917 Abegawa III

It is not far to say that during the Republic of China era, the martial artists who reached the peak were all over the land.

Moving forward, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a generation of masters was everywhere!

In older times, especially in the Tang and Song dynasties, there were even masters who were more powerful than a generation of masters. They were called holy, and they were all called extraordinary sanctification! But up to now, the extraordinary sanctification has all disappeared, and there is no mental method that can practice the extraordinary sanctification level.

According to legend, the power of the ten dragons can step into a generation of grand masters. To enter the extraordinary sanctification, at least the power of a hundred dragons is needed!

No one in the world can do it. Even if it was Zhou Guifei, she said that when she was at the peak, she was only the power of the Twenty Dragons. Now she is only half of her strength.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, no holy level appeared, and it has become a martial art legend.

Today's Huaxia, a generation of masters is almost rare. There are many peaks, but not prosperity.

But in the island nation, it is said that many generations of masters are still alive.

Each generation of Grand Masters is a gem of the island nation. I heard that the state always gives subsidies or something. I hope they will come out to teach.

But in Huaxia, these generations of grand masters were either hidden in the mountains or in the old forests, or were the heads of families, and they were controlled by the state. Disobedience is basically not good.

Abe Chuansan has also seen many masters in the island country, but even in the island country, the effort of this undefeated golden body has been lost.

"Speaking this method of kung fu, I will spare you!"

Abe Chuansan was still confident, and even forced Bodhi to say his method.

"Sorry, the poor monk's undefeated golden body has just been trained to the sixth level. It is the degree that the golden body is not bad, and it can't be broken."

Bodhi reminded him, "It seems a bit difficult to kill the poor monk."

"Is it?"

Abegawa smiled sneer. He stretched out a finger, and the ghost warrior stepped out of the black mist again, with black light entangled in the sword, poking at Bodhi's heart.

"Good job!"

Bodhi clasped his hands together, clasped the knife with both hands, and twisted.


The Taidao was twisted into two pieces, Bodhi shouted again, and the Buddha lion roared and sprayed it on the ghost martial artist's body firmly!

The Onimusha failed to withstand this roar, and his body was blown out directly, landed in the distance, and fell to the ground.

"Sorry, this is nowhere."

Bodhi is the last defense here, and no one can pass through this door.

Especially after the undefeated golden body got to the sixth level, Bodhi became more flesh.

Bai Linluo regarded him as the last patron saint!

"Damn ..."

Abe Chuan didn't expect this monk to be so meaty. The undefeated golden body, he wanted this skill even more!

This kind of effort is a pity to stay in Chinna and should be taken back to their island country!

"Give it up, or you'll die!"

Abegawa San took out two spells, and combining the two spells would make the effect of the **** of style stronger!

"Onimusha! Kill him!"

The ghost warrior seemed to have eaten Dabu Wan, and his body was so black that his hands were broken and the sword was repaired again.

"Your dead time has come!"

Abegawa said, urging his Onimusha to pull out a red sword again, and to perform a double stream, attacking Bodhi.

Onimusha's double swords have a special energy, like scissors, and cut directly towards Bodhi's neck!

Bodhi stretched out his hands and pushed them out, he just grabbed two Taidao with his own hands.


Abegawa's three brows frowned. I did not expect that the ghost warrior after strengthening himself could not help this monk!

How is it possible that I am the elite of the island country and I cannot lose to such a monk in China!

"I must beat you!"

Abegawa San roared, bit his own tongue, and sprayed black blood on his ghost martial artist.

Onimusha roars and grows stronger!

Six arms popped out from behind him, a total of eight, all caught Taidao and attacked Li Boti together!


Eight swords were slashed on Bodhi's body, all splashing only Mars.

"It's stupid."

Bodhi sighed, "Your attack is not strengthened, what's the use of just growing your arms! Stupid!"

Bodhi said, a Vajra hand was stuck in the mind of the ghost martial artist.


Onimusha's head was pierced directly, and his body immediately turned into black smoke, which slowly dissipated.

"This donor is really embarrassed."

Bodhi killed the Onimusha and turned to look at Abegawa San, "Your style **** is abolished by the poor monk."

"Yangyan mantra!"

Abegawa Sanshou threw out three fire charms and threw them towards Bodhi's face!

Bodhi shook his hand and flew three fire charms, and saw that Abegawa Sansho was far away.

"It's not like you come here, you go."

Bodhi said, stretched out his hands and slammed on the ground!

Abe Chuansan was busy running, a sudden burst of infuriation erupted at his feet and hit him.

Abegawa's body was immediately lifted up, hit the ceiling heavily, and then fell towards the ground, one end fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Bodhi lifted him up and resisted on his shoulders.

"Sorry, you can't leave for now."

Bodhi said, "I guess we have a lot to ask you about the White Army Division. Just stay for a few more days. Our Lijiadao is very hospitable."

"Asshole, let me go! How can you touch me, you filthy fellow!"

Abegawa growled vigorously.

"Quiet will!"

Bodhi slapped him on the head and knocked him out!

"This guy needs to interrogate, maybe there is any useful information."

When Abegawa Miwa wakes up, he is lying in a dark house. There was nothing in the house. It was dark all around, and I could hear only my own breathing and a faint heartbeat.

"Burning Fire!"

Abegawa tried to light it up, but he found that his spiritual power was gone.

Without spiritual power, he could not escape here.

"Come, come! You guys and that dog, let me out immediately!"

Abegawa shouted.

At this time, a light suddenly appeared in front of himself, as if the light of hope.

The light slowly increased and the door was opened.

A white man with glasses stood there, beside the big monk Bodhi, and on the other side was a young and beautiful woman, all three looking at themselves.

"You guys, that dog, what do you look at? Haven't you seen such a handsome little master! Look again, cut out your eyes!"

Abe Chuansan is still so arrogant. He is full of words, "I have the ability to let the little master come out, the little master kills you all!"

Abegawa was chained there by the chain, unable to move, and could only scold.

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