933 Energy Ring

Abe Ayako was born in a yin-yang division.

When she was born, she was always under the halo of her sister.

No, I don't live under the aura of my sister at all, but in the shadow outside the aura ...

Sister has been expected and praised by her family since she was a child, but she didn't care about it, but spoiled the family's good intentions! My sister said to herself that she didn't want to be a yin-yang teacher at all, but wanted to learn music and go to Vienna to play the cello!

The elder sister is a violent creature! If only you had the talent of your sister!

But why is Demon Sword Village choosing her sister as the host ... how much better to choose yourself. It doesn't matter if you want to be continuously sucked by the monster knife!

As long as my sister does not exist, I will be the owner of this family.

Abe Aya looked at her sister who was half-kneeling, and there was a hint of venom in her eyes.

I should be the big yin and yang teacher of the yin and yang family!

She continued to support her fallen companions and gave them comfort and support. But more and more people fell down, and they couldn't bear the impact of the Chinese.

Just then, Abe Haruko suddenly stood up.

She didn't say anything, just hanging the blood from her mouth, she stretched out her left hand, and released a powerful enchantment towards the sky!

With the addition of Abe Haruko's powerful spiritual power, the enchantment immediately strengthened a lot!

"Let's stand up!"

"She is fighting with us!"

"Can't lose! For the yin-yang division family!"

The yin and yang teachers who were still decadent seemed to be inspired, all of them were shocked!

These yin and yang divisions have stimulated the momentum and added bricks to the enchantment.

Abe's sister-in-law was terribly jealous. For what reason, she did so much effort, but her sister just stood up and released a spell, and the yin and yang division around was like eating Dabu Wan!

She is not convinced!

Li Fan remembered that the Dragon King Seal had been released, and he fell back to the ground.

Looking at the enchantment still struggling, Li Fan couldn't help but admire it.

These yin and yang divisions are very tenacious.

"He's down, using the Binding Curse!"

Abe Miko decisively commanded the command.

Suddenly, the fingers of all the yin and yang divisions pointed at Li Fan, and a light chain slowly appeared on Li Fan's body, directly locking his arms and legs, and fixing him to the ground.

"Huaxia people, even if you are more powerful, you should not fight against our Yinyang family!"

Abe Aya sneered, "The great yin and yang division family guards the entire Jingdong and even the entire island nation! Let alone you, even if the Yaki snake is resurrected, we can still suppress it! Sister ... Everyone, go and kill This person! "

"He's only one person, it's not fair."

Abe Haruko said, "I do want his life, but only to fight alone."


Abe's sister-in-law was furious. She took a bow and arrow from the shelf next to it, and the spiritual power poured into it.

Abe sister-in-law opened his bow and arrow and aimed at Li Fan.

"go to hell!"

A blue arrow pierced the air and immediately reached Li Fan.


Li Fan shouted, the beautiful Buddha lion roared!

Shocked out, crushed the arrows.

Many yin and yang divisions in the front were also impacted and were taken off directly.

The spiritual binding curse on his body was also weaker, Li Fan was about to break the chain.

But more yin and yang divisions arrived here, and they joined the camp of imprisoning Li Fan one after another!

The entire Abe family, three hundred yin and yang divisions, all here! They kept chanting, and finally, the **** curse became stronger, and those blue chains seemed to become real.

Li Fan frowned and tried to move his arm, but found that these chains were sturdy and couldn't get rid of them.

"It's unexpected, it's all like this, you can still resist."

Abe Aya sneered. "But that's it."

"It's up to you."

A figure did not know when he stood behind Abe's sister-in-law, and at the same time a hand knife poked into Abe's throat.

A paper man was shattered, and Abe's sister-in-law knelt beside him with cold sweat on his head.

If it wasn't for the paper man protecting herself once, I'm afraid she's dead.

Jiang Ye stood behind Abe Haruko, and four fingers pressed against her throat.

"If you don't let go of my master, she will die."

When the two sides fought, Jiang Ye secretly hid, and she had been waiting for this moment.

"Damn ..."

Abe Ayako cursed, and all the yin and yang teachers saw that everyone had become hostages, and their spiritual strength was weaker.

"Continue casting the Binding Spirit Curse!"

Abe **** growled, but Jiang Ye reminded her, "Her paper man is here."

Jiang Ye's other hand, I don't know when to take Abe Haruko's paper protector, "My hand tears her throat, she will die."

The situation seemed to be getting a little worse, Jiang Ye turned the war with little effort.

Abe Ayako squeezed her palms tightly. Even if she wanted Abe Haruko to die at this time, the other yin and yang divisions in the family would probably not agree!

But at this moment, Li Fan spoke.

"Jangye, come back."


Jiang Ye was a little surprised, and across the crowd, he looked at the master who was bound there.

"come back."

Li Fan also said that although his voice was very light, it seemed to be ringing in Jiang Ye's ears, like Lei Guaner.

"I said that this time, I want to win decently."

Sometimes Master ... is really good ... but he is so inclined and indulged in this charm of Master.

"Yes, Master ..."

Jiang Ye released Abe Haruko, and she directly pedaled and performed light work, swallowed three swallows of a swallow, avoided the fireballs of several Yin and Yang divisions, fell back behind Li Fan, and kneeled down towards Li Fan.

"Yin and Yang divisions, please remember my name. My name is Li Fan, the Huaxia gold medal dart division, and the rivers and lakes are called Xiaobawang. Today, I am here to destroy you!"

Talking, Li Fan's pores closed instantly!

His skin became slightly red, and white steam came out of him and rolled into the air.

Li Fan suddenly dazzled with golden light, which quickly condensed into a ring shape and hung behind Li Fan.

The ring was completely formed by energy. At this moment, Li Fan had too much energy in his body, which he could not bear, so he sent the excess energy to the outside through an open pore, condensing into this. Ring. Hanging a ring is better than having two wings.

At this time, Li Fan, as if really a **** from heaven!

The powerful air waves also spread out instantly, and Jiang Ye was lifted off.

Many yin and yang divisions were also shaken by shock, and cold sweat appeared on Abe's brow.

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