My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 935: Incarnation Demon

935 Incarnate Demon

"Master, are you planning to invite Zhou Guifei?"

After returning to the hotel, Jiang Ye saw Li Fan finally came out of the room and hurried forward to ask.

Li Fan went to heal the wound just now. In cooperation with Huichun Dan, his injuries have recovered.

To deal with old monsters like Abe Yangfu, can only let more powerful monsters go? Xia Xun and Chen Junhua also hurriedly gathered around. Xia Xun inspected Li Fan's body in various ways, fearing that he had any residual injuries or the like.

"Zhou Guifei?"

Li Fan shook his head. "She is still in retreat and she can't be contacted. And I don't plan to invite her, my own opponent, why should she let her help?"

"But ... that Abe Yangfu ... is terrible ... his power is not on a level with us ..."

"He's a master-level master."

Li Fan said, "The real generation of masters is quite different from the power I created by closing pores."

"A generation of Grand Masters is so strong ... Is there any other way for Master? Can he be defeated in ten days?"


Li Fan shrugged.

Everyone in the room was dumbfounded.

"It's a trick to slow down. Ten days is better than nothing. Maybe in these ten days, what miracle can we create."

Li Fan smiled. This optimistic attitude made Xia Yan collapse first.

"You're dead if you lose!"

Xia Yan reminded Li Fan, "Little master, let's go back to Huaxia. Several of us will break out together and we will definitely be able to escape back to Huaxia. When we arrive in Huaxia with Zhou Guifei, then Abe Yangfu will not dare to do it. More Moreover, the large number of masters in Huaxia will not let an islander be so presumptuous. "

"Little sister, when do I need shelter from someone else?"

Li Fan rejected Xia Ye's proposal. "Moreover, I brought Zhou Guifei to the dartboard to watch her and keep her safe and secure, not to protect her. If I do n’t even have the ability to protect myself, I Still a martial artist! "

He ordered Chen Junhua.

"Junhua, you protect this place these days. I will retreat to practice and see if there is any breakthrough."


Chen Junhua couldn't give any other help at this time, and could only protect the women here as instructed by Li Fan.

"Jiangye, you have to practice well these days, don't let the effort go down. You are not allowed to approach Abe's house privately, Junhua you have to watch her."

"Little brother, what should I do?"

Xia Yan asked quickly.

"Well, I'm a bit accustomed to eating here. Little sister will work hard to cook for us."


Xia Yun was very speechless. Li Fan waved his hand. "Then I'll go to retreat first. It doesn't matter. Don't enter my retreat room."

After finishing talking, Li Fan returned to his room and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Although he is very optimistic in front of everyone, in fact, he has no heart. A delay of ten days is just a deterrent. If a martial artist wants to become stronger, where can it be done in ten days?

Li Fan, who has improved to this level in two years, has been assisted by various good luck and plug-ins.

Just when Li Fan was retreating, Mr. Yang suddenly stood beside his bed, holding a cane in his hand, and pointed at the brilliant night scene outside.

"Children, have you forgotten, this is Jingdong, a place of islanders."

Mr. Yang reminded Li Fan, "As long as you turn on your ability and absorb the vitality of the people in this city, you will have enough power to kill the old devil."

"No, even if it is an island country, not everyone is bad."

Li Fan rejected Mr. Yang's remarks, "I can't do such a desolate thing."

"It didn't let you kill them either."

Mr. Yang's eyes turned, and he began to induce Li Fan, "As long as everyone absorbs a little vitality, they may only lose their lives for a year or two. But with so many people, you can improve your strength a lot."


After listening to this, Li Fan hesitated slightly.

"A year or two, they will not have much influence. Anyway, they are people from other countries, don't forget that these people have invaded our country."

Mr. Yang's voice seemed to sound in Li Fan's heart.

"Don't hesitate, or do you still have a way to defeat the old devil?"

Mr. Yang asked, "You die and you die, but think about it, you still have Jiangye, Xia Ye, Chen Junhua! Do you think they can survive after you die? That old devil, He will definitely kill them all one by one! Li Fan, Li Fan, you confidently brought them to the island country, but you can't protect them! What kind of martial arts do you have, you are not even farts ! "


Li Fan shouted, and Yang's body slowly disappeared.

He went to the window and pushed it open.

Noisy traffic and horses rushed into Li Fan's ears immediately.

Absorbing a little vitality is really no problem.

Li Fan jumped out of the window, stepped on the light work, jumped up, and jumped to the rooftop.

This emperor building is the tallest building in Jingdong. Standing here, you can overlook the entire Jingdong city.

Night fell early and a bright moon hung high in the sky. The darkness seemed to dare not approach the city, but Li Fan felt that he was more terrible darkness.

In order to protect the people around him, even if he is a demon, Li Fan can do it.

And this time, this day, just fine.

Sitting cross-legged on the rooftop, he took a straight mouth and took a deep breath.

Li Fan's strength has entered a new level. He doesn't need to switch to Xingluo Shengong at all. He can only achieve the same effect by using only seven chivalrous dragon toads to absorb water.

He took a sip, and the whole city seemed to be being towed.

A wave of green energy slowly floated from below, converging in all directions to Li Fan, and was sucked into his mouth!

Li Fan's body burned with green light.

After all, this is modeled on the ability of Xingluo God Gong to perform, it can be said to be a magic power.

Li Fan inhaled these vitality, that is, energy, instantly transformed into a huge qi in the body.

These infuriating walks in every inch of meridian of Li Fan, strengthening his strength a little bit.

Li Fan felt that he was strong, and his vitality in Dantian began to swell.

Li Fan's eyes also turned slightly green, which seemed strange under the night sky.

When absorbing energy, Li Fan also felt an unstoppable pleasure, flooded his body, penetrated the bone marrow, and penetrated into the soul.

It's so comfortable ... It's really so comfortable ...

Li Fan felt like he was excited. He couldn't help but open his arms and **** the energy in front of him.

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