921 King Tofu

"You are not welcome here, you can get out of here."

Li Fan said coldly.

"You are a master and you like masters."

Takeda Chong clenched his Taidao again, "I will kill you with this knife to show respect!"

"You may be a little neurotic."

Li Fan couldn't help cursing, "Get out of here!"

"Kill you, you can leave now!"

Takeda Chong said, his body brought out seven black shadows, and attacked Li Fan together with the seven black shadows.

"Li Fan, be careful ..."

When Lin Yuexian saw Takeda rushing fiercely, she couldn't help but remind Li Fan.

"Relax, little things."

Li Fan suddenly pushed his hands forward, and the wind rushed out.

The powerful palm wind hits these shadows, and they are all broken before the shadows arrive.

At the same time, a strong palm wind hit Wutian Chong's body, but Takeda Chong's long sword cut Li Fan's palm wind to life, and then he came to Li Fan.


Takeda's sword is indeed as fast as a blast and as thunderous!

Li Fan really gathered his eyes, trying to see through the weakness of Takeda Chong.

But Takeda Chong is also a very strong master, he has no weaknesses!

"Then come hard!"

Li Fan was shocked, and a golden God of War popped up immediately behind him!

The Great War God has a huge body, a Kirin palm in his left hand, and he took a shot on Takeda Chong's body first!

Takeda's sword also waved down!


Takeda Chong was photographed on the ground like a photographed fly, smashing a deep pit into the ground, then rolled aside, spitting blood continuously.

The God of War was cut in half by a single knife, and Li Fan also had a blood stain on his shoulder, apparently eating a knife.

The shoulders seemed to be cut in half. If it was n’t for the help of the God of War, and he was really strong, I ’m afraid that he would have been cut in half.

"Oh my dear, it's a real cow."

Li Fan reached out and touched his wound.

It hurts, it seems that the wound was cut deep.

"His Excellency ... with strong internal strength ... below ... confessed ..."

Takeda rushed to the ground, spitting blood constantly.

This hurt his internal organs and basically failed.

Masters move, just a thought.

One bad move hurts the deepest. Takeda Chong did not regret it at all. He was a martial art student and naturally died for martial arts.

Unfortunately, we cannot contribute to the rise of Yamato.

"Sir ... Although your martial arts are high, there are thousands of masters in my island country. I am only one of them."

Takeda Chong vomited blood and said to Li Fan, "One day, you will die in the hands of the master of the island country ... Give up the secret of x sooner ... you can survive ..."

"Ha! Let them come over!"

Li Fan laughed out loud, "How much to come, how much to kill!"

"Sir ... too arrogant ..."

"I don't kill you."

Li Fan said, bluntly opened Takeda Chong's mouth, infused a chunchundan into his mouth, so that Takeda Chong's body began to heal quickly.

"You can slowly watch how I destroy the so-called masters of your island nation."

Li Fan said unceremoniously, "Go back and tell the people of the three major families that Huaxia will be with me for a day. Whoever dares to cross the border, I will kill you!"

After Li Fan said, he no longer cares about Takeda Chong, but instead straightened his bicycle and beckoned to Lin Yuexian.

"Dear, get in the car and leave."


Lin Yuexian wobbled her ponytail, leaped to the back of Li Fan, and sat sideways in the back seat.

"Goodbye to you, hope goodbye."

Li Fan waved his hand without turning his head while riding the bicycle, and then went away.

Takeda Chong's injury was better. He knelt on the ground and looked at Li Fan's figure, his body was shaking slightly.

This Chinese strong ... is a bit scary. He is not only strong in kung fu, but also in his heart!

Takeda rushed to his feet, walked awkwardly, took out her cell phone and made a call.

"Sorry ... I failed ..."

Takeda felt ashamed and apologized to the person on the phone.

"Yes, I'm sorry Takeda, I'm sorry Lord Emperor ... The enemy is too strong, I'm not an opponent ... Hey, I know ..."

Takeda rushed down the phone, sat down on her knees, took off her kimono jacket, pulled out a small knife, aimed at the lower abdomen, and stabbed in.

This is the only way to defeat the samurai's shame.

"Island warrior, and yin and yang division?"

After Li Fan said this, Ling Tian thought for a moment, "This is a matter in your rivers and lakes, and I have no good idea."

"They're staring at x."

Li Fan frowned. "It seems that the island guys are already planning to grab it."

"there is always a solution to a problem."

Yan Kai said politely, "Afraid of what these little devil are doing!"

"I'm not afraid. I'm worried that they will do something bad for our neighbors."

Li Fan said, "These people are already terrible."

"Well, then we ..."

Ling Tian was about to talk and suddenly saw the phone ring.

"Well, the assassin is back."

"Oh? Tofu is back?"

Li Fan glanced down the stairs.

After offending Liu Yanan once last time, he was sent out to do business, by the way, avoiding Liu Yanan by the way, so that she wouldn't be angry when she watched him.

Li Fan sent the melee demon king to the extraordinary dart board over Emperor Capital, so that Brother Dong Ye took him for a while.

The darts are short of manpower these days, but he came back just right.

"This guy is probably making a fool again."

Xia Xuan couldn't help sighing, thinking of the unscrupulous demon king, couldn't help worrying.

"In short, he must take a bath immediately after he returns!"

Yang Shuiyue also hurried to make up a sentence!

"You are too mean to him, right?"

Li Fan couldn't help laughing.

"Isn't it ... everyone is tolerant of him?"

Everyone had a headache when they thought that the dumb demon king who could pick his feet while eating.

Soon, a tall, strong figure came upstairs, and everyone saw him when they saw him.

I saw a handsome man dressed in a clean black suit walking in.

"Boss, I'm back."

He greeted Li Fan politely, and Li Fan wiped his eyes.

"Well, who are you?"

Li Fan hurriedly asked.

"Boss, it's me, Wang Tofu."

The man pointed to himself.

"Are you kidding me?"

Everyone was shaking.

"Boss, my training at Emperor Capital has been completed, and I will definitely serve you well in the future, no longer giving you trouble."

The man said, giving Li Fan a deep bow.

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