that it was replaced with a floor full of gold, and Li Fan looked a little dazzling.

"Don't worry, it's just gold-plated. I'm not that extravagant."

The King of Phoenix sat on his spacious boss chair, carrying a cigarette bag, and turned to look at Li Fan.

Alas, it ’s not extravagant if they are all gilded? This phoenix king is really rich and wealthy.

"Li Fan, it is difficult for you to go right now."

The King of Phoenix sat there, looking at Li Fan, and opened the door to see the mountain.

"Although they won the name of the gold medal dartist, those darts are just throwing some small orders for you. The meal is enough, but it is not enough to grow the darts."

"Why, do you want to introduce some business to me?"

Li Fan looked at the Phoenix King.

"of course can."

The King of Phoenix squeezed his eyes at Li Fan, "Last time you walked a dart with my place, if it wasn't for me selling you a favor, your dart would never be sent out. This time I also sold your favor, you I did not sell it to anyone. "

"But someone still found me."

"That has nothing to do with me. Gravediggers have a latent ability, otherwise they won't be famous killers for many years."

The Phoenix King shrugged.

"If you are killed by him, you will lose the right to cooperate with me."

The King of Phoenix explained casually, "I do not work with incompetent people."

"How do you want to cooperate with me?"

"I often have something to send out. You can use my network to send darts for me."

The King of Phoenix said, "Every list is fat. It won't be long before you can break the Murong family's blockade."

"Why did you choose me?"

"Because you are best suited."

The King of Phoenix admitted, "You have the potential and the strength. The most important thing is that you have the same goal as me. You want to be the strongest in the martial arts."

The King of Phoenix pointed around, "You see, my King of Phoenix is ​​not short of anything. I am rich, or the underground emperor here. I am very bored, so I want to find something really interesting for me to do."

"such as?"

Li Fan asked.

"For example, invest in you."

The King of Phoenix looked at Li Fan, "As long as you become the leader of the martial arts league and become the strongest in the world, my investment will have a return. By then, I will not only develop underground, I will move to the ground and build a new one. The Internet is so interesting and challenging! "

"You are not ambitious, King Phoenix."

"Are you small in ambition?"

The Phoenix King grinned, "So, Chief Li, do you want to cooperate with me?"


Li Fan doesn't have to think about it at all. The King of Phoenix is ​​in the ground with his eyes open, and his Huangquan Road extends in all directions. If he can rely on his strength, this will be almost harmless to himself.

"Happy, but you're not enough to promise."

"Are you kidding me?"

"How come, your bully is standing in front of me, this is my greatest sincerity."

The King of Phoenix said, "I do n’t practice martial arts. You Li Fan wants to kill me. You can do it at any time. But I like to talk about business. You have to have conditions to talk about business? Aside from business, you have to cooperate with me. There is a vote, isn't it? "

"Tell me."

Li Fan is patient.

"Ling Tian, ​​kill this man."

There was a hint of slyness in Phoenix King's eyes.

"what did you say?"

Li Fan immediately exasperated, "You want to touch my brother?"

"Brother? Brother Li, don't be mistaken."

The Phoenix King threw out a pile of information with a smile and threw it at Li Fan's feet.

"Ling Tian has always been a government person. He is just an undercover who is placed next to you. Otherwise, who do you think recommended you to Zhou Tai and who told you about those things?"

The King of Phoenix laughed inscrutablely, "I'm helping you remove the tumor, Li Fan. Besides, you want to cooperate with me and the government. This is not possible, you have to make a choice."

The King of Phoenix put the words in front of Li Fan.

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