My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 892: See blood red

Chapter 892: Seeing Blood and Red

Blood wrapped up with broken hands and everyone was shocked!

"Li, Li Fan ..."

Ling Tian reacted first and hurried forward to bandage Li Fan. Li Fan waved his hand, his face was slightly white, and he clicked two acupoints at the position of the broken hand to stop the bleeding.

The assassin demon was shocked.

I am a horrible man, but my boss is different!

The boss is very young and has already worked hard to build this foundation. He is destined to be a big man!

In the heart of the melee demon king, although the sky is not afraid, but he is always admired by the boss!

Now the boss broke his arm for himself ... he, he really regretted it, not only did he not help the boss, but he also broke his hand ... he is really an asshole!

"Miss Liu ... one hand at a time ..."

Li Fan took a deep breath and calmed his own blood. "In addition, in my name, I will compensate your brother for mental damage and medical expenses, a total of one million. Is this enough?"


Liu Yanan cried.

She is particularly uncomfortable, but she is the chairman of the Chilong Society. Even if Tianda is grieved, Tianda is sad, she must bear it.

"Enough ... you ... go to the doctor ..."

Liu Yingnan pressed his own voice so as not to tremble, "It's too late to pick up ..."

"Thank you, Miss Liu, for your grace!"

Li Fan kicked the mule devil, and the mule devil knelt on the ground, and stunned his head against Liu Yannan.

For the first time, the assassin's devil bowed his head, and Li Fan's hand was enough to change his attitude.

"Let's go, let's go ..."

Liu Yingnan waved his hand, watching Li Fan go out, his body was weak for a while, and he sat on the sofa directly.

Just the courage and anger just now, I don't even know where to go at this time.

Li Fan ... this **** guy ...

"Boss, I ..."

After leaving the house and sitting in the car, the demon king looked at his boss with a look of shame.

"Stop talking, everyone is a brother."

Li Fan said, "I broke my hand and naturally there is a way to solve it. And if you break your hand, this life will be a waste."

"I, how can I compare with the boss, I am a mean ..."

"It's all my brothers. How can we be arrogant. Don't forget, we are out for a big deal."

Li Fan smiled, "But before I do anything next time, I have a long brain. After all, I have only two hands to cut for you."

The assassin wants to talk, but he doesn't know what to say, he can only pull himself a big mouth.

"I'll take you to the Second Hospital, where the medical level is the best."

Ling Tian struck a steering wheel and stepped the throttle to the bottom. He was not afraid to run into a red light.

"No need, I can do it myself."

Li Fan said, holding his broken hand in his left hand, and placed it on the fracture.

Zhenqi walked out, first fixing his right hand on it, then a trace of Qi was like a drill, impacting the meridians and blood vessels at the break, and then starting suture like a needle and thread, reconnecting the flesh at the break.

At the same time, Li Fan's deformed power was launched to regenerate the flesh and bones and make the broken hand stronger.

Soon, Li Fan's broken hand was picked up by him again, but he also sweated a lot, his internal force was empty, and it was only good to take a Huiyuan Dan.

The process of this treatment seems very simple, but the ability to control the true Qi is terribly accurate. One bad control is to give up everything.

In order to get his arm back, Li Fan almost exhausted his inner energy.

Seeing that Li Fan had just taken his right hand back like this, the Devil and Ling Tian both widened their eyes.

"Rumors of the rivers and lakes ... You were cut off by Murong Bo, we all thought it was a rumor ... I didn't expect it to be true?"

"The two recovery methods are different, but they cannot always be used."

Li Fan said, "When it was restored, it was actually extremely dangerous. As long as one of them was not careful, I would go into flames and never lose it again. This time, my meridians have been damaged a little, and I need to rest for a long time to recover slowly. The next time, the meridian in this hand is estimated to be completely scrapped, and I will no longer be able to practice. "

Li Fan is not a bluff, it is so.

The matter of rebuilding the arm was originally the undead evil Buddha, Zhou Guifei's masterpiece. She is well versed in medicine and has turned reality into reality, so rebuilding a broken arm is almost impossible.

But Li Fan couldn't, he didn't understand how to turn reality into reality. The reason why he can reattach his arm is based on his exquisite aura control skills and the ability to reshape bones.

This method is a bit of a cottage.

Li Fan didn't want to break his hand again. Once again, he was really dead, unless Zhou Guifei was willing to run over a thousand miles to make a new player for Li Fan.

But who is Zhou Guifei? Shenlong doesn't see her head at the end, not to mention letting her obediently handle herself.

Li Fan couldn't help but fantasize about it. If Zhou Guifei was her own little doctor, it would be nice to call on call and treat the wounds for herself.

Thinking of this, Li Fan couldn't help but laughed a little, but scared the two people next to him.

"Boss, you, are you all right?"

The ascendant demon king said, did he accidentally chop the boss's nerve when he cut his hand? Ten fingers connected to heart, can this be the truth?

"It's okay ... the first day of this year is not going well."

Li Fan leaned on the back of the chair and murmured, "I have seen blood several times, and it seems that this year has been a **** year."

"Which year wasn't bloody."

When Ling Tian saw that Li Fan's hand was repaired, he calmed down. As he drove, he couldn't help but taunt, "I have seen so many killings for so many years. As long as there is interest, the blood and rain will not stop."

Ling Tian was undercover. Only Li Fan knew that he didn't tell anyone else.

If you let others know that Ling Tian is undercover, he will have to be beaten three times.

Therefore, Li Fan kept a secret for him.

"There is a phone."

Ling Tian put up with his temper and turned on Bluetooth.

"Xia Yan said, there is a client in the dart board, and he wants to order your dart in person."


Li Fan couldn't help laughing, "Withdrawing what I just said, this little blood is red, and it is estimated that this year will make a fortune."

Li Fan is a gold medal dart division, and this price naturally goes up.

He now makes a dart, with the lowest price starting from one million.

He wants to drive down the price, and other dart masters will not do it! The brand of the gold medal dartist is placed here, how can I lower my price!

"Tell Xia Xun, stabilize the residents, we will go back!"

Li Fan, a typical small fortune fan, let Ling Tian drive the car, soaring all the way, and rushed back to the dart.

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