My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 894: Men who visited the palace

Chapter 894: The Man Who Had Been To The Palace

The one in the box was nothing else, it was the head of Yin Wuchao!

This head doesn't know what has been soaked, it hasn't rotten for so long. It stared at his eyes as if looking at Li Fan, as if to open his mouth to say something to him.

"Your uncle!"

Li Fan immediately exploded. "Who the **** is playing with the little master! Don't hide, get out with the little master!"

Li Fan said, taking two steps back, and then raised a breath in his body, suddenly roaring!


Tigers Howling Forest!

As if a gust of wind was blowing, the dust in the house was rolled up, and was blown away by Li Fan in a blink of an eye, disappeared completely!

The surrounding windows were blown open, and the sun shone into the house, making it bright.

The figure of a woman did not know when she was sitting on the front teacher's chair.

She was wearing a long white dress, long black hair, and a pair of little feet. She looked a little fairy-like, elegant and elegant.

This woman has red lips and white teeth, a big beauty alive, a pair of peach eyes, smiled and crooked into a crescent.

The beauty of this woman can definitely make men crazy.

Li Fan wants to be crazy.

"Zhou Guifei! Are you too busy?"


Zhou Guifei sat there with graceful voice, and her voice sounded as if it were a bird of the oriole.

"It's been a long time since I haven't seen it."

"My dear is this temper! Concubine Zhou, you have more money, you can just give it to me, what a mystery to play!"

"It's true that there is a lot of money in this palace. With a little money, it makes you obediently come to this palace. Isn't it interesting?

When Zhou Guifei left, she took away a lot of gold and silver treasures. One million was indeed a small sum to her.

"It really is a prodigal girl, nothing is going on."

Li Fan has understood that this Yin Wu dynasty was definitely killed by Zhou Guifei.

"Let's go now? Does this palace spend money? Don't you talk to this palace?"

"What to talk?"

Li Fan snorted, "What is there to say between you and me!"

"Don't want to know the whereabouts of the little girl who likes to steal?"

"Yin Xiaoru?"

Li Fan was nervous, "How did you treat her?"

"Sure enough, there are still people you care about."

Zhou Guifei laughed again and again. "This palace said that you look very strong, but you are actually weak. You can never be lost if you are alone."

"Zhou Guifei, you **** is really annoying!"

Although she was a beauty in front of her, Li Fan couldn't help yelling, "It looks beautiful, but it's a scorpion heart! Yin Xiaoru has no injustice and revenge against you, what do you do to her! You have the ability to have the ability to be small Grandpa, no matter what, I will continue! "

Li Fan immediately mentioned his true feelings, and the whole person was not angry.

"What is it, talk first, and then talk about women."

Zhou Guifei sat there, raising her pretty little feet and dangling.

"My palace is very boring. People in this era have no meaning at all, and there are no pleasing people. This palace looks and looks good."

"You are sick."

Li Fan glared at Zhou Guifei, feeling that the woman was not ill!

An old monster who has lived for hundreds of years has already begun to twist his heart!

"This palace is not sick, because you people can't see clearly."

Zhou Guifei proudly said, "The strength of this palace is enough to represent everything. If you want to persuade this palace, conquer it with your strength."

"Where is Yin Xiaoru?"

Li Fan felt that preaching with Zhou Guifei was probably not feasible, so he directly asked Yin Xiaoru's whereabouts.

"A little girl is so worthy of your love. Why, isn't the charm of this palace even a little girl?"

Zhou Guifei hooked her fingers at Li Fan.

"Why, did you do this to him?"

Li Fan kicked at the box in front of him, and the head of Yin Wuchao shook.

"How can this be, this palace can't be ignored."

"So you killed him?"

"You're really wrong with this palace, didn't you kill this man?"


Li Fan scolded, "The little man did kill someone, but he never killed the old man!"

"You see, you haven't admitted what you did."

Guigui Zhou smiled. "When you killed this man, you were quite handsome."

"Nonsense, for things I haven't done, it's useless to lie to me."

"The house never lied, because the house didn't need to lie."

Zhou Guifei stretched her waist. "Well ... I haven't been active recently, my bones are lazy."

"Zhou Guifei, what do you want to do?"

Li Fan scolded, "You brought me here and lied to me to kill someone. What is the purpose of trying to marry me?"

"You ... have become a bit annoying after you changed your look."

Gui Guifei sighed sighingly, "when you were in bed, you didn't talk to this palace ...

"what did you say?"

Li Fan was startled, took a step back and looked at Zhou Guifei in shock.

"I slept with you? What's the joke?"

Concubine this week, it's really becoming more and more unreliable!

"Don't you remember?"

Zhou Guifei frowned slightly, "At that time ..."

Zhou Guifei spoke for a day, but Li Fan sneered.

"Oh, in those days, I was retreating! How ever I had a private experience with you!"

"Don't you really admit it?"

With a look of coldness, Zhou Guifei stood up slowly, as if floating into the air, her black hair was dancing.

"The body of the palace has always been clear and clean, and even the dog emperor has never touched it. At that time, I turned it over to you, but you turned your face down! Well, Li Fan, this palace will let you remember today!"

Li Fan felt a little bit angry and aggrieved.

He did not have anything to do with Zhou Guifei, but when he was in retreat, he was harassed by the demon.

At that time, Mr. Yang appeared in front of himself, carrying Zhou Guifei in his arms, and it was a cloud of rain.

For Li Fan, it was like watching a movie once and didn't take it seriously.

But linking a series of things that are happening now ... Li Fan was a little more thoughtful.

Could it be ... what Zhou Guifei said is true?

Before Li Fan wanted to understand, Zhou Guifei had reached him, raised her palm, and pasted it towards Li Fan's forehead.

Zhou Guifei showed no mercy, as if to shoot Li Fan with one palm!

But Li Fan was not a waiter either. He immediately stepped on his horse with his feet and directly recorded the Big Bear Seal, and touched the hand of Zhou Guifei!


The two palms collided and a wave spread out, setting off the surrounding tables and chairs.

Layers of cracks also appeared on the walls, apparently caused by the internal forces of the two!

"It's been a long time, and you've improved a lot."

Zhou Guifei could not help but praise, "It is indeed a man who has been in this palace."

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