My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 919: Is this the **** of style?

919 Is this the **** of style?

And Li Fan of city A just completed the first mock exam.

The principal is having a meeting at the School Education Bureau, holding Li Fan's transcript to share his teaching experience with the people above.

"This student, you need guidance, you ca n’t rely on punishment! You see, this student is a typical case! His early love, I did not stop, but to motivate him to learn, and made a 50-point gamble .Look at this test paper, he did improve by 50 points, and I believe that he still has room for improvement! "

Li Fan didn't know that he had caught the principal's suit. He is now walking to the dartboard with Lin Yuexian.

"Look at me, I'll say I'm smart, only 50 points, isn't it easy!"

"Huh, it's up to you! How could you improve by 50 if it wasn't for this medicine?"

Lin Yuexian pouted beside her, Li Fan, this guy swelled!

"Next time I want to improve by a hundred points!"

"Why don't you die!"

Lin Yuexian rolled her eyes while Li Fan laughed.


Li Fan leaned on Lin Yuexian's shoulder. "If I improve too much, I will go to a school with you, will it be over?"

"what did you say?"

Li Fan felt the murderous attack.

"Cough, it's nothing. It's a joke, 560 points, it's quite satisfying for me."

"Why are you so boney!"

Lin Yuexian was a little unwilling again, "You can't take the high point?"

"You know how good I am."

Li Fan pointed to his temple, "Do you not know what my mind is like? I am a normal person, unlike you, every one of my brains is like light."

"It's yours, who's head is blooming."

Lin Yuexian rolled her eyes, "It's because you are too stupid."

"Is it?"

Li Fan was sullen. "This doesn't blame me. Are normal people at this level?"

"Yes, you are all too upset."

Lin Yuexian sarcastically said, "You don't care at all! Although you don't have talent, you can work harder!"

"Oh, my girlfriend."

Li Fan's grievances, "Did I not work hard? I have no skills!"

"It's the last few months anyway, not even a hundred days."

Lin Yuexian persuaded, "During this time, study hard, assault, leave the darts alone."

"Everything about the darts has been handed over to Mr. Beidou, as well as Xiao Xia Xiaoshi."

Li Fan moved his shoulder a bit. "This last time, I will do my best!"

"That's good, it's commendable."

Lin Yuexian sat on Li Fan's back seat, shaking her little feet.

The snow around didn't know when it stopped, and there was still snow on the ground, but Li Fan's bicycle was riding very stable and not shaking at all.

It's early in winter, when the sky is completely dark. Two people rode on a quiet road, and the surrounding street lights were slightly dim.

"Do you feel like this is a long way today?"

Li Fan asked while cycling.

"Huh, you think you're with me, you're living like a year!"

"I wipe, I didn't mean that!"

The cold sweat of Li Fan, Lin Yuexian, is always sensitive when she should not be sensitive.

She shouldn't be said ... as if women are like this ... what a strange creature.

"Then what do you mean?"

"Usually, if you ride a bike, you can walk this way in about ten minutes."


Lin Yuexian looked down at his watch, "Having walked for half an hour today?"


Li Fan nodded. "There is something weird, so be careful."

"Got it."

Lin Yuexian saw Li Fan cautiously, she followed obediently.

"Master He Fang, come out and see."

Li Fan asked loudly.

After Li Fan just asked, someone did start talking.

But Wowa, it doesn't seem to be Huaxia. Li Fan frowned, and Lin Yuexian next to him translated it immediately.

"The other person said they were from the Abe family."

"Abe, what the hell?"

Li Fan stepped on the brake and stood on the ground, looking at the direction of the sound.

"Tell him, little devil, get out and talk!"

Lin Yuexian didn't know where to learn the island's Mandarin. She spoke very fluently and spoke freely with people hiding in the dark.

Li Fanxin said that he also brought an instant translator.

Too good, this is just like a big boss!

"The other party said that they want you to surrender X's body."

Lin Yuexian talked to each other, and told Li Fan, "Otherwise, he will trap us in this fantasy forever."

"X hesitant."

Li Fan naturally knows what x is, but it is impossible to hand it over.

"The other person said that this was a carefully created illusion. Without his permission, we could not go out for a lifetime."

"Is it?"

Li Fan laughed, Dan Tian Qi gathered together, and then spewed out of his mouth.

The lion roars!


With a loud scream, the golden qi hits the front, just like the shredded paper, and the space in front is directly broken.

Snowflakes started to fall again, obviously, they were back in the original world.


Without translating this time, Li Fan already understood.

"Little devil, you're a long way from this magic."

Li Fan smiled coldly.

No matter which technique or superpower, it is just an energy.

Since it is energy, you cannot escape the impact of your own energy!

"The other party was surprised."

Lin Yuexian translated.

"Well, I can feel it."

Li Fan shouted, "What else can I do, just use it."

"He said that he is different from those incapable ninjas. He is a master of the yin and yang division, and has a powerful style god.

Lin Yuexian was translating simultaneously, "He said he was going to kill you."

"You make that silly compare."

"He said he wouldn't come out."

"Fuck, I'll pull him out!"

Li Fan's heart was on fire, this little devil was crazy!

He turned around and reached for a hand behind the street lamp.

Dragon toad **** water!

A man in a black and white robe was pulled out and fell to the ground.

Li Fan dragged again, the man was dragged in front of Li Fan, and then Li Fan was blown with his fist!


The man became a paper man and was crushed by Li Fan.

"Some boring magic."

Li Fan snorted, and he continued to look for the shadow of the Yin-Yang division.

But the Yin Yang division learned smart this time, concealing his own breath and hiding from nowhere.

At the same time, a huge bronze statue suddenly fell in the sky.

This bronze statue is more than four meters tall and full of strength. It lifted one foot and stepped down towards Li Fan.


Lin Yuexian was startled when he saw the giant.

Li Fan just stretched out his right hand and supported the bronze statue's feet.

"This is the style god?"

Li Fan sneered.

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