My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 920: Takeda Chong

920 Takeda Chong


The yin and yang teacher, who originally hid his breath, couldn't help but be shocked when he saw this scene.

Although Shishen is an energy body, the weight of this bronze statue is real! When he stepped down, he weighed more than two tons, and was actually held up by a human hand?

"Don't underestimate the strength of the Huaxia Wudou family, silly than."

Li Fan said, the palm of the hand crushed the sole of the bronze statue. Then, his legs bounced on the ground, and the whole man jumped up, parallel to the head of the bronze statue.

"Benlei feet!"

With a kick of Li Fan, lightning struck the head of the statue and shattered the statue's head!

The bronze statue took two steps backwards, fell to the ground, then slowly turned into black smoke and disappeared into the night sky.

"Shenshen? But that's it."

Li Fan was very disdainful, and just then another voice appeared.

"Your Excellency!"

As soon as Li Fan turned his head, he saw a man in a kimono suddenly jumped off the street lamp next to him, while holding a sword in his hands, as if thundering, beheading Li Fan!

"Good job!"

Li Fan suddenly saw his face when he saw this man.

He hit a tiger directly, before the opponent's too-sharp sword fell, his fist hit the opponent's chest.


The opponent was blown out and he rolled over in the air to stabilize his footsteps.

However, the other party released a few swords and went straight to Li Fan.

Li Fan struck these knives in a stance of crane hands.

His right hand was numb and trembled slightly.

The strength of this sword is not light. The opponent has at least peak strength and is close to a generation of masters.

There are many masters of the island nation, and this statement is true.

"Chong at Shimo Takeda!"

The wizard was wearing a kimono, carrying a katana, stood there, posing in a fighting posture, and said to Li Fan.

"The Takeda family seems to be one of the three major families of the island nation."

Lin Yuexian also checked some information and remembered it clearly.

"In the lower hand, this is a sharp blast knife. Your attention must be paid."

Takeda Chong said, taking a step forward, the sharp knife in his hand suddenly slashed down!

As if the heavens and the earth were to be cut off, Li Fan felt terrible pressure, making him feel afraid of confronting this trick!

Li Fan, who had never been forward, took a step to the side this time.


The sword passed by everything beside him, and a truck parked behind was cut in half by the sword!

With a clean knife, Li Fan felt that he had just passed by with death!

Don't underestimate this powerful knife!

"Her Excellency, please do your best."

Takeda urged, "This is a sacred competition."

"it is good."

Li Fan nodded. It seems that in the island country, competition is also a sacred thing. Especially for these pedantic warriors, they should be more willing to abide by the rules.

However, Li Fan is not qualified to say others, he is also pedantic in this regard.

As soon as Li Fan stretched out his hand, he pulled out the extraordinary sword from behind, his hand trembled, and the black sword bounced out, which was held by Li Fan.

"Then use my sword and practice with your sword."

"But as far as I know, your best kung fu should not be Kendo?"

Takeda Chong asked.

"One way is one."

Li Fanjian pointed to Takeda Chong, "No matter what the move is, in the end, it's just a move."

"Your mood is admired."

Takeda Chong said sincerely, "I hope that Your Excellency can block the sword of the next, seven people cut."

Takeda rushed, waving a knife.

Takeda Chong still stood in place, but a dark shadow appeared in front of Li Fan, and the sword in his hand was slammed, sweeping towards Li Fan's shoulder.


Li Fan hurriedly resisted with a crane hand.

He was repelled a step, and the shadow slowly disappeared.

Takeda Chong was still out of the sword, and another black shadow flew over, cutting his sword to Li Fan's neck.

Li Fan was ready this time, and a black tiger broke the shadow.

"it is good!"

Takeda Chong seemed very excited. He successively shot out, one after another appearing in front of Li Fan, and the sword was waving quickly.

There is no way to attack the tiger quickly, Li Fan finally raised his extraordinary sword and hit the shadow continuously.

Although the shadow was constantly being broken, Li Fan's body was constantly being repelled.

"His swordsmanship does not seem to be outstanding."

Takeda sighed. "How about using your boxing skills to determine the outcome?"

"Sorry, let you underestimate my swordplay."

Li Fan threw his hand, and the extraordinary sword was thrown into the air by him, spinning slowly in front of him.

"Do you control your sword with vigor? But this is not a superb sword skill."

"Maybe you don't believe that this sword is alive."

Li Fan pointed to his extraordinary sword, "It can protect me automatically."

"Her Excellency is too loud."

Takeda frowned, "I don't like big talkers."

"Really? Try it?"

"Seven people cut!"

Takeda rushed to make seven black shadows, appeared around Li Fan, and hacked at him together.

But the extraordinary sword above Li Fan's head immediately fell into seven sword shadows and automatically hit seven black shadows, smashing them one after another!


Takeda Chong was taken aback. He turned conservative, again and again, and the shadows appeared one after another.

But every time the shadow came to Li Fan, the sword shadow fell again, smashing the shadow.

"What sword art is this?"

Takeda Chong was a bit shocked. He saw this sword technique for the first time!

"Hit the dog sword."

Li Fan said with a smile.

"You scold me?"

Takeda Chong is a little upset.

"Ran to my place in Huaxia and want to make me love you!"

Li Fan said, with his right hand pointing at Takeda Chong.

A sword shadow flew towards Takeda immediately, and Takeda Chong immediately waved his sword and flew the sword shadow.

"That's not how you hurt me!"

Takeda snorted.

"is it?"

Li Fan didn't know when he stood in front of Takeda Chong, holding the sword shadow in his hand, and stabbed at Takeda's heart.


Takeda Chong frowned, he had just resisted a sword sword, at this time the empty door was wide open, there was no way to resist this move.

But after all, Takeda Chong was a master. He stepped on a spur of infuriation at his feet and flew backwards, barely avoiding the sword of Li Fan.

"Mr. Takeda, you are really good at it."

Li Fan holding the shadow of the sword and laughing, "Did you still look down on my sword skills?"

"His swordsmanship is amazing!"

Takeda Chong was a little convinced.

"Teach me a lot."

"But you still have to die."

Takeda Chong said, the whole person suddenly brought a white shadow, and then the sword light became faster and faster, and launched a fast break towards Li Fan again.

"go back!"

Li Fan turned around and ran Ben Lei's foot, and took Takeda to the ground and flew out.

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