My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 882: Mr. Yang? Li Fan?

882 Mr. Yang? Li Fan?

There is a sentence on the sports field, how to say, hit a small high chao!

The three women were almost all naked, two looked at themselves with various blushes and heartbeats, and the other turned their backs on them, keeping silent, and continued their last efforts.

Only Jiangye is the strongest. She can still stand in the steamer that even Li Fan can't stand wearing a down jacket.

Even Li Fan admired this. Little girl said nothing else, perseverance is absolutely admirable.

Li Fan adjusted his anger so that even this little girl could not be compared, which would be a shame.

In fact, it's not that they can't carry the heat, but the three women took off so lightly that it made Li Fan a little careless to adjust his anger.

Several women wore cool, but his heart was extremely hot.

They are too daring, they are not afraid to make mistakes when they play like this!

Li Fan embraced Yuan Shouyi, and tried to calm himself down.

This kind of humorous atmosphere really can exercise your mood.

In Li Fan's eyes, Mr. Yang didn't know when he stood up. He walked unscrupulously to a few women, stretched out his hands, and gently stroked Yang Shuiyue's face first.

Yang Shuiyue was shocked at first, but immediately showed a look of enjoyment, as if Mr. Yang had magical hands.

Illusions, everything is an illusion!

Li Fan was reminding himself.

Mr. Yang's hand reached directly into Yang Shuiyue's belly, causing Yang Shuiyue to tremble gently.

The other two naked girls were also emotional. Xia Xuan and Liao Wushuang entangled Mr. Yang's body like a water snake, offered a kiss, and even grabbed Mr. Yang's hand and touched them.

Liao Wushuang was the most active. She rode both legs to Mr. Yang.


Mr. Yang looked at Li Fan and said with a smile, "You can do the same and liberate your nature."

"Let them go, scum!"

Li Fan watched Mr. Yang hug his right and left, his teeth tickling.

"Are you angry?"

There was a smile on Mr. Yang's face, "Are you angry at the woman I moved, or angry at something you dare not do, but I dare to do it?"

With that said, Mr. Yang's hand leaned under Liao Wushuang.

Liao Wushuang made a short cry in his mouth, his face flushed.

She wrapped her hands around Mr. Yang's neck, and the various water desires in her eyes were like rippling water splashing on Li Fan's heart.

"I'm enjoying this woman, she's superb."

Mr. Yang told Li Fan, "You can also enjoy her, she can bring you pleasure, and you are different, concentric, and your pleasure can be passed to her, so you can enjoy double pleasure."

Mr. Yang started to talk about Xia Xuan again. "She is a young girl from Huashan. She has a simple temperament, but her desire is strong. When this woman gets to bed, she will be able to squeeze you clean. Believe me, she is one of the top 10 To drain your soul. "

Then, Mr. Yang took Yang Shuiyue in his arms and slammed her body. "And this woman, she's your brother's woman. Wouldn't it be more enjoyable to play with it? You have these women, these superb, As long as you have an idea, you can enjoy it! "

Li Fan is hot and hot. He wants to dispel these unclean thoughts, but finds that he can't.

His ears were filled with the laughter of Mr. Yang, and Liao Wushuang's ** sounds kept flowing back and forth, making Li Fan feel dizzy and his heartbeat began to accelerate.

"Master ..."

There seemed to be a distant voice from a distant location.

"Master ... Master ..."

The voice became clearer and clearer, and it seemed to be carrying a special force, pulling Li Fan out of the chaos.

He opened his eyes and saw Jiang Ye standing in front of himself, looking at him with concern.

And holding his left and right, like Mr. Yang before, is enjoying the tenderness of the three women.

Cold sweat appeared on Li Fan's forehead.

Although Mr. Yang would also appear before, he would only appear in front of himself, as long as he did not care about it.

But now ... Almost what Mr. Yang does is what he does!

This kind of thing ... is amazing.

Li Fan looked at the three **** women, he quickly pushed them away, and then sat aside.

Liao Wushuang was naked, as if hypnotized, licking his lips and slowly crawling towards Li Fan.

Li Fan put his hands together and moved his energy, from Dan Tian to his throat.


Li Fan blurted out a six-character mantra, and the voice directly poured into the brains of the three women, causing them to startle and then wake up slowly.

"It's so hot ... was it asleep ..."

Xia Ling was confused.

"My head hurts ... what happened just now ..."

Liao Wushuang rubbed his head.

"I'm so hot ... No, I surrender ..."

Yang Shuiyue also felt a little sick.

Liao Wushuang and Xia Ye also waved their hands and announced their withdrawal from the game.

They can't stand the heat anymore.

Jiang Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly closed his eyes, and fell into Li Fan's arms.

"Hurry up and change the temperature!"

When Li Fan touched Jiangye's forehead, his hotness was obviously a sign of illness in heat stroke.

In this kind of steamer-like environment, wearing so thick again, it must be something wrong with the heat.

"That's all for tonight. I'll take Xiaoye to see the doctor."

"Don't ... I'm fine ..."

Jiang Ye suddenly woke up and said weakly, "Master ... your reward ... don't forget ..."

When is this girl, even remember to accompany sleep?

"Okay, what time is it, restless."

"Master said yes ..."

"Got it."

Li Fan held Jiangye and walked up to the attic.

"This little girl can really bear it."

"Yeah, Gamba is down."

"Where did Li Fan apprentice ..."

The three women could only be filled with emotion, watching Li Fan holding Jiangye upstairs.

The attic was very clean, except for the bookcase, there was only a small bed.

Li Fan hugged Jiang Ye to the bed and took off her clothes for her.

"Master ... slept on me ..."

Jiang Ye was lying on the bed, and his body was still a little hot, and he said to Li Fan.


Although Jiang Ye has recently developed a little and his **** are a little swollen, in the eyes of Li Fan, he is still a child.

He had to lie down and accompany Jiang Ye.

"Thank you Master ..."

Jiang Ye leaned into Li Fan's arms, pressed against his body, and shrank into a ball, like a kitten.

Li Fan used his true energy to resolve some heat for Jiang Ye, but at the same time he did not dare to move, fearing to surprise his little apprentice.

On New Year's Eve, the two people hugged each other so quietly and went to sleep.

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