My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 908: God will fight mystic

Chapter 908: God Will Fight Mysterious Demon

The fire palm has reached Li Fan's chest, Zhou Guifei holding her arms and watching the lively side.

She is not worried about Li Fan. If she can't handle even Zhang Bo, how can she be the man she likes?

The palm of the fire was directly photographed on Li Fan's chest, while Zhang Bo was still laughing.

"Boy, you're dead this time!"

But immediately, he couldn't laugh.

The palm of his own hand was like a mud ox entering the sea, and he could not exert any energy.

He didn't know that Li Fan had seen through his attack long ago and laid down the inner force of defense on his chest.

Dragon toad **** water!

Now Li Fan no longer needs to rely on the palm of his hand to release the toad to absorb water, because his powerful control of Qi is able to release every part of the body to absorb the toad.

As long as you see through the opponent's attack, you can put a trap on your body in advance and wait for the other to be fooled.

Zhang Bo was fooled, and his palm was sucked by Li Fan.

Zhang Bo felt that the true energy in his body was flowing backwards, as if the bath water had exposed a hole, and they began to rush into the hole frantically!


Zhang Bo wanted to withdraw his left hand, but his left hand seemed to be sucked by the black hole.

If you continue to do this, the true energy in your body will be completely absorbed!


As a last resort, Zhang Bo stretched out his right hand, and a strong man broke his wrist. He severed his left hand, sealed the wound on the wrist, retreated three meters away, and reexamined Li Fan.

"Your anger is too violent. If you practice too long, you may hurt your own meridians, and you will live below fifty."

Li Fan said, holding out his right hand, a red flame suddenly burned on his palm.

Li Fan is no longer Xiao Mengxin, who had made a great appearance at the beginning of the year. At this time, he has experienced too many battle baptisms, and his understanding of martial arts has risen.

The internal forces of a hundred households in Jinyiwei were absorbed that day, but most of them can only be wasted, leaving only a small part, which can enhance some internal forces.

But now Li Fan, absorbing the true spirit of the other party, can be used at his convenience, and by the way, copy the other party ’s mentality and show the other party ’s moves.

Li Fan's growth has reached a very scary level.

"What the **** are you ...!"

Zhang Bo's eyes were all shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes. In today's rivers and lakes, how can there be such a terrible master!

"You don't need to know."

Li Fan gave the final warning, "Now I can leave you alive."

This was what Zhang Bo said just now, and now it's back to Zhang Bo himself.

But Zhang Bo gave Li Fan a cold look, "Do you think this is the only combat power of this seat? It is only one arm missing, and this seat can still kill you!"

Speaking, the true energy of Zhang Bo suddenly began to be violent, and gradually changed from the dark red true energy to the dark black!

It seems that someone has splashed ink on Zhang Bo's body, which is very obvious!

"Be careful……"

Zhou Guifei finally couldn't help but remind her, "This is mysterious magic ... I didn't expect it to be lost."

In "Xuan Mo Gong", Li Fan vaguely remembers that this is the second-ranked kung fu on the magic score! This magic skill was said to have been created by a master of magicism in his early years, but it was later lost.

Those who practice this magic skill will have a distressed heart and a changed temperament. But again, it is possible to break into the gun and strengthen the internal force ten times.

Zhang Bo wore a strong magical spirit, and the whole man growled again and again.

The surrounding objects were rushed away, and even Bai Nansheng, who was amazing in strength, couldn't help protecting himself with both hands.

The iron box in the middle of the room seemed to be knocked open by a slamming reason because of the impact of the magic gas.

A bronze octagonal head mirror flew directly from the inside.

Zhang Bo saw at a glance that he stretched out his right hand and took a shot.

The bronze mirror immediately floated there, trembling slightly in the air, as if fearing something.

"Ha ha ha ha! That's right, this is the soul mirror! With this mirror, the" Xuan Mo Gong "in this seat can be taken to the next level!"

"Let Xiaoqing down!"

Bai Nansheng has gone mad. He took the teacher's chair and rushed to Zhang Bo, and at the same time reached out to push out a powerful internal force!

Zhang Bo was rather disdainful, turning to Bai Nansheng and yelling!


The qi wave was wrapped in black qi, and blasted out, disintegrating Bai Nansheng's qi directly, and then hit Bai Nansheng's body!

Even if there is true Qi body protection, Bai Nansheng still suffered terrible injuries!

All the clothes on him were shattered, and the chair under him was broken into wood chips. And he himself was blown out and slammed into the back wall, his body embedded in it, like a hanging picture!

"Any ants, dare to pretend to be in front of this seat!"

After Zhang Bo performed his magic skills, the whole person's internal strength and self-confidence expanded.

When he took a step, the ground would tremble, leaving a deep footprint on the floor, as if a giant beast transited.

"Today, who else can block this seat!"


Li Fan, however, instantly entered the state of the dragon god, wearing a golden armor, and appeared instantly beside Zhang Bo!

Li Fanfei kicked and kicked Zhang Bo. Zhang Bo immediately raised his palm and tried to block Li Fan's foot.


Zhang Bo's meat palm collided with Li Fan's flying foot, and this wave was kicked and flew out, sliding out more than three meters before stabilizing his body.

And Li Fan was shocked and flew back. He rolled over two heads in the air, and barely fell to the ground, stabilized his figure, while his calf was still shaking.

Zhang Bo's magic skills ... a bit scary ...

I just had a white deer kicked the door and was shocked!

"Good boy, I really despise you!"

Zhang Bo's eyes were already blood-red. He looked at Li Fan, and recently ridiculed, "This golden armor and the white deer kicking the door just now have revealed your identity. Li Fan, no bully It's fun to think of meeting you here! "

Little bully Li Fan?

He Qiqi and the darts are a little surprised, this is the gold medal darts? Li Fan, the notorious bully in the dart world?

Oh my **** ... he will meet him ...

However, the two are not like each other at all, is it really an easy way?

Unexpectedly, Wang Bo suddenly realized that when Li Fan was proficient in the technique of deformed bones, it seemed to be true.

"What is it, not what it is."

Li Fan descended from heaven like a god. He stood there, stretched out his hand, and the extraordinary sword flew out, falling into his palm, making him look so magnificent.

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