872 Old rules

Is Ling Tian an undercover agent sent by the government?


Li Fan's first thought was that this was a ghost!

How long has Ling Tian followed himself, saying that he is undercover, Li Fan really can't believe it.

He looked at the information in his hand and wrote it clearly.

Ling Tian is a Huaxia agent who left the police team ten years ago and entered the society. He has been in charge of undercover work.

It was clear when he went to Li Fan's side.

According to the above records, Ling Tian lurked beside Li Fan in order to investigate Li Fan's criminal facts. Later, Li Fan made his debut, and he recommended Li Fan to Zhou Tai, so that Li Fan had the opportunity to cooperate with the government.

Li Fan doesn't know if what Phoenix King said is true, and his huge information network should not be mistaken, and he will not use this to make fun of himself.

Even if what he said is true, Ling Tian is an undercover agent, can he kill Ling Tian himself to maintain the cooperative relationship with the Phoenix King?

This choice was placed in front of Li Fan, which made Li Fan into a contradiction.

"I can give you a day to think about it."

The King of Phoenix is ​​confident.

"Don't worry, I won't do it."

Li Fan flatly refused, "No matter what his status is, if he follows me, I will protect him forever."

"Your brain is broken."

The Phoenix King frowned and looked at Li Fan. "Working with the government is tantamount to making a skin with a tiger! They can hold you up, and they can also make you into dregs!"

"that's right."

Li Fan did not refute, "I never thought of cooperating with the government to the end, everyone is just a relationship of mutual use. Isn't it the same for you and me?"

"The relationship between us is more pure. If you don't lose me, I won't lose you."

"The same is true between me and Ling Tian. He didn't lose me, so I wouldn't lose him."

Li Fan's voice was firm. He stood with his hands on his hands.

"Did you ever think about who leaked the bank to the government?"


Li Fan looked at the King of Phoenix. "Who leaked this incident to you?"

"Don't underestimate me. I'm the King of Phoenix. There is nothing I don't know about this day."

"Is it?"

Li Fan laughed and pulled his waistband. "Tell me what color underwear I'm wearing today."

The King of Phoenix froze.

"Phoenix King, I know you have the best eyes and the king of intelligence. How many times have you sold me? I also remember this account. I'm not a villain. I am kind to me and I will return it."

After Li Fan said these words, the look of the Phoenix King also eased a little.

"Then you refuse to cooperate with me?"

"I would like to cooperate with you, but your condition is to ask my brother's head, I can't do it."

Li Fan shrugged. "Please forgive the King of Phoenix."

"Okay, Xiao Ba Wang has affection and righteousness, but it is also a martial art story."

There was some regret in the eyes of the King of Phoenix, "But you and I are not torn apart, I am more optimistic about you. You not only owe me a favor, you will owe me a lot. Your information, I do It's going to be sold to anyone, it's already valuable. "

"thank you."

The King of Phoenix is ​​a terrible guy. Although he can't martial arts, his intelligence ability makes him creepy.

It is indeed fortunate to not be against him.

"But there's one thing I want to ask you ... exactly where did you know about my bank robberies?"

"Even the government is not a monolith."

The King of Phoenix said briefly.

"I see then."

That's it, Li Fan naturally won't ask too much.

"By the way, Li Fan, you owe me a favor, let's pay it back first."

The Phoenix King grinned, and Li Fan felt deeply bottomless.

"What do you want?"

"Look, it's a pity that you don't take advantage of your fiery identity."

The King of Phoenix said, pressing a remote control, the floor of his room suddenly began to fall slowly.

Li Fan felt that his foresight had come true. The moment the local board fell off, there was a tumult of noises from below, and Li Fan was almost lifted out.

"I've bet you a lot of money in this game, and you're doing well, Li Fan."

"What does he mean? Master?"

Jiang Ye also felt bad, and hurriedly asked his master.

"It doesn't matter, old rules."

Li Fan looked at the Phoenix King, "Three games, right?"

"Of course, in three games, you can stake your money."

The King of Phoenix squeezed his eyes at Li Fan, "If you don't have any money with you, you can borrow it from me."

"so good?"

"It's not my money that I'm losing anyway. I'm Zhuang, and I make money inside and out."


Li Fan muttered, the King of Phoenix did not refute, but was a little proud.

"Yes, remember not to trade with me, your money will go into my pocket."

There was a lot of enthusiasm below, and all the audience was screaming and roaring, waiting for the next game.

The dj stood on the high stage, and kept on lighting the atmosphere of the game.

"Look at that, standing next to the great Phoenix King is the recently infamous evil spirit, the tiger head!"

"I'll tear the bastard's mouth!"

When Jiang Ye heard it, Qi's nose almost did not crook.

Li Fan hurriedly held her and said that this girl was too angry.

"Forget it, he is a host, responsible for heating up the atmosphere. Besides, my reputation is indeed notorious, huh."

Li Fan said with a mockery, but Jiang Ye was a little unconvinced.

"These people don't understand you at all."

"I don't need them to understand. To complete this task, just go home early."

Li Fan said, and jumped straight into the Yantai below.

The King of Phoenix is ​​indeed a person who understands the minds of the audience. This time, the platform was more exciting.

The ring is only ten square meters in size, and below is the knife array, with rows of sharp knives facing the top, waiting for the arrival of prey.

If anyone falls, I am afraid they will be tied into a sieve.

"This thing, for a master, it will not be a big problem even if it is dropped."

Jiang Ye expressed a different view.

The King of Phoenix smiled and said casually.

"It's all charged."


Jiang Ye stopped talking.

Li Fan landed on the ring. He was wearing sportswear and took off his hat to expose the tiger's head mask inside.

The shouting of the surrounding audience was even louder, and it was so loud that Li Fan was trembling with ears.

These people, they only seek blood and excitement.

They don't care how many people will die.

"His opponent today is the same famous bully on the rivers and lakes, Sun Feng, the nickname Ripper!"

Talking, a middle-aged martial artist jumped onto the ring with a grin on the corner of his mouth.

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