My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 897: Things in the world

Chapter 897: The World Dart

At the age of thirteen, Zhou Guifei entered the palace.

"I don't like it here ..."

At the time, Zhou Guifei was just a maid next to her sister, who was a queen and the mother of the world. Everyone who saw her had to worship, except for two people. One was Chongzhen, the emperor of the Dynasty, and the other was her younger sister, Wanwan.

Zhou Wanyu took her sister's hand and resisted entering the palace.

But no one in the whole family agreed to Zhou Wanyi's request. In this way, Zhou Wanyu was sent to the palace and made such a maid next to her sister.

Zhou Wanyi was sick when she was young, and she was assigned to Shaolin Xiwu to strengthen her body. Originally it was impossible for Shaolin Temple to accept female dependents, but then Zhou Wanyi also pretended that the boy was sent away, and Zhou Wanyi was talented and intelligent, and she had the ability to turn into reality.

However, until the age of thirteen, the characteristics of Zhou Wanyi's girls became more and more obvious. At this age, she had already reached the peak of her strength and shocked Wulin.

Zhou Wanyu was also discovered by her master and driven out of Shaolin, and she entered the palace with her sister.

As a master, you should serve the royal family.

This was the philosophy of the martial arts at that time. When Zhou Guifei entered the palace, even her master supported it.

"You don't have much development with the poor monk. You might as well go into the palace."

That's what Master said to himself at the time.

"Daming Dynasty, you are needed."

After Zhou Guifei entered the palace, she accidentally turned to a large secret book in the palace. At the age of fifteen, Zhou Guifei had already reached the top level of peaking.

At this time, the Ming Dynasty had entered its final stage.

Numerous foreign masters came to the palace to assassinate Chongzhen, but none of them passed Zhou Guifei.

At that time, Zhou Guifei was almost the pride of the entire martial arts, until she swept the entire martial arts.

"Enchanted, is it really bad?"

Zhou Guifei stood there, looked into the distance, and said softly.

"Sometimes it's a good thing not to think."

"You are okay."

Li Fan looked at Zhou Guifei sitting on the carriage with a bit of depression. She was wearing a long white dress with a hand on her chin, and the afterglow of the sun slightly sprinkled on her, showing that she had a holy beauty .

Everything was an illusion, and Li Fan hurriedly retracted his eyes.

This girl, Zhou Guifei, is poisonous.

"You are okay, but for Mao to follow me?"

Because Zhou Guifei followed, Li Fan had to rent a carriage.

"This palace is already yours, not following who you follow."

"It's all a blame, it's nothing to do with me."

Li Fan said, "I'll take you to the exit of Luoma Ancient Road in front of you, and then don't follow me."

"Well, Li Fan, don't go too far! Can you bully this palace?"

"Then you get off now."

"Hmm ... this palace is too lazy to see you in general."

Zhou Guifei leaned on the cymbal, and said nothing.

Li Fan continued to drive the carriage quietly. There were too many people on the Luma Ancient Road. He changed the shape of his face quietly in order to be unobtrusive.

"What does Yi Rong do, with this palace in there, who dares not hurt you?"

Zhou Guifei asked.

"The heart is sinister and nothing is easy to say."

Li Fan is no longer a fledgling rookie, he is now an old driver.

"The rivers and lakes are indeed sinister, so absolute power is needed."

"You woman, sometimes the idea is too extreme. Say, isn't your million spent a little worth?"

Li Fan mocked Zhou Guifei.

"No, a little money. It would be nice to see you."

When Zhou Guifei said this, she was especially like a little girl.

"Where am I? It's worth your memory."

Li Fan did not understand very much.

"You don't know ... when your demon possesses ... the charm you exude ..."

Zhou Guifei seems to be a little missed, "Hey, it would be nice if you broke out completely."

"On the day, the little master didn't want to go into the devil!"

Li Fan is also considered to have served this week's concubine, but she can probably do whatever she wants and act in her own mood in this arena.

"Everyone in the world is a demon.

Zhou Guifei sneered a few times, "If you and I are demon, what can you do, but live happily."

"Are you and Mr. Yang a family?"

"Mr. Yang, who is that?"

Zhou Guifei turned her head gently and asked Li Fan.

"It's nothing……"

Li Fan turned his head away and stopped talking.

The two men drove the carriage all the way along the ancient Loma Road and walked towards the exit.

Zhou Guifei sat quietly on the chin, stretched out her hands, seemed boring, and was braiding her hair.

Soon, she tied a cute twisted braid, but she didn't seem to be satisfied, she opened it and started to tie it again.

The woman was so boring, Li Fan retracted his sight and continued to concentrate on driving.

At this moment, Zhou Guifei suddenly looked up, looked at Li Fan, and said, "Someone is ahead."


Li Fan glanced into the distance without seeing anyone. In front of them is a barren grassland. Because of the early spring, some tender green grasses have just emerged from the ground, releasing vitality.

But after Li Fan drove a hundred meters away, he heard the sound of a collision between sword and weapon in his ear.

What a concubine Zhou!

Li Fan couldn't help but be shocked. Is she even aware of this distance?

Zhou Guifei's strength is indeed strong. I am afraid that there are only a few people who can compete with her in today's rivers and lakes.

I don't know what happened in the front, but there are plants on both sides, which is not suitable for a carriage. Li Fan can only continue to follow the old road and keep going down.

The sound of metal was getting louder and louder. Soon, several carriages appeared in front of some run-down Zhuangzis.

Six dart divisions stood there, wielding weapons in their hands, and ganged up with several men in black.

Those in black didn't know what school they were in, each masked, holding a Pu Dao in their hands, fiercely tricked, and almost all six dart divisions were injured.

"Let's go."

Zhou Guifei didn't care about these people's life and death, she signaled that Li Fan would continue to hurry.

"The darts in the world are all my business."

Li Fan is a gold medal dartist, so he has to manage it.

"You want to care, they have to appreciate it."

Zhou Guifei knew a little about Li Fan.

The world's darts, but no one likes Li Fan. If he is not a gold medal dartist, no other darts will deal with him at all.

"That's their business. I only do my business."

Li Fan said, jumping off the carriage.

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