My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 893: Golden Eagle Fort

893 Rush into Golden Eagle Fort

As soon as he entered the dart board, Li Fan saw that his golden sign was taken off the wall and placed on the Eight Immortals table in front of the door.

This is the rule, whose dart is used, and whose brand is taken. Although Li Fan felt that this resembled an ancient emperor's brand reversal, he still insisted on observing the dart game.

After becoming a gold medal dart division, Li Fan's brand was painted with a layer of gold paint.

In the center of the room, a box of boxes was placed there, but the guests did not know where.

"what's the situation?"

After Li Fan came in, he snapped off the snow on his body and asked.

"We don't know."

Xia Xie was cleaning the house, saw Li Fan coming over, and shook his head. "The man put down the box and the money and left, saying that it was for you to go to the Golden Eagle Fort and just send things over."

"Golden Eagle?"

Li Fan was a little surprised. Isn't this Yin Yinru's home?

After Yin Wuchao died, this Golden Eagle fort changed hands. Who would let himself send a dart in the past?

Yin Xiaoru?

Impossible, where did she come from this million.

That girl, the greatest ability is to steal things and cry poor!

"What does the guest look like?"

Li Fan asked a question.

"He is wearing a large cloak, covering his face, speaking with a little Sichuan accent."

Xia Min recalled, "It feels a little yin and yang, but looking at Qian's face, I didn't delve too deeply."


Li Fan was speechless, too long with himself, and the young teacher and sister also failed to learn.

Money, money is indeed a good thing.

"Okay, now that the money has been given, I'll take a trip myself."

"Master, I'll go with you."

Jiang Ye rushed to ask for help, but Li Fan waved his hand.

"People named me and let me go alone, and I can do darts alone. Don't be idle at home. Let Yan Kai teach you some feminine kung fu of Tai Chi, which will help your snake attack.

"I know Master."

To Jiang Ye, Li Fan's words were imperatives.

Master would not let her go out, so she would practice her homework honestly. When Master comes back, let him take a look at his stronger self. Maybe Master is happy!

"In a few days, my little master will be in class."

Xia Ling reminded.

Because many times, darts are things that can't be seen on the table, so you can only take a car or take the Luoma Ancient Road, which is basically ground transportation.

"Well, I know, so I don't take a car anymore.

Li Fan will start the school in a few days and the college entrance examination will be held in June. The course will become tighter and tighter, so he has to hurry up to review it.

This last semester class cannot be delayed any longer. If you delay again, it will kill you!

As a student, college entrance examination is a must.

"I'm going back soon."

Li Fan said goodbye to his family, carried the big box on his back, and set off on the way to Golden Eagle Fort.

On this way, Li Fan stepped on the snow without any traces and speed was fast.

There are many small roads in the suburbs, and Li Fan picks deserted roads, so no one can find him. If people can see that Li Fan is carrying a big box and can run as fast as swallows, it is likely that he has to doubt life.

As he hurried, he was still thinking about one thing.

Did Yin Wuchao die?

In Li Fan's memory, he should have repelled the Yin Wu dynasty with Liu Zhu, and the time was on the way with Liu Zhu to Yi Jian Xiao Qingfeng.

But why did Jiang Feng tell himself that the Yin Wu Dynasty was dead?

And it seems to be a long time ago, why don't you have any impression?

Is Yin Wuchao lying or did he remember it wrong?

Li Fan was puzzled. This matter can only be known after the Golden Eagle Fort.

Li Fan's footsteps were fast, and no one was disturbed on the way. One day later, he had already reached the Golden Eagle Fort.

This Golden Eagle Fort seems to be the same as before, but now it is full of a sense of killing.

Last time I came to Golden Eagle Castle, there were still many Golden Eagle swordsmen and guards, and many people from rivers and lakes gathered in Golden Eagle Castle to rest or exchange information.

Golden Eagle Fort belongs to the people of the rivers and lakes. Someone once said so.

But at this time the Golden Eagle Castle was not alone. A gust of wind blew through, set off the sand, and blasted the house above the Golden Eagle Fort.

"what's the situation……"

Li Fan took out the kettle behind him and took a sip of water first.

After a long journey, I need to replenish my water. As a qualified dartmaster, you must prepare your own water and food. It is best not to eat anything along the way.

Li Fan was standing in front of the gate and could not feel the breath of anyone.

Has Golden Eagle Castle become a dead city?

Should not!

Li Fan was getting more and more strange. He carried the box, pushed out the unlocked door, and walked slowly inside.

There was snow everywhere on the ground of the Golden Eagle Fort, and there were no footprints on it, as if no one had been here for a long time.

According to the area where Golden Eagle Fort is located, it should rarely snow. But such a thick pile of snow here is obviously long-standing.

Jiang Feng said that Yin Wuchao died and Jinyingbao was taken over. Who was taking over and where was Yin Xiaoru?

Instead of performing light work, Li Fan slowly walked on the snow and observed the movement around him.

The surroundings are terrible and silent, there is no sound at all, only the crunching sound of boots on the snow.

In front of him is the mansion where Yin Wuchao lived. The door with the brass lion head is in front of him, and there is a layer of gray on it.

Li Fan walked over and stood in front of the door. The pair of Zhu Qi gates seemed to know Li Fan's existence and slowly opened.

Li Fan was a little flustered. Under what circumstances, has the Golden Eagle's mansion been changed to an automatic gate?

Mom, a chicken, I walk straight, afraid of a woolen yarn!

Li Fan lifted his feet and walked directly into the mansion. The sunlight outside seemed to be away from him. The inside of the mansion was dark, and the sunlight seemed to avoid the place automatically.

In front of it were two taishi chairs with a square table in the middle.

On the square table was a portrait of Yin Wuchao. He stood on the wall and smiled, his smile was very strange.

Li Fan had a feeling that Yin Wuchao looked at himself. It should be an illusion, after all, it is just an ordinary portrait. Li Fan believes that there are ghosts and gods, but his courage is not small. He is not afraid of the living Yin Wuchao, not to mention the dead Yin Wuchao?

"anyone there?"

Li Fan shouted, shouting.

The voice echoed in the house, one after another, and returned to Li Fan's ear, but no one answered himself.

"I'm here to send darts. I'll put them here when no one is."

Li Fan said, taking off the large box on his back, slamming it, and placing it on the ground in front of him.

The dust was lifted directly, and Li Fan's face was patted.

At this time, the box opened sharply.

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