No. 918

"Her Excellency is from the Abe family."

Bai Linluo was not angry, he stood there, watching Abegawa Misaki locked in the small black room, and asked slowly.

"Little grandpa is your grandpa."

Abe Chuan was courageous and kept laughing and scolding, causing Su Su to be a little unhappy.

"Aren't you afraid of pain?"

Su Su suddenly asked.

"Of course the young man is not afraid of the pain. Come on, admit it, and go casually! The young man doesn't scream, it just works!"

Abegawa shouted arrogantly.

Bai Linluo gently covered his eyes and seemed unable to bear to look at the scene.

Su Su stretched out her right hand and shook it fiercely against Abegawa!


Abegawa San made a strange roar, his expression was extremely distorted, and his eyes seemed to burst out.

"Ba ... Baga ..."

Abegawa San's face was cold and sweaty, and he wanted to cower, but because of the iron chain, he couldn't cower, and could only endure the kind of deep-seated pain.

"How's it going?"

Susu asked.


Abegawa talked for a long time without saying a word.

Astral God is on, what kind of ability is this?

"If it's cool, I can give you another shot."

Susu said.

Abegawa three gritted his teeth and looked a little dissatisfied.


Su Su laughed, she treated all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Su Su stretched out her hand and squeezed her fist again.

Abegawa's three faces were extremely distorted, and they screamed silently.

This pain is terrible for men! Even Abegawa Sando tough guy can't bear such pain!

He even wanted to die a hundred times, but he couldn't do it now. This chain did not know what the material was made of, and completely suppressed his spiritual power.

After suffering the pain that made him almost detached again, Su Su finally stopped.

Abegawa's cold sweat on his face, hanging there, panting, painful.

"Well, do you want to come?"

Susu asked.

"No, no more, no more ..."

Abe Kagawa finally persuaded. It hurts so much that he couldn't carry it.

"Well, let's talk, how did you find this?"

Bodhi lifted Bai Linluo into a chair, and Bai Linluo sat on it, examining Abegawa San in front of him.

"Prefer not to say!"

"Su Su, let him speak."

Bai Linluo ordered.

"it is good."

Susu held out her hand.

"Don't stop!"

Even if Abegawa Sanko is a man, he can't bear the pain of this explosion.

"Will you say it?"

Bai Linluo raised his glasses. "I have a lot of patience and a lot of time. I can listen to you slowly."

"You stupid people, don't think that you can possess X's body forever! This is a valuable asset belonging to the island nation. Only our Yamato people deserve it!"

"Come, give him another one!"

Bai Linluo said blankly.

"Happy to help."

Su Su raised her hand again.

"Don't do it! Don't do it!"

"Will that converge?"

Bai Linluo asked.

"Yes, I can!"

Abegawa took three.

"Okay, let's talk, how did you find this place?"

"It's all over the sky."

Mr. Abegawa is now much more honest. "Just sacrificing the flesh and blood of the three spirits, we can find anything we want."

"Is it such a vicious technique?"

Bai Linluo consulted some materials, and while Huaxia still existed in the alchemy, he had invented some techniques. But now they have been lost, and some of them have flowed into the island nation, but they have been inherited.

"So it won't be long before they will find me."

Abegawa continued, "By then, you won't be able to escape."

"You still don't dream."

Bai Linluo analyzed this for Abegawa San, "Do you think they sent you up because you are strong? No, no, you are mistaken, they sent you up to treat you as cannon fodder.

"Nonsense, I'm the pride of the Yinyang Master family!"

"The pride of the Yinyang division is all direct. And you, don't forget, you are a sideline. They send you here to make you a cannon fodder, try the defense level here."

"No, impossible, impossible ..."

Abegawa's expression seemed a bit broken.

"It's embarrassing to break your fantasies."

Bai Linluo apologized, "However, my favorite thing is to pull people back into the painful real world."

"The three great families of our island nation are strong. You, a small island, also want to fight against us?"

"You can try."

Bai Linluo's development on Lijia Island is already pretty good. Even if Long Qingyun is resurrected and brought people to Lijia Island, he is not afraid.

It was enough for outsiders to drink a pot of magnetically-exploded infantry that he had secretly built.

In addition, Bai Linluo has also developed a more advanced set of equipment. He has gathered several scientists on the island and is developing a set of mutant equipment based on their superpowers.

Put on this set of equipment, coupled with their core of ability, even ordinary people can have a strong combat effectiveness.

Bai Linluo is very satisfied with his two studies. These two studies will allow him to add a powerful fighting force to Li Fan. In this way, Li Fan will no longer be alone.

"Why are you interested in X's body?"

Bai Linluo asked.

"X is the strongest mutant in the world, and it is the first mutant. The super powers on him can also be converted into spiritual power. As long as we have it, we can ... break the seal ... and summon powerful ones God-level god! By then, the entire world will be our Yamato people! "

"What a big ambition."

Bai Linluo looked at Mr. Abegawa. "You are doing something, little brother."

"Oh, aren't you guys?"

Abegawa sneered, "You put X's body here for secret research, isn't it the same to get weapons that can conquer the world?"

"Oh, I don't dispute that."

Bai Linluo admitted, "But it wasn't us who developed it, but someone else. The place you found was actually not the place where the real x was stored. We had expected that there would be some kind of superpower of investigation, so let's A small part of x is put there, and the rest is isolated in a place where it will never be found. "

Bai Linluo has no hesitation, "You can't escape my calculation with this little trick."


Abe Chuansan suddenly felt a little scary. Who is this innocent boy?

"Lock him up, he's useless."


Abegawa looked at the door and slowly closed it again. Darkness enveloped him, as if fear was pouring into his heart.

"No, don't shut me, don't!"

He could hear the cry for help, Bai Linluo turned a blind eye, but ordered Su Su instead.

"Find someone to send a message to Li Fan. There may be some movement over the island country."

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