My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 909: All things stop

909 All things stop

"Li Fan, if you don't come, I will kill you."

Zhang Bo raised his right hand, and a black ball of fire condensed in his palm.

"Just today, new hatred and old hatred!"

With that said, Zhang Bo hit the ball with his hands and went straight to Li Fan.

Li Fan let Zhenqi gather his eyes. He saw that the power of this black fireball was about ten to twenty times that of the ordinary red fireball!

If you run into it, I'm afraid you will suffer.

Li Fan really gathered on his right hand, and the whole gold armor began to compress, condensed into a golden armour, and draped on Li Fan's right hand.

"Stop everything!"

Li Fan's right hand hit the black fireball!

He has analyzed the data of the fireball, and the moment he went up, the anger suddenly poured into it, instantly disintegrating its power!


The black fireball turned directly into nothingness and dissipated in the air.


Zhang Bo was taken aback. He didn't expect that his black flame ball was so destroyed?


Little bully Li Fan, in the end is well-deserved!

Since the battle with Murong Bo, this guy is not only not affected, but even more powerful!

How was his skill trained, and was it impossible to open a plug-in?

"True dragon hand."

Li Fan once again raised his right hand in armor and raised it.

The surrounding qi began to fluctuate. The previous few swords inserted around them were suddenly pulled out, and a total of eight were placed beside Li Fan.

At this time, Li Fan was more like a sword fairy.

He used his qi to control the sword. He Qiqi also saw this for the second time. Although Bai Nansheng used it, it seemed even more handsome with Li Fan's use.

"go with!"

Li Fan pointed at the opposite Zhang Bo, and the eight swords immediately turned the sword body and shot towards Zhang Boqi.

"Huh! Carrion!"

Zhang Bo didn't seem to put Li Fan's eight swords in his eyes. As soon as he reached out his hand, the palm of the fire pushed out.

The fire palm was enlarged infinitely in the air, forming a two-meter-wide flame palm, colliding with eight swords.


Seven of the eight swords were burned out, and the remaining one, with golden light, pierced the flame directly, and came to Zhang Bo in an instant.


Zhang Bo did not expect that this was all calculated by Li Fan. Of the eight swords, only one contains real power, and the other seven are blind-sighted.

The power of the point is greater than the surface. Li Fan's attack condenses on one point, naturally breaking his own attack easily.


Zhang Bo ran away, this sword still rubbed on the lower abdomen on his left, pierced the back wall, and plunged into the air.

But Li Fan frowned, because his sword only scratched a little blood on Zhang Bo's lower abdomen.

This wave of mysterious magic has greatly strengthened his defense and made his body hard to die!

Now Zhang Bo may be stronger than steel.

"Oh, although your attack is a bit powerful, it is not our opponent."

After running Xuan Mo Gong, Zhang Bo was very confident in himself.

"Li Fan, you are a thorn in your own eyes. You must die here today!"

Speaking of this, Zhang Bo ran his magic skills and continuously attacked Li Fan.

Even with only one arm, Zhang Bo's attack rhythm is very complete. After all, there is a powerful magic protection body, and Zhang Bo also believes in his body.

Zhang Bo successively played a set of techniques, and finally hit Li Fan's body, and slapped his palm towards Li Fan's forehead!

"Stop it!"

Zhang Bo continually suppressed Li Fan, this trick is a lore!

But Li Fan suddenly laughed, making Zhang Bo's heart beat wildly.

why? Suppressed for so long, can you laugh before you die?

Li Fan's body suddenly accelerated, exceeding Zhang Bo's expectations! At the same time, he avoided Zhang Bo's palm, and then took a crane in his right hand, poking into Zhang Bo's armpit.

Zhang Bo's body suddenly froze there, and she fell into a brief stiffness.

Although it is short, it is enough for Li Fan!

"Stop everything!"

Li Fan's right hand was suddenly clasped above Zhang Bo's head.

Zhang Bo didn't have time to react at all, and the vitality in his body disappeared instantly!

As if being lifted, Zhang Bo was shocked!

Li Fan's cessation of all things is to use the power of his true dragon hand to forcibly release the energy of the other party.

No matter what kind of energy, under the action of Li Fan's stop of all things, he can release for three to four seconds.

Speaking of it, it is more like a kind of water absorption by dragon toads.

Li Fan's dragon toad absorbs water in two ways. One is to absorb the other's true energy, and the other is to instill one's true energy into the other.

But with the improvement of Li Fan's realm, he discovered that Qi is also an energy.

Humans replenish energy by absorbing food. At the same time, there are tens of thousands of pores around the human body. In metabolism, more energy is excreted, leaving only part of the energy to drive the body.

If these pores are closed, human energy will be used 100%.

Li Fan can now control his pore closure through the special bone replacement, but it cannot last too long.

After the pores are closed, although they can use 100% of the energy, they consume their body's functions at high speed.

With Li Fan's ability, he can use it for about a minute.

And if he uses this kung fu in the opposite direction, he can use the other person's pores to instantly dissipate the energy in the other person's body!

It can be maintained for about three or four seconds, and the pores of the other party will return to normal, and the qi in the body will return.

But for Li Fan, three or four seconds is enough to do a lot of things.

"Zhang Bo, bye."

Li Fan cheated Zhang Bo into it, then let out his anger, and then kicked him on his calf.


Zhang Bo was kneeled down on the ground, if he was not physically strong, he could kick his calf directly!

But Zhang Bo's body was also out of balance. He knelt down and Li Fan's knee hit his cheek directly.


There was another muffled sound, and Zhang Bo's teeth were broken by two. He flew out and fell to the ground fiercely, with blood on his face.

One of Zhang Bo's eyes was blown out. He was lying there and couldn't even say a word!

He was a little afraid to accept the fact that he had failed so badly that he had a chance to win!

Li Fan, this boy ... so insidious that he cheated himself into it ... Zhang Bo could not wait for time to come back, let him take another shot, and he would definitely kill Li Fan!

But I have no chance to regret it.

Li Fan came step by step, ready to resolve Zhang Bo.

But at this time, Zhang Bo reached out his hand and suddenly touched the blue soul mirror.

Zhang Bo's one-eyed eye suddenly opened, and his **** mouth hanged a smile again.

"Ha ha ha ha, God will help this seat!"

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