903 Alchemist

The person entrusted it to Li Fan, but the dart was delivered as promised.

Li Fan held the idea of ​​sending Buddha to the west, and decided to help them **** the dart to the place.

The place where these people want to send is the exit of the ancient Loma Road. There is a small mountain house where it is said that it is a family named Bai.

"What the **** did you send?"

While on the road, Li Fan couldn't help asking.

Several dart masters looked at Li Fan and did not answer.

The principle of the dart division cannot disclose to outsiders what their darts are.

And He Qiqi hesitated for a while, but didn't say it.

"Sorry, Brother Li, before the dart was set off, the guests had told him that absolutely no outsiders could know. So even if you ask me, I can't say.

"It's okay, I'm abrupt."

Li Fan waved his hand and sat in the car, no longer asking what the dart was.

But he used his own energy to wrap the box and tried to see what was inside.

Li Fan's innocence is never bad, but this time he encountered some special circumstances. Zhenqi seemed to be sucked, and madly pulled towards the box. Li Fan couldn't control his true spirit, and felt that the box was like a magic cave, as if to pull Li Fan's soul away.

Li Fan wanted to leave but couldn't resist. At that moment, it seemed that there were countless hands on his own body, and he was to be drawn into the abyss.

A woman is sitting in front of a dressing table, wearing a red cheongsam, which seems to be the personality of a famous family.

She is looking at the mirror and is dressing as if waiting for her sweetheart.

Li Fan particularly wanted to see that Gege's face, he slowly approached Gege, his ears seemed to have only a heartbeat, and a somewhat low gasp. As a martial artist's instinct, Li Fan felt uncomfortable. He was terrified and his hair shuddered. He wanted to leave, but his gaze involuntarily approached Gege.

"It's a bronze mirror."

Zhou Guifei suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed Li Fan's wrist.

Li Fan felt like he was dragged hard and returned to the real world.

He looked at Zhou Guifei, who looked like a fairy, as if she had passed away.

"Why, can't you extricate yourself from the beauty of this palace?"

The corner of Zhou Guifei's mouth raised a beautiful arc.

"Beautiful, it's beautiful."

Li Fan sincerely felt at this moment, if it were not for Zhou Guifei's shot, he would not know what would happen.

The two were sitting on the carriage, and they had been using the voice to enter the secret, and their voices would not be noticed by others.

"How do you know it's a bronze mirror?"

Li Fan wiped the cold sweat, looked at the proud Zhou Guifei, and asked.

"I checked it out early in the morning."

Zhou Guifei said casually, "It's an octagonal bronze mirror."

"Then how are you all right?"

That bronze mirror carries a certain kind of energy, but Zhou Guifei is all right?

"You are naturally different from this palace. In this world, no woman can compare with this palace."

"I wipe ..."

Li Fan poked his lips, this woman is too a second!

"In short, don't try to approach this box with anger."

Guigui Zhou reminded Li Fan, "Next time, even if it is my palace, you may not be able to save you."

"Got it."

Li Fan was a little depressed, so he had a great skill, so why didn't he have a small mirror!

"There should be a seal on that mirror."

Zhou Guifei continued to send messages to Li Fan.

"Surgery? What surgery?"

"An art of ghosts and gods."

Zhou Guifei said, "Since the Qin Dynasty, there is a person in this world who is proficient in the art of ghosts and gods and is called Fang Shi."

"The art of ghosts and gods? Can you fly around and live forever?"

"how is this possible."

Zhou Guifei rolled her eyes and looked pretty.

"It's just some yin and yang art, nothing too surprising."

Zhou Guifei seems to be accustomed to it. "While Chongzhen was still there, the palace also kept such an alchemist, who specializes in refining alchemy for Chongzhen. These elixir have some effects of prolonging life, but unfortunately, Chongzhen's anger has been exhausted."

Speaking of it, Zhou Guifei also giggled, and seemed to tell a joke.

"Although Chongzhen is a little capable, he is a man of no anger."

"Do you hate him?"

"It doesn't count as hate, but there are only two men who can enter the eyes of the law in this palace."

Zhou Guifei leaned her head lightly on the cymbal, as if looking a little tired. Her red lips were dazzling, which made Li Fan have the urge to kiss.

This woman is poisonous!

Li Fan swallowed and tried to suppress his anxious heart.

Although I may have tasted this red lip at some point, I even went straight to the flower core and picked my heart. But that was all a good thing when the demon possessed it, and I didn't have any impression.

Shouldn't you also come in when you are awake?

Alas, Li Fan, how can you have such aa thoughts!

"Keep talking about Alchemist."

Listening to Zhou Guifei's meaning, these alchemists should be professionals who are proficient in some alchemy, ghost hunting, and feng shui.

Huaxia has not lacked such people since ancient times, but it is not clear whether Li Fan is true or not.

"Does this bronze mirror have anything to do with Alchemist?"

"You are a martial arts fighter, you should understand that our martial arts are really energetic, it is an energy."

Zhou Guifei was too lazy to use her voice to whisper, and simply whispered in Li Fan's ears, making Li Fan's ears itchy.

"Even if someone dies, there should still be an energy ... and Alchemist knows how to communicate with this energy. The bronze mirror seems to seal the energy of a person. This kind of non-living things can only be done by Alchemist. Out. "

Said Zhou Guifei, she stretched her waist slightly, and was charming. "But ah, after this palace came to life, it seems that there is no alchemist here. It seems that the alchemist profession has come to an end. After all, The leak of a secret is to be condemned. "

"You were born against the sky, wouldn't you also be condemned?"

Li Fan gave Zhou Guifei a serious look.

"Yes, let the condemnation be more violent, our palace is not afraid."

Zhou Guifei laughed, her smile filled with self-confidence, "In this world, there is no opponent of this palace. Maybe, God can fight against this palace."

"The world's great wonders."

Li Fan reminded Zhou Guifei, "In addition to martial arts, there are many powerful masters."

"Maybe. Let's talk when they come. Sleep in this palace for a while, take care of your sister."

Zhou Guifei leaned on the carriage, closed her eyes and seemed to take a nap.

Li Fan looked at her, shook her head, and continued to concentrate on the carriage.


Uncle Wang walked in front and saw a house in the distance and shouted.

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