My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 883: My little apprentice

Chapter 883: My Little Apprentice

On the first day of the Chinese New Year, all the dart divisions will send representatives to visit the gold medal dart divisions to celebrate the New Year.

So in the morning, this extraordinary dart board was overcrowded. Various dart boards of all sizes ran over, preparing to pay a year to the gold dart master on New Year's Day.

This is their rule, and the rules are immutable. For the gold medal dart division, the busiest is this time.

Under the service of Xia Yang, Li Fan changed into a luxurious white long coat, with black dragons carved on the clothes, and looked very aggressive.

He came out of this room, and everyone's eyes fell on him, and he couldn't help but look at them.

Why don't you see it for a few days? Li Fan's aura is stronger?

This Li Fan's aura is enough to scare away many enemies. At this time, Li Fan's demeanor is enough to be a generation of grand masters.

"Li Dart, happy new year."

"Li Dart's style is even better!"

"Li Dartou, take care of this year."

People from the four big darts have to come. Each dart has sent representatives. Together with the representatives of the eight small darts, a team of hundreds of big and small darts has squeezed out from the crowd and rushed to Li Fan presents.

Li Fan also prepared a red envelope. When others gave gifts, he had to give them gifts.

I hope these darts are generous and don't send anything too cheap.

Li Fan's elder brother Jinzhou did not come. It is estimated that his Jinjia darts were also very busy this year.

But Jinzhou entrusted his family to send a golden plaque with the four characters of gold medal dart division written on it.

Not to mention anything else, Li Jin's demeanor convinced Li Fan.

This kind of person is really born to be a big brother. With him, it is estimated that the Jinjia Dart will regain its glory soon.

"Li Dart, I wish you a new year."

Shui Wuxin also wore a plain white coat and stood in front of Li Fan. Regardless of whether he was willing or not, he worshiped Li Fan first.

"I wish you could still hold this gold medal next year, but don't be taken away."

Water does not know whether this is a blessing or a curse.

But for the Chinese New Year, Li Fan didn't want to see her in general.

"Inadvertently, Chinese New Year, how can you say that?"

Jiang Feng also came. He was wearing a Jinyi jacket and holding a jade jade fan in his hand.

Where Jiang Feng goes, the woman's sight will go. He just has that charm and can't stop it.

Shui Wuxin saw his master dart head, and the sarcasm on his face disappeared immediately. His eyes turned into admiration and obsession.

Seeing this chic figure, the young girl with the mask of the serpent vibrated lightly, but quickly remained calm and said nothing.

"Head of the dart ..."

Shui was half-kneeling without intention, and Jiang Feng swept her arm and held her up with a sense of anger.

"Third brother, I have a straight temper and speak careless words. Don't mind me."

"Second brother, rest assured, how can I care about a woman, let alone your woman."

Although Li Fan is a gold medal dartist, he and Jiang Feng also worshiped the handle and recognized Jiang Feng as the second elder brother, so when they met Jiang Feng, whether they were happy or not, they had to worship first.

This is the case for rivers and lakes, and rules prevail.

Li Fan has long since grown from a lawless teenager at that time to a leader who adheres to rules.

But even worse, Li Fan can now customize the rules for himself. Blindly breaking the rules is useless and will only be met with fierce resistance. Only by being a ruler in person is a real sirloin.

Now, the rules set by Li Fan should be respected respectfully by other dartists.

"Third brother, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are even better."

Jiang Feng smiled and lifted a box at the same time.

"I thought about it for a long time, and I don't know what to send. Simply met a strange iron a while ago, so I asked a person to create a moon knife and gave it to the second brother. I hope the second brother can be satisfied.


As soon as Li Fan reached out, the air pressure passed, and then he pulled the box straight away, exposing a chilling moon knife inside.

In accordance with Guan Wenbao's habit, this moon knife is also split into two parts, the blade body and the knife rod, each set aside.

This blade is indeed made of some kind of strange iron, exuding a kind of cold, with a sharp feeling invisible, it is not ordinary at first sight!

Li Fan took out the blade and the blade, combined it with a click, and then waved it, pressing the blade down, and a sharp blade immediately flew out of him, directly out of the door, and hit the outside In the snow.


This sword directly penetrates the snow in front of it, setting off a row of snow waves, which is really beautiful.

At the same time as Li Fan tried the knife, he also showed his strength and made everyone around him respectfully.

In the end is a gold medal dart division, his strength, where it is, can not help but admire people.

If no one comes out to suppress Li Fan, I am afraid that the name of the gold medal dart division will be included in him next year.

"Good knife."

Li Fan praised him, "This sword is something that Laoguan will definitely like."

"This strange iron can better integrate the true energy, but because it is cold by nature, it may be difficult to create Guan Wenbao's unique flame true energy."

Jiang Feng reminded.

"It doesn't matter, to Laoguan, it's like an uncontrollable horse."

Li Fan smiled and put away Yueyuedao, "He will definitely enjoy the thrill of conquest."

"Since the second brother feels good, that's fine."

Jiang Feng nodded. "Since this is the case, we should deposit a dart."

Gold medal darts, when the New Year's Day, you must take a single gold dart. When it comes to darts, it's actually doing something. Li Fan should start from his dartboard, bring a golden dart, walk around city A, and return to the extraordinary dartboard.

Taking a golden dart is to make a good draw, and I hope that the world's darts will go smoothly in this year.

But if the gold dart is robbed, it is tantamount to hitting the face of the gold dart master. Then the following year, the gold medal dartist basically lost his right to speak on the rivers and lakes.

Seeing that everyone was so anxious to let Li Fan dart, he sneered in his heart.

This year's gold darts are going to be fun.

"Others are on standby at the dart board, and let my little apprentice go with me for a golden dart."

With a big wave of Li Fan, he was finalized like this.

"Little apprentice?"

Jiang Feng's gaze fell on Jiang Ye with the mask of the serpent, and he took a closer look. Jiang Ye clenched his fists and seemed to be restraining himself.

"I heard that the second brother had a big apprentice named Le Xiaohu, but he never saw it. I don't know, when did he receive another little apprentice?

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