My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 877: Homesickness

877 Nearly Homesickness

After Guan Wenbao was launched, the combat effectiveness was really different.

He was like the ancient **** of war, waving the moon-moon knife, and jumped to Li Fan in front of Lisa.

The Yueyue Knife was cut off head-to-head, and a knife fell from the sky, splitting it toward Li Fan's heavenly spirit cover!

There seemed to be a fire thunder in the sky, and Li Fan was horrified with sweat.

Guan Wenbao immediately slashed, and his power was indeed amazing. Even Li Fan, who opened the golden armor, did not dare to touch his edge.

Li Fan didn't dare to delay too much. He let Zhenqi pull his body, and dragged him directly to the other side of the ring, avoiding Guan Wenbao's sword.


Guan Wenbao's knife cut a part of the ground, and the whole ground was almost split in half.

Guan Wenbao, holding the war horse, turned the war horse directly, drove the long sword, slashed to Li Fan, and severely came over.

Guan Wenbao's reaction was so fast that Li Fan didn't even have time to move, and the fiery red moon-dagger was already in front of him.

Li Fan frowned, this knife was too fast.

Even if you drag your body with qi, I'm afraid it's too late!

There is no other way for Li Fan. He almost subconsciously infuse Zhen Qi in his right hand with golden armor!

He stretched out his right hand, and when he heard it, he went straight and hardened Guan Wenbao's knife!

Li Fan felt that his right hand had become steel directly, and he actually caught Guan Wenbao's Yueyue knife!

Li Fan's right hand was like wearing a steel hand, with five fingers holding Guan Wenbao's moon knife firmly, making Guan Wenbao unable to pull it out.

Guan Wenbao was a bit shocked. His own Yueyue knife, with a sharp knife, was pinched by this tiger-headed man?

"You need to exercise again."

Li Fan said that with five fingers, he smashed Guan Wenbao's Yueyue knife.

Looking at the broken blade, Guan Wenbao froze.

"You ... what is this strength!"

Guan Wenbao did not dare to believe his eyes too much.

Smash your own big knife with your hands, this skill is rare even in rivers and lakes!

The strength of this tiger-head man is probably one of the best on the rivers and lakes. When is there such a figure on the rivers and lakes, who is he?

"Give up."

Li Fan, standing with both hands, said to Guan Wenbao, "After training, let's fight again."

"I surrender."

Guan Wenbao knew that he was not the opponent of the tiger head. He went out to practice hard to make himself stronger, so that he could go back to assist Zongen. If it dies here, it would be contrary to expectations.

Guan Wenbao is not afraid of death, but must die well.

Guan Wenbao gave up!

There was a curse all around, and someone lost a lot of money this time!

"Give money!"

Jiang Ye was very proud, and the Phoenix King nodded.

"The little girl is very powerful. The money you pressed last time will be deducted from me, and there are 1.3 million left."

Jiang Ye froze, thinking that the King of Phoenix had forgotten to give half the money. I never remembered remembering it so clearly, and I made myself happy.

"This time the ratio is one to one, and you make 1.3 million. Deduct half of it to me, and then deduct taxes, and you have half a million left."

The Phoenix King grinned, "Little girl, you are very powerful. You have earned 1.8 million in these three games, a lot of money."

"Thanks a lot."

Master knows that he has made some pocket money for him and will definitely praise me.

Jiang Ye is a little smug. If she has a small tail, she must be shaking.

"Phoenix King, let us go."

After Li Fan played three rounds, he jumped back to the platform where the Phoenix King was.

"of course can."

The King of Phoenix nodded, "The ring is playing well, you are a person born in the ring."

"I don't belong to the ring. I belong to the dart."

Li Fan refused the kindness of the King of Phoenix, "Send us away, you Huangquan Road, I have enough."

"No, no, there is a lot of fun in Huangquan Road. If you want to feel it, I can take you to experience it. It's free, I treat you."

The King of Phoenix squeezed his eyes at Li Fan, and Li Fan hurriedly waved his hand.

"Forget it ... I'm not very interested in these."

Li Fan wants a woman, but is he here with the Phoenix King?

"Well, now that you're done, I'm not going to stay."

The King of Phoenix nodded, and he ordered a female assistant next to him, "Qing Ming, put the 1.8 million in, put it into this gentleman's account, and then send them away."

"1.8 million? What 1.8 million?"

Li Fan frowned and asked immediately.

"It was the money I just won by Master."

Jiang Ye said immediately, "A total of 1.8 million won."

"Where did you get the capital?"

"Let's borrow it from the Phoenix King."

"bad boy."

Li Fan dragged Jiang Ye behind him, and then smiled at the Phoenix King, "Children are not sensible, just play, this one hundred and eighty thousand is fine."


"Well, but the next time I come to snore, you have to pay me to play."

"This is not necessarily, if I come to snore with you, I will give you a reason not to spend money."

"Really a traitor."

"I am over-flattered."

The King of Phoenix and Li Fan said a few more words, and then sent someone to leave them.

On the returning train, Jiang Ye seemed a little uneasy beside Li Fan.

"what happened?"

Seeing that Jiang Ye had needles on his buttocks, Li Fan couldn't help but ask with a smile.

"Master, I can't figure it out ..."

"Can't figure out?"

"Why the money should be returned? Anyway, it's Master's hard work and punches."

"We don't even have the capital. How can we count it?"

Li Fan reminded Jiang Ye, "This money is said to have been earned by me. It is better to say it was given to us by the King of Phoenix. If you do n’t want it, it will become very hot.

"It turns out that it is still thoughtful of Master."

Jiang Ye nodded, "I almost troubled Master, and I ask Master to forgive me."

"You weren't angry at all, Jiang Ye, you are a smart person, but sometimes you do n’t want to be too clever, just apply your mind to practicing."

"Yes, what Master taught!"

"Well, practice."

Li Fan's principle is to hurry to practice all the time, and now time does not wait for others.

He let the God of War continue to work on the seven chivalrous techniques, while sitting in the compartment and guarding the Jiangye practicing next to him.

I'm going home soon, and the year is approaching. I don't know why, Li Fan was even a little bit homesick.

Even if it is Chinese New Year, parents do not plan to go home.

According to the information of the second oldest, they bought a small villa on an island in the Maldives, and they are happy.

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