My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 905: Resentment before

Episode 905

"Why talk to him?"

Zhou Guifei looked impatient, and suddenly she stretched out her right hand and dragged it in front of a mural!

The wall behind the mural boomed and broke!

The rubble rolled out, and there was a billowing black smoke inside.

He Qiqi was a little surprised. The second aunt never shot. She thought it was just an ordinary person!

Unexpectedly, but also a master of martial arts!

The smoke spread slowly, and a figure sat behind the wall.

He Qiqi looked at the man and couldn't help covering his mouth.

This guy ... is a bit scary ...

He had white hair on his face, a slender face, and an official uniform from the Qing Dynasty.

His hands rested on the armrests of the chair, and his nails were at least ten centimeters long, as if half of a beast's paw.

The man didn't know if it was life or death, and sat there as if it were a dead body. At that moment, He Qiqi remembered a word, zombie.

Can this man be a zombie?

With his appearance, a gust of wind passed through the hall, blowing on the three of them.

"Don't be afraid, he is human."

Li Fan felt He Qiqi was shaking, so he stretched out his hand, patted her back gently, and introduced Zhenqi into her body at the same time.

"But the body is almost dead, and it is completely hanged by a breath of life."

"This man is at least 150 years old."

Zhou Guifei gave him a glance up and down, "If it were not for a strong internal force, I'd be dead."

"Why ... why bother me ..."

The voice of the other side was cold, angry, irresistible, leaning on the three people.

"Whatever the palace wants to do, what kind of thing do you dare to ask the palace?"

When Zhou Guifei heard this, she was unhappy.

Anyway, she is also a concubine of the former dynasty. A clean official from the latter stabs herself, can she be happy?

"It's ... finding yourself ..."

The other side said, and suddenly waved, several swords hanging on the wall in this room, suddenly left the scabbard, and then shot towards Zhou Guifei together.

With powerful infuriating ability, even Li Fan had to praise it.

This person hasn't worked in vain for more than 100 years. At least this internal skill has been practiced to the extreme. Roughly estimated, there must be a generation of masters.

"This, what martial arts is this ..."

He Qiqi looked at the swords flying in front of him, and was a little shocked.

She first entered Wulin and has not seen this kind of kung fu!

"Stand behind me."

Li Fan reached out and took He Qiqi, protecting her behind her.

A sword had been shot in front of Li Fan and came straight to his brow.

The white-haired old man was ruthless and showed no mercy.

But Li Fan stood there, carrying his hands on his back, and didn't seem to care about the sword.


The sword suddenly stopped in front of Li Fan, as if blocked by an invisible aura.

Li Fan's qi field was launched. The powerful qi directly grabbed the sword, making it impossible to advance or retreat.

And Zhou Guifei had no problem at all, she sighed directly, and several of the flying swords flew back immediately.

The white-haired old man's body shook slightly, seeming a little surprised.

He took the teacher's chair under him and spun it together. He took on a strong qi, formed a whirlwind, wrapped up several swords, and protected his own body.


Several swords flew out and nailed to the wall next to it.

"Who are you?"

Unable to kill these people, the white-haired old man was obviously a little surprised.

"First talk about who you are."

Li Fan looked at the old man and asked.

The old man wanted to continue to work, but when he saw Li Fan and Zhou Guifei, he finally put up his breath.

These two people are very strong, I'm afraid I can't beat them alone.

"My story ... you won't be interested ... leave here and let me stay with Xiaoqing ..."

"I don't know who you are, we won't dart."

Li Fan stood next to the box. "Otherwise, you can grab it!"

"I'm from the Bai family! My name is Bai Nansheng."

The old man hesitated for a moment, or spoke it out.

"In the box are the personal belongings of my beloved ... Please return them to me."

"Bai Nansheng, seems to have heard the name somewhere ..."

Qiqi murmured, and Li Fan was also remembering.

This old man has strong internal skills and should have some reputation on the rivers and lakes.

"My name ... not worth mentioning ... you, this is my home, and I ask you to leave."

The old man ordered a guest order.

"What if the palace doesn't leave?"

Zhou Guifei took a step forward and approached the old man.

Bai Nansheng glanced at Zhou Guifei, and saw her eyes as deep as water. I didn't know why, but she felt a little fear in her heart. She subconsciously took the teacher's chair and slid out.

"It's all in the world! How dare you?"

"Who are you ...?"

Bai Nansheng's voice trembled slightly, and asked.

"Do you deserve to know the name of this palace?"

Zhou Guifei sneered, "Looking at your skill, you might as well contribute to this palace."

Said, Zhou Guifei reached out to Bai Nansheng, this Bai Nansheng was suddenly out of control, and her body slid towards Zhou Guifei!


Even Bai Nansheng, who had lived for more than a hundred years, couldn't help fearing at this moment.


Li Fan suddenly held Zhou Guifei, and that strong suction force was cut off.

Bai Nansheng fell from the teacher's chair and sat on his knees, panting heavily.

"What do you do to stop the palace?"

Zhou Guifei looked at Li Fan with dissatisfaction.

"If you are alone, that's it."

Li Fan directly banned, "but by my side, it is not allowed to use the" Day Sun Rulai Heart Sutra "to attract people.

"Hum! You are so wide!"

"You can go if you don't like it."

"You ... nothing! What an enemy!"

Zhou Guifei was so furious that she threw her sleeves and went aside.

"Undead Evil Buddha ... Actually, it really is her ..."

The cold sweat of Bai Nansheng's face, which was originally a corpse-like face, is even more ugly now.

"It doesn't matter who she is. Since you are from the Bai family, that stuff is here, and we are gone."

Li Fan looked at the elder Bai Nansheng, and he felt some sympathy.

Even if it is a martial art, it can't hold back the ruthless years. I don't know if he is so embarrassed after a hundred years.

"Leave? No one wants to leave today!"

There was a burst of laughter outside, as if relying on laughter just surrounded the house.

Immediately afterwards, the wind around the house was violent, and the snow was surging.

Li Fan's eyebrows frowned, and a master came over.

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