My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 876: Upright old pass

Chapter 876: Upright Old Pass

Guan Wenbao was curious, this tiger-shaped boxing is so similar to Li Fan's tiger strike! Just a move, it is clear that Li Fan's black tiger climbed the mountain!

"Why do you ask so much? Hold on to the competition!"

Li Fan didn't want Laoguan to know too much. If he knew he was snoring, he would have given up.

This is too boring!

After leaving for a while, Li Fan also wanted to know whether Guan Guanbao's strength had actually increased.

"Well, Your Excellency is right, it's a matter of some kind."

It is still the upright old pass. He stunned the Yueyue knife, glanced at Li Fan, and continued to say, "His Excellency, be careful, Guan must shoot."

Speaking, Guan Wenbao's body suddenly burst into blue and white qi. These qi first surged, scattered, and then slowly condensed to form a blue and white coat, which was put on Guan Wenbao's body.

Gathering Qihuahua!

Li Fan was a little surprised, so that Laoguan let Wu know this trick?

For ordinary martial art fighters, gathering gas is indeed a powerful way to improve their strength! People like Li Fan become stronger with other forms of martial arts, such as alien remodeling, or dragon **** generals, and seven demon kings.

Guan Wenbao did not know what he had experienced on this Huangquan Road for a short period of time.

But only gathering gas is not enough. It's like Yanjing Eleven Ride. Although they are all masters, they are not top masters. Even the old man of Changhong, a grand master, lacked something that really shocked Wulin.

Li Fan feels that at least a martial arts soul is needed to become a true master!

Everyone's martial spirit is different, you need to understand it yourself.

Let's talk about Guan Wenbao first. He has become a gathering of qi, and his qi has become more condensed. His strength has also doubled.

"Sir, watch out!"

Guan Wenbao moved forward again, swept across the army, and Yueyue Dao took the flame sword, sweeping almost the entire ring!

Li Fan jumped up gently, letting his body lift in the air for a second, avoiding Guan Wenbao's sweeping army.

However, Guan Wenbao seemed to be certain that Li Fan would jump up. He dragged the sword and swiftly flew. The fiery red sword erupted from the ground, lifted up, and rushed towards Li Fan with his head and face covered!

Li Fan's body had nowhere to borrow in the air, and it seemed that he had to slam Guan Wenbao's trick.

But Li Fan is Li Fan. When he stays in the air, the true energy in his body has permeated out, overflowing on this platform.

As long as he closed his eyes, he could feel the ring below him. Li Fan let Zhenqi **** on the surface of the ring, then pulled his body, and pulled back instantly, thus avoiding Guan Wenbao's big sword!


Guan Wenbao was a little surprised. This man didn't have any leverage. How did he get himself up in the air?

This strange way of moving in the air also surprised other people. Is this a human, it's just a marionette!

Li Fan can let Zhen Qi cover a location within 100 meters, but if you want to use Zhen Qi to make a difference, you have to shrink this area, which is about 10 square meters.

Within these ten square meters, Li Fan's aura effect can be maximized, make full use of this space, and make his body more flexible.

Li Fan calls this application method the realm of Qi.

In his realm field, Li Fan can even let his own enemies weaken. As long as the higher the density of true energy applied to the opponent, the more the partner can feel the increase in pressure, as if moving in deep water and struggling in the mud.


Jiang Ye's eyes are so terrible that Master is a genius and can create this kind of effort.

Although I saw the Master show it once before, each time I saw it was enough to shock Jiang Ye.

In fact, Li Fan also meant that Jiang Ye learned to use toad skills. Although Qi Xia Quan was extensive and profound, it was too far away for two apprentices to learn only one. Should learn a good first, and then learn another boxing as a supplement.

Le Xiaohu's words are very fierce. After learning Tiger Strike, he should use the flexible skill of Ape Strike to assist him so that he knows how to work.

For Jiang Ye, snake attack is too yin and poisonous, and it needs to be adjusted by toad attack.

Although Li Fan is only a high school student, he has a lot of mentality and already likes to plan a lot for others.

Where did Guan Wenbao know Li Fan's thoughts, he was adjusting his mood at this time and slowly came back from shock.

This devil is too powerful, his strange body makes people startled. I wonder if Eun-gung would be a little surprised when he sees this kind of effort?

Li Fan stood firm and hooked at Guan Wenbao.

"Sir, your body is really powerful, but you should not underestimate Guanmou!"

Guan Wenbao said, taking another step forward, and Yue Yue Dao waved again!

The surrounding air seemed to be ignited, and the burning flame made the ring look distorted. In Li Fan's sight, the figure and sword of Guan Wenbao are twisted and deformed. If only with the naked eye, it is difficult to judge the timing and position of Guan Wenbao's knife!

However, Li Fan usually likes to judge each other with genuine energy, which is exactly the restraint of the old pass.

He did not perform his own realm again, this skill is Li Fan's spare killer, and he still wants to keep it in the future.

Just once, I was compelled to be forced by the old customs.

But there is no second time!

Li Fan's body was lying on the ground, as if a real downhill tiger, aggressive. Facing the slashed knife, Li Fan did not retreat, rubbing the knife directly, and rushed into Guan Wenbao's arms faster.

Hungry tigers come out!

Li Fan grabbed more than ten claws in a row and tore it on Guan Wenbao's chest. The blood flower burst out continuously. Guan Wenbao also lost ground and finally stepped on the edge of the ring.

He tolerated the pain, slammed his footsteps, and then swept Yueyue, driving back Li Fan's figure.

As the saying goes, one inch is long and one inch is strong! Although the Yueyue sword is a long-handled weapon with a wide range of attacks, its weakness is also obvious. Once he avoided the blade and rushed into his body, Guan Wenbao's weakness was exposed.

This set of continuous skills of Li Fan, Guan Wenbao played was convinced orally.

"His good skills! Guan is not as good as anyone, but he doesn't want to give in."

Guan Wenbao is still in the practice, and the gas gathering seems to be only his first step. But he didn't have any other time now, so he could only roll over and ride on Lisa.

"Guanmou doubled his combat power immediately, sir, you need to be careful!"

The honest old man once again reported his boss to the enemy.

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