My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 899: He Jia Qi Qi

No. 899

The man in black shivered, and Li Fan had already stepped in front of him, and the sharp knife reached his forehead.

Li Fan asked, tearing off his mask.

"I haven't seen you in demons. Who are you?"


The man in black roared suddenly, and then began to shout a lot of slogans.

"From generation to generation, but I will not die!"

The face of the man in black was suddenly covered with blue tendons, and his eyes became blood red!

Li Fan felt a moment of pressure. He lifted a foot and slammed on the man. The other party looked like a ball and was kicked out by Li Fan. He turned into a shell and crashed into the dilapidated mansion behind him.


The house collapsed instantly, and flesh and blood sprayed to the ground.

"So dangerous ..."

Seeing this scene, He Qiqi was so pale that he touched his chest for a long time before he calmed down.

"The dismantling of demons is indeed the work of demons."

Li Fan confirmed the other party's information. Recently, there are always some people in the rivers and lakes who like to use the name of evil devil as an injustice. Li Fan hates it, but he doesn't want to let the evil devil be a pot knight and cover them.

"Thank you for your help!"

He Qiqi was signaled by an elderly dart master, and then he reacted, stepped forward, and arched at Li Fan.

"You're welcome. The dartmasters in the world are one, and I'm just a hand."

Li Fan waved his hand, saying he did nothing.

"Your Excellency is also a dart master?"

He Qiqi was a little happy, "I don't know which dart?"

"It's just a little dart, not to mention."

Li Fan casually said the name of a dart, but he never heard of it.

"Four Sea Dart Board, Li San."

"The Waterman Darts, the head of the dart is He Qiqi."

He Qiqi's beautiful eyes had some admiration, "If Brother Li weren't here today, we might all be finished ..."

Li Fan returned the shield knife to He Qiqi, and asked at the same time.

"I see that when He Dart's head was holding a knife just now, his technique was very astringent, and he faintly looked like painting ... I'm afraid, He Dart's head just learned martial arts soon, right?"

"It's not too long ..."

He Qiqi took his shield knife, and his face turned red slightly. "Although I learned martial arts early, I haven't practiced well since I was a kid. I am a student of the Academy of Fine Arts. I just got a freshman this year. thing……"

Before she finished, the old man coughed and interrupted He Qiqi's words.

"Well, dart head, you can slowly talk about the dart game in the future. Now it is said that the troubles of Li Shaoxia are exaggerated."

"Oh ... look at me, it's endless."

He Qiqi tapped his head lightly, "Li Shaoxia's gratitude, he must pay back in the future."

"It's okay, don't be so polite, you just keep going."

Li Fan should also be on the road, he didn't want to delay too long, go back to review his homework early and prepare for the college entrance examination!

He Qiqi is a college student. He is still a high school student who is worried about college!

"I don't know where Li Shaoxia goes?"

He Qiqi asked subconsciously.

"Go east and get ready for the old road."

"Oh, by coincidence, we're going east too!"

He Qiqi was a little happy, clapping his hands and inviting, "May I go with you, what do you think, Brother Li?"

He Qiqi seems to be a self-cooked person. This meeting has already shouted a big brother Li.

"That ... Chief Dart, isn't it great?"

The old man could not help but interject.

"It's too laborious and annoying.

"Anyway, it's a fate when you meet, and it's good to send you a ride."

Li Fan nodded and agreed.

"Thank you so much!"

He Qiqi is very happy. With the help of a powerful dart master like Li San, the next section will go well!

"Then let's go."

Li Fan got on his carriage and followed them. And He Qiqi seemed to be a little interested in Li San. She rode a horse and walked next to Li Fan's car. When she saw the beautiful and envious Zhou Guifei, she couldn't help asking.

"Who is this……"

Zhou Guifei immediately raised her small chin, and it was time to introduce her name.

"Oh, this is my second aunt."

Li Fan casually said that Zhou Guifei almost did not vomit blood, the second aunt of God tm!

"Well, you can really make a joke."

He Qiqi covered his mouth and chuckled, "This young man, how could it be your second aunt."

That's it!

Zhou Guifei said, still this little girl has vision.

"My second aunt is beautiful, do you want to learn?"

Li Fan looked at He Qiqi with a smile and thought that this little girl was quite cute.

"Oh ... it's really your second aunt ... so young ..."

Hey, you stand firm!

Zhou Guifei was proud of her whole life, and didn't know why, but at this moment she wanted to cry a little.

"He dart head ..."

"It's awful to call He Dart, just call me seven or seven."

It is really full of modern habits, Li Fan couldn't help whispering in his heart.

"Let's ... July, I don't think you look like a martial arts person. Why did you become a dart?"

Li Fan thought for a long time in his heart, and finally could not help but ask.

"Take over Dad's business."

He Qiqi sighed softly, "I was still a freshman in the academy ... Later, my dad passed away, and no one managed the darts, so I had to take over.

"Will you get used to it?"

"A little ... a lot of rules ... especially Wang Bo, when I can't do it well, I will blame me, hum ..."

He Qiqi quietly spit out his tongue at Li Fan, "don't tell him."

"Ha ha ha, there are many rules in these rivers and lakes. But if you are strong, you don't have to follow the rules in this world."

Li Fan told the truth, this is what Zhou Guifei told him.

"But ... my strength is weak ... When my father taught me to practice martial arts, I didn't learn much ... Now, I can't find anyone to beat."

He Qiqi was annoyed with a face, "But Brother Li, come to our dartboard! I, I will give you a high salary! How about five thousand yuan a month!"

Li Fan almost laughed out of breath, but Zhou Guifei looked at herself gloatingly.

"How's it, Brother Li, this is the highest price for our dart! Uncle Wang doesn't have as much as you!"

He Qiqi looked at himself sincerely, not like a joke.

"How can you betray your own dart?"

Li Fan made an excuse and rejected He Qiqi, making him slightly disappointed.

The uncle Wang was walking in front, and his throat was almost coughing and bleeding. But at this time, the little master of their family had completely ignored him, and kept pestering Li Fan to ask East and West.

"Brother Li, what is your kung fu, and where did you learn it?"

"It's shield sword like you."

"Brother Li, what are you doing out?"

"A dart."

"Why don't you see your dart?"


"Brother Li, Brother Li, do you have a wife?"

Li Fan looked helplessly at this girl.

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