My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 904: Haunted house?

904 Haunted House?

White house.

Like Golden Eagle Fort, it is almost deserted.

The door was covered with snow, and no one could be seen here.

"Is this a waste house?"

He Qiqi could not help but be a little skeptical, but Li Fan subconsciously glanced at Zhou Guifei.

How to play this set, so get mysterious.

Zhou Guifei disagreed, she just asked Li Fan to send a dart, and by the way, she had no other thoughts.

But here is obviously different.

"Be careful with the dart, Zhuangzi seems strange."

Bo Wang reminded.

"It's okay, isn't it just a house? It's impossible to eat people."

He Qiqi waved his hand, "It's all here, let's finish the task and leave as soon as we hand in the dart!"

"The rivers and lakes are sinister, so be careful."

Bo Wang reminded.

"Ah, Uncle Wang, you are too timid. It's okay. Where can we be so unlucky?"

He Qiqi said, stepped forward and pushed open the door of the house.

There was a snow-covered yard directly in front of me, and there was no one in it. I didn't know how long it was deserted.

"There should be no one here."

He Qiqi just murmured, and the heavy snow around him suddenly rolled up, blowing continuously towards them.

He Qiqi raised his hands and blocked the snowflake in front of him.

This place is like another small snowfall. Shirayuki is like an elf, playing in this yard.

The two dartists carried the heavy iron box and came in. Li Fan and Zhou Guifei glanced at each other, and followed the rest of the dart masters into this sinister Baijia mansion.

After walking in, Li Fan seemed to hear someone whisper in his ear.

The voice was trivial and I couldn't hear what was being said, but I just felt creepy.

Ridiculous, is it a haunted house?

Li Fan is a little unconvinced. Where is this daylight, where are the monsters! What's more, if you are righteous, the body of pure yang will not be afraid of that charm!

As soon as Li Fan's forefoot entered the yard, the door behind him suddenly squeaked and closed.

Day, or automatic doors fail!

Everyone was a little scary, but Li Fan relaxed.

There is someone in this house, and it is a master of internal force.

The internal force of the other party has also reached a level of immersion, and it seems that the skill is definitely not weak!

"Here, is it haunted here ..."

He Qiqi, who was still scared just now, was pale at the moment, and hid subconsciously next to Li Fan, "Brother Li ... you, help me send the dart to the house ..."

Li Fan wanted to laugh, this little girl, who had been righteous before, was persuaded.

It's no wonder that ghosts can't tell what they can't understand. I'm not afraid. I'm afraid there are few people.

"Dart, how can it bother people."

Uncle Wang said immediately, "Let's get some of them."

Several dart masters braved each other and walked towards the front house.

When they stepped up the stairs, the originally closed door of the house suddenly opened slowly, as if welcoming them.

Even Wang Bo felt scared.

"Mom, there are so many of us, what are we afraid of! Come on!"

Uncle Wang said, biting his scalp, and took some old brothers directly into the house inside.

Li Fan was worried about what they had missed and followed closely with Zhou Guifei.

"You, you go ... I'll help you out in the yard."

He Qiqi stood alone in the yard, a gust of wind rose, and snowflakes blew on her face, and she was shocked by this girl.

"Wait for me! I am coming too!"

"Aren't you going to send a whistle in the yard?"

Li Fan saw He Qiqi who walked quickly to his side and couldn't help laughing.

"Ben, this dart should be a soldier first, how can he do such a nutritious thing as a whistle ..."

"Aren't you afraid?"

"What are you afraid of, daytime. Besides, this dart is fearless. How can a little barren house scare me, huh!"

He Qiqi said rather unconvinced.

"That ... what's in the house, let's go back."

"Dart, things have to be delivered to the other hand."

Bo Wang reminded He Qiqi, "Throw it here and leave, not the code of conduct for darts."

The old face of Li Fan was flushed, and Zhou Guifei next to him kept looking at him.

"What then? There are no people in this house."

"Just put it ..."

At this time, an old and somewhat hazy voice suddenly flew out and passed into everyone's ears!

Everyone is close to the enemy!

He Qiqi almost scared urine, and the whole man suddenly collapsed. He grabbed Li Fan's arm and burst into tears.

"It's a man or a ghost, get out!"

Although Li Fan was also playing drums in his heart, at this time, there was a sister paper relying on himself, and he could not counsel!

A creature like a man has ten times more courage in front of a woman.

He yelled, and that voice sounded again.

"I don't know myself ... Is a man or a ghost ... but it has nothing to do with you ... get down ... go ..."

The other party is chasing away customers.

"No, no ..."

He Qiqi, who was scared to death just now, summoned courage and said.

"I, I don't know if you are a member of the Bai family ... come out and see you to get something for you!"

The employer asked that things must be delivered to the Bai family.

As Wang Bo said, this is a rule. Even if you are afraid, the rules you should follow must not change!

Zhou Guifei couldn't help but look at her twice. This little girl is a bit interesting.

"All ... Get out ..."

The voice seemed to be a little impatient, and then, in the lobby, there was a sudden blast, and Wang Bo and their dart masters were blown out and ran down the door and fell outside the yard!

He Qiqi was almost blown out, but fortunately she held Li Fan's arm and did not fall out with her.

Li Fan and Zhou Guifei took roots as if standing on their feet, standing there steadily, and letting the wind pass by!

They glanced at each other, this was not a tangy at all, but the anger.

It seems that there really is a master in this house!

"His inner strength is good, why not come out and see?"

Li Fan asked loudly.

"You ... why are you fighting hard ..."

The other party ’s voice seemed to be a little bit resentful, but Li Fan arched his hand. “Sorry, the rules of our dart master, things must be delivered to the other side to be considered a dart! If you do n’t come out, this thing ca n’t be given to you and we ca n’t go . "

Said, Li Fan glanced at the door, "Brother, I'll come out with a dart."

"Where to go!"

The gate of the house suddenly slammed shut, but Li Fan laughed.

"Little trick, too, trying to shut me down?"

With that said, Li Fan didn't look back, and flung his hands behind him, and the two door panels were directly blown out by his infuriating!

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