898 Helping Hand

He Qiqi just passed his 19th birthday.

The birthday was very bland, although everyone in the darts said that they should set up a banquet, and entertain the world's heroes.

But He Qiqi did not agree, because she knew that, one, the darts didn't have so much money to set up the banquet. Second, the world's heroes will not come to such a small dart board to participate in the banquet.

The dart was his father's business. When he died, he gave it to himself.

So for He Qiqi, the dart is not only a responsibility, but also a kind of inheritance. Even if the people in the dart board hope to follow the trend and change the dart board to a security company or something, at least they can make some worldly money, but He Qiqi flatly rejected it.

The tradition of darts can't be changed, just use darts, take good darts.

People in the darts therefore walked away, scattered. Now in the entire dartboard, except for himself, there are only five dartmasters. They are all old seniors who worked hard with his father in that era.

For a martial arts fighter, at this age, it should be to go home and support every day. But the dartboard is really lacking in manpower, so it can only invite a few uncles and uncles out of the mountain again.

But they were indeed old, and a few assassins couldn't stop it.

He Qiqi's martial arts are not very high. She held a leather shield in one hand and a sharp knife in the other, and hurriedly resisted the attack of a man in black.

"Drop the dart and get out of the way! Otherwise don't even want to live!"

The man in black yelled while attacking.

"Dart, dart is in people!"

He Qiqi remembered what his father had said in her ear. Although her hand was shaking, she clenched her sharp knife tightly and reprimanded.

"court death!"

The man in black held the Park knife in both hands, and the offensive rhythm was a little faster, and He Qiqi faintly lost.

"Dart head! Swallow step, Fuhu knife!"

An old dartsman with white hair tangled with the man in black while shouting his throat.


He Qiqi exerted lame kung fu, she heard the reminder of the old dart master, tried to step back, and then slashed to the man in black.

But she stepped back, suddenly stumbled, and fell to the ground!

He Qiqi's world slowed down suddenly, as if she could see the ironic smile in the eyes of the man in black, and raised his hand and pierced her.

Just then, He Qiqi's falling body stopped suddenly and fell into a strong embrace.

In He Qiqi's sight, she saw a man hugging herself, then lifted a foot, and struck the man in the black knife of the black man.

Pu Dao was taken straight away and stuck on the door panel of the dilapidated house next to it.

"Hello, who dares to control what I teach!"

The other party made a name for himself. He thought he would scare the other party, but he didn't expect the other party to report his name.

"It's a demon, that's exactly where the activity is."

Instead, the man laughed. He put He Qiqi down, took over He Qiqi's shield knife, and walked forward slowly.

"court death!"

This man in black was also extremely ferocious. He took a Pudao from his companion and rushed towards the man!

The man did not retreat, and when he lifted the skin shield on his left hand, he smashed directly into the black knife of the man in black, and then the sharp knife in his right hand pierced directly through the throat of the man in black and pierced him!

The man's sharp knife was thrown, and the body of the man in black was thrown to the side.

Kill one person in ten steps.

At this moment, the entire audience was calmed down, and other men in black also stopped fighting, took a few steps back, and reexamined the man in front of them.

He Qiqi also looked at him, a little dazed.

Who is this man?

The man used a sharp knife to draw a long line on the ground, and said with a smile, "Anyone who crosses this line will die."

"This wave of pretense, I give it ten."

Zhou Guifei sat bored on the carriage beside her, watching Li Fan pretending to be quiet.

Li Fan, holding a shield knife, stood behind the line and didn't talk much or take any action.

The other men in black look left and right.

"He's alone, don't be afraid, go together."

A man in black holding a Park knife and pointed to Li Fan, "This thing is very important to the church owner. If we lose our dart, we can't live!"


"kill him!"

When the rest of the people in black heard these words, they seemed to think of the master's means, and they couldn't help shivering one by one, and then rushed towards Li Fan together.

A total of eight people in black were killed by Li Fan, and the remaining seven flew to Li Fan in the blink of an eye.

A man in black has reached the top of Li Fan's head, raised the Pu Dao in his hand, and with a momentum of indomitable spirit, he slashed down towards Li Fan!

With a smile, Li Fan raised his leather shield and pushed it over his head. He immediately smashed the black knife of the man in black. At the same time, the sharp knife on the side of his body and the right hand chopped down and slammed directly. Head.

The man grunted and flew to the feet of a man in black. He didn't have time to look at it, holding the Pu Dao in both hands, next to him, and chopped towards Li Fan's feet.

Li Fan raised his left foot and stepped his Pudao directly under his foot. At the same time, he kicked his right foot, struck him on the head of the man in black, kicked him high, and the sharp knife of Li Fan's right hand followed He pierced through his chin and pierced his head.

Li Fan's knife carried the corpse, blocking Park Pu, who was stabbed by two other men in black. Pu Dao pierced through the bodies of their companions. Li Fan pulled out his sharp knife and pierced the heart of the man in black on the right behind. At the same time, Pi Dun shook and smashed the man in black on the left hand side, then stepped forward and gave him a knife.

With a bang, the man in black was pierced.

Li Fan squatted down on the ground, and the three men in black jumped behind him. The blade in his hand took Li Fan with a bright light.

Li Fan quickly turned around and snarled at the three people coming forward.


A wave of air rushed out and lifted the three men in black, and the three crashed into the back house. Two people bumped into the wall, and one directly penetrated the door and fell into the back yard.

A sharp knife in Li Fan's right hand flung and nailed a man in black to the wall. At the same time, the body turned, and the shield on the left hand flew away. This small leather shield was full of vitality and turned sharper than a knife. It instantly cut off another man in black and inlaid it on the wall.

Li Fan leaped forward and jumped into the house, while the man in black was about to get up, stretched out his hands, grabbed the man in the black man's head, and twisted hard.


The man in black had his throat twisted, his head twisted 180 degrees, and he looked strangely behind.

Li Fan clapped his hands, walked out of the house, and took off his shield knife from the wall.

The last man in black was almost scared, and sat on the ground with one butt.

p.s power failure today so temporarily two more

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