873 Devil Tiger

Sun Feng, 40, is already full of white hair.

He is not tall, but there are calluses on both hands, apparently he is the one who practiced kung fu.

This man killed a lot of people at a young age. Everyone was ripped open and hung on the beam of the house. Therefore, he was wanted by the rivers and lakes and sent to the nick ripper.

Appetite and wealth, these four Sun Feng did not like any of them, he loves to open the door to others.

He slaughtered other families, from top to bottom, even 5-year-olds were spared, and even their domestic dogs were dissected.

For Sun Feng, this is a kind of beauty, a kind of enjoyment, and a kind of pursuit!

Now Sun Feng ’s name is still on the black list of Jin Yiwei. As long as Sun Feng is killed, he can be promoted to the next level.

When outside, Sun Feng could hardly survive. But at the Phoenix King, no one can move Sun Feng except on the ring. Sun Feng's masterpieces of martial arts have been practiced extremely well, and most people are alone and hardly their opponents. Many Jinyiwei arrived here, went to the ring, and died in the hands of Sun Feng.

This shows how powerful Sun Feng is. And how the Phoenix King is here to cover the sky.

On Huangquan Road, it was under the control of the Phoenix King.

Sun Feng has been in the turmoil in Huangquan Road for more than ten years. When he has no money, he will come to the ring to make a fortune. Huangquan Road has everything to eat, drink, and have fun. He is more at ease than he is outside.

Sun Feng looked at Li Fan in front of him, and before the gong sounded, he suddenly took a step forward and poked at Li Fan's neck.

Li Fan's body was slightly sideways, and Sun Feng's palm poked on Li Fan's shoulder, wiping out blood.

"The response is good."

Sun Feng looked at Li Fan with a smile, licking the blood on his fingers.

"I heard that you've recently mixed up a little bit of fame and got the title of Devil Tiger."

Sun Feng looked at Li Fan with a very disdainful look. "It's a pity that you are going to die in my hands today. But there are countless masters killed in my hands. You can die in my hands and you can be considered dead."

"Sun Feng! Sun Feng!"

"Kill him, kill him!"

The surrounding audience roared, as if Li Fan had any deep hatred.

In fact, they all saw this tiger head on the first day. They wanted Li Fan to die, just out of the pursuit of blood and death!

Tiger head, this man must die! He lives a sin!

What's more, they all bet big money on Sun Feng!

"I'm going to put a hundred million on Master!"

Jiang Ye suddenly turned his head and said to the Phoenix King.

The King of Phoenix stunned.

"Little girl, where do you get a billion?"

"you have."

Jiang Ye said immediately, "Did you just say that, my master can borrow money from you to bet."

"I only borrow one million, and I want to take half of the profit. What I said is that I will take half of the entire game."

The Phoenix King hurriedly said.

"Are there limits?"

"I'm a traitor."

The King of Phoenix grinned, Jiang Ye was not angry, he stretched out his pretty little hand, and spread his palm.

"One million is one million, bring it."

"On the account."

"Yes, the King of Phoenix is ​​worth a thousand bucks, and I don't think it will be a problem."

Jiang Ye asked, "What is the current odds?"

The King of Phoenix did not know why, but he felt a little nervous in the face of this little girl.

How is it possible that he is the King of Phoenix, second only to the existence of the King of Heaven! In his underground city, would he be afraid?

"One loses three."

The odds are not too high. Some people are more optimistic about tigers. After all, this guy can avoid the eyes of the police and commit so many major crimes outside.

"Okay, I bet my master. One million, you can remember it."

"Rest assured, about money, my Phoenix King's memory has always been very good."

The two settled into an agreement, and at this time, the ripper Sun Feng and the tiger-headed man finally met.

Sun Feng is very confident in his own fingerprints, and ordinary people's bones can't stand his pinch! Even if it is an iron plate, your fingers can poke a hole in it! His kung fu has long been fascinating, and all the people who snored with him are looking for death!

Sun Feng is going to kill this demon tiger that is gaining momentum recently, let everyone know that he is the most terrible man in this underground boxing arena!

Sun Feng's palm was grabbed towards Li Fan's abdomen, but Li Fan was unmoved and allowed Sun Feng's palm to pierce his lower abdomen.

The Ripper was proud for a while, so was this devil! But he couldn't be happy anymore, because his finger pierced a small part of the devil's belly, and he got stuck there. Li Fan's invigoration motivated his muscles and gripped Sun Feng's hand, making Sun Feng unable to advance or retreat.

Sun Feng's face changed greatly, watching the devil tiger staring at him, and shouting quickly.

"Wait, wait a minute ..."

Li Fan had already raised his right hand and the tiger's claw attacked, tearing Sun Feng's throat directly.

Sun Feng fell to his knees, his eyes flashing with fear and unwillingness.

Li Fan easily killed a ripper Sun Feng. Some people in the audience exclaimed, some roared, some cried.

In this scene, at least the Phoenix King made 200 million yuan.

"I won."

Jiang Ye clapped his hands happily. "I won two million in this match, right?"

"Yes, Miss Jiang."

The Phoenix King even knows Jiang Ye ’s identity. "In this game, you throw one million yuan back to me, plus half the rewards to me, and the tax to be deducted. You have earned a total of 800,000. Waiting for the game Over, this money is yours. "

"Hey, where are you guys, and you still need to deduct taxes?"

"Taxation is a virtue for every citizen."

The phoenix king was shameless, Jiang Ye couldn't laugh or cry.

Although the Phoenix King is rich, he is clearly a miser!

"It's okay, these 800,000, I will continue to be my master next time!"

"Yes, but I still need to have half of my earnings."

"You vampire!"

"Why a vampire? We had a promise to borrow money before, right? Boy, you're already in the white gloves with empty gloves, but don't be too greedy."


Big and small foxes were calculating each other, but Jiang Ye was obviously weak by several levels.

The King of Phoenix is ​​best at manipulating people's hearts, but Li Fan was beyond his expectation.

But the more he did, the more interesting he became.

Two staff members came up to take away Sun Feng's body and threw it directly into the knife mountain below. A lot of bones have been buried under this knife mountain, and the bursts of yin and gush burst with the audience's cry.

On Huangquan Road, either enjoy or die.

"The devil has won!"

DJ was yelling, lighting up the atmosphere, "He is the winner of the first game! But how long can his good luck last?"

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