My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 878: Make a heart

Chapter 878: Make a Heart

Li Fan's two elders had been extremely luxurious outside, they always thought it was the money of the daughter-in-law's family, so they didn't mean anything to cherish it.

In the heart of the second old man, Li Fan has already entered into a burden, and now he is enjoying the blessing. In fact, they didn't know that Murong's family wouldn't give money anymore. All the expenses were earned by Li Fan himself.

Parents have the grace to support themselves, Li Fan must make them happy.

It ’s okay even if you ’re suffering, especially in your own business, I really do n’t know if one day will turn into a loess. So Li Fan has been giving them the second old man to save money, and even if they don't have themselves, they can live a wealthy life.

This year, Li Fan has to pass the dart.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Li Fan's expression of loneliness, Jiang Ye seemed to be infected, freed from the state of practice, and looked at him and asked.

"It's nothing, some messy thoughts."

Li Fan asked Jiang Ye, "Jiang Ye, if one day, you want to reach a new level in martial arts, you need to cut off the seven emotions and six desires, will you?"

"Will do."

Jiang Ye nodded, "I practice martial arts only for revenge. If it is for revenge, whoever blocks my way, I will kill him!"

"What if your relatives stopped you?"

"My loved ones ... only Master."

Jiang Ye's answer is not meaningful.

"If Master doesn't avenge me, I can always stay with Master."

Jiang Ye did not hesitate to answer Li Fan.

"Why, isn't revenge your ultimate goal?"


Jiang Ye explained, "But if there is no Master, there will be no me now. Although Jiang Ye has a cold temperament, he is not a white-eyed wolf who knows not to be rewarded. And even though Master does not say, I feel Master is very lonely. You must be accompanied by someone. "

Li Fan reached out and touched Jiang Ye's hair.

This girl is sometimes very sensible.

It was very quiet along the way. It didn't take long for Li Fan and Jiang Ye to return to City A.

After coming out, Li Fan could finally take off his mask, but Jiang Ye put on the mask of the snake and hid his face under the mask.


Jiang Ye wasn't talking, he looked left and right, as if looking at the city where Master and his brother had been living.

The city of a is very cold. Fortunately, Li Fan has already selected a hooded down jacket for Jiang Ye in the commercial street of Phoenix King.

Jiang Ye was wrapped in a black down jacket, and the protection of Qi was much warmer.

The two came out of the river bridge, and many people were skating at the riverside.

Jiang Ye saw a few girls wearing black short-waisted down jackets on the upper body and a short skirt on the lower body, showing two large white legs.

"Master, why are there so many martial artists here?"

"They are not martial arts. This is an ordinary girl."

"Oh my God, why aren't they afraid of the cold!"

Jiang Ye was very surprised, and Li Fan didn't know how to explain it.

"I thought their thighs were full of health ..."

Jiang Ye shook his head. "It seems that I think too much."

"Ready to go."

Li Fan led Jiang Ye, let Jiang Ye lower his hat, and followed him toward the road.

A black Audi a4 was already waiting there, and Ling Tian himself drove to pick up Li Fan.

"You're quiet enough this time."

After Ling Tian waited for Li Fan to get on the bus, he looked at the thin figure of the snake mask next to him and did not ask the identity of the person.

"What's going on?"

Li Fan sat in the co-pilot's position and asked slowly.

"Everyone is a brother. You do n’t know what you are doing. I still do n’t know."

Ling Tian said with a smile, "But what you did is perfect this time. Even Zhou Tai didn't expect that you did such a big vote. But he didn't suffer. You made Long Qingyun and dug After a lot of things behind him, it hit the forces behind Long Qingyun severely. "

"Does Zhou Tai really not know?"

Li Fan looked out the window and said gently, "Willn't you tell him?"

"What do you mean?"

Ling Tian's face did not change color.

"Ling Tian, ​​why did you choose to help me?"

"I said because you are different, do you believe it?"

"Am I different?"

Li Fan smiled bitterly, "I was just a fledgling kid at the time, did you get me out of jail because I was different?"

"if not?"

"Isn't it to check my criminal facts?"

Li Fan asked, "Several major cases happened in city a, and I did all of them. Our first bucket of gold was made up of this. And, after you and us, several major cases Is enough to sentence me to death? "

"I knew it, I couldn't hide it from you for a long time."

While driving, Ling Tian took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth. "Yes, I'm a policeman. Will you kill me?"

"If this thing was told to me from your mouth, I'm afraid I won't be angry."

Li Fan finally turned his head and looked at Ling Tian. "I had doubted your identity before. At that time, I thought you were a storm person. Later, Liao Wushuang exposed his identity, and I knew that I suspected you were wrong."

Li Fan sighed, "But now, I feel that everyone around me seems to be undercover."

"Sorry, Li Fan, if you hate me, I can choose to leave."

"No, you are my brother. It will always be."

Li Fan patted his shoulder. "But this thing can't be left in my heart. Now that I know, I have to talk to you. From today, you are not Zhou Tai's, it is mine."

"Be assured, in fact, I haven't told Zhou Tai anything about you. I didn't tell him about the bank's incident."

Ling Tian and Li Fan said, "Although you are a criminal, I am a policeman. But I admire what you do. There are things I want to do, but I can't do, but you do. Zhou Tai, I I just recommended him to him, and he admires people like you. However, don't be too showy. Once Zhou Tai finds you out of control, he will deal with you as soon as possible. "

"I know, I understand the burden on me now. But I definitely can't consider these things alone, you have to help me more."

Li Fan pointed at the Jiangye behind him, "This is Jiangye, my new apprentice, rescued from Murongbo's magic cave."

"Oh oh hello hello."

"She is Jiang Feng's sister."

Ling Tian almost braked, lying? Jiang Feng's sister?

"I will explain to you later and help me to give her an ID."

"Yes, this is all a trivial matter. Let's go back quickly, brothers are waiting for you to go home for Chinese New Year!"

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