934 made a bet

What a huge power this is!

Shocked by Abe's heart, she was full of confidence in the spiritual curse cast by the family.

How could there be a problem with the spirit-binding curse cast by the three hundred Yinyang divisions?

"Don't struggle! You can't win!"

Abe Aya shouted at Li Fan.

But immediately, she was speechless.

"Three moves."

Li Fan stretched out three fingers.

In those yin and yang divisions' staring eyes, Li Fanzheng broke the chain a little bit, then stretched out his right palm, facing the yin and yang divisions in front of him.

"Big Bear King Seal."

A huge palm pressure took a shot in the past!

Three hundred Yin and Yang divisions were all lifted by Li Fan's palm!

Many yin and yang masters are too forward, and their bodies are directly torn and crushed by the palm!

Where is this palm pressure? It is clearly a powerful meat grinder!

Looking at the ground meat, Abe Ayako knelt on the ground with a bang.

Her internal concubine was also wounded, and blood was hanging from the corner of her mouth, and she looked at Li Fan, who couldn't believe it.

Is he ... possessed by the Yagi snake ... why is he so strong ...

Abe Haruko immediately squatted down, hung her sword around her waist, and was ready to perform the pumping technique.

But Li Fan dragged at Abe Haruko.

Dragon toad absorbs water.

The strong pulling force dragged Abe Haruko, and let her take a step forward, which directly broke her drawing.

Li Fan took a step forward and hit him with a punch.

Second move.

Fight tigers in the air!

Abe Haruko's body was blown out directly, smashing the back wall, tearing the enchantment, and falling into the yard.

"One more trick."

Li Fan opened his hands, and his powerful qi gathered on his hands.

Qihuang · Lotion · Shifang Daming King.

Li Fan is going to bury all the yin and yang teachers and let them disappear into history together with this courtyard!

This is Li Fan's revenge! First Abe's, then Takeda's, then Koga's!

Li Fan this time is to destroy the three major families of the island nation!

"Shot, dare!"

But at the moment Li Fan was gestating power, a figure wearing a kimono suddenly appeared in front of him.

He wore a blue light of spiritual power, a golden sword in his hand, and beheaded at Li Fan!

Li Fan immediately launched the power on both palms and collided with the sword.


The invisible air wave rushed out, turned into a ring, and shattered all the surrounding objects.

Li Fan was also shocked to slide out three meters away, the ring behind him disappeared slowly, and a spit of blood came out of his mouth.

It's time to close the pores and he has been beaten back to the prototype.

On the other side stood an old man with Hefa Tongyan, glaring at Li Fan.


The old man first scolded the island Mandarin, then cut it into Chinese, reprimanding Li Fan.

"Support that person, dare to come to my Dahe nation to make trouble! I have been in retreat for thirty years, and today I chopped you with a straw sword!"

"Grandpa, you, you're out!"

Abe Auntie saw the old man with surprise.

Her grandfather is named Abe Yangfu and she is a real big yin yang teacher! I heard that during World War II, he personally set foot on the land of China! However, at that time, a battle with a group of masters of Huaxia, finally defeated, returned to Jingdong.

Now that Grandpa has been in retreat for so many years, his yin and yang technique has already reached a state of horror!

In addition to the god-like god, the powerful grasshopper sword protector, this person must be defeated in his hands! No, it's about to die here!

Li Fan looked at the old man in the island country in front of him, his eyes flashed a red light.

His heartbeat began to speed up, as if there was something he wanted to rush out.

The other party is a real generation of master-level masters, whether it is strength or realm, is at this level!


Jiang Ye supported Li Fan, but Li Fan gently pushed him away.

"You old man, I don't think you are too young, have you lived on a dog yet?"

Li Fan scolded politely.

"Little Zina Wufu, dare to abuse me, I think you don't even want a soul!"

Abe Yangfu snorted coldly, his eyes filled with coldness, looking at Li Fan, "Let the soul fly away!"

"Did I say wrong? You have practiced for so many years, but today you took a family and bullied me into a twenty-year-old guy."

Li Fan laughed. "It's so funny. Your Abe family is just too good. It must be a special glory!"

"Do you think I can let you go like this?"

Abe Yangfu smiled coldly, "Don't dream! You must die here today."

"You old man, looks very strong, dare to make a bet with me."

Li Fan must find a way to leave here first.

"What bet?"

Li Fan was Abe's prey, and he couldn't escape his palm. Abe Yangfu is not in a hurry to kill him now, it is also good to simply tease some prey.

"You and I bet ten days."

Li Fan said, "I've played so many games in a row, and I'm a bit tired. If I take a good rest for ten days, I can beat you."

"Ten days? Beat me? Baby, do you dream?"

Abe smirked.

"Don't you dare? Still afraid that I'll run away?"

"Abe's family can block Jingdong's traffic at will, you can't escape."

Abe's sister-in-law yelled at him, but Abe's husband gave him a glance, startled, and knelt beside him and didn't dare to say a word.

"Although I don't know what is going on in your stomach, for ten days, you can't beat me."

The magical power of Abe Yangfu, "don't say it is ten days, even if it is a hundred days, a thousand days, you are just an ant in my eyes."

"Don't say those useless ones, do you dare to gamble?"

"Okay, I'll give you ten days."

Abe Yangfu is too confident in his strength. This time he went out not only because he felt the crisis of the Abe family, but also intended to set foot on the mainland of China again and defeat those stupid Chinwufu with his absolute divine power. !!

That rich land belongs to His Majesty the Emperor!

"After ten days, I'll be here."

Abe Yangfu pointed to the messy dojo under his feet, "If you dare not come, I will kill you personally. Boy, enjoy your ten days!"

Speaking of this, Abe waved his hand, and a strange force hit Li Fan's body, knocking him and Jiang Ye out of the courtyard.

"Grandpa ..."

Abe Haruko wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth. "Ten days later, let me go."

"You still need to heal yourself."

Abe Yangfu glanced at the new leader, "Yes, the village is willing to choose you and prove that you are really good. But you are too fragile to be suppressed by the village chief! Give me the domineering of the Abe family, Subdue this demon sword! "


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