My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 936: Guigui Zhou is a fart

936 Zhou Guifei is a fart

The day passed.

Xia Xuan delivered the food to Li Fan's room and found that Li Fan was sitting on the bed with five white smoke on his body.

The young master must be very serious in practicing the exercises. He can't make a sound to avoid disturbing him.

Just thinking so, Li Fan suddenly coughed twice.

"Little brother, what's wrong? Unwell?"

Xia Yan asked quickly.

"It's okay ..."

Li Fan hurriedly waved his hands. "Exhaust is exhausted."


"Ah ... no, nothing ..."

Li Fan was guilty of a guilty conscience, and I wiped it, almost telling the truth. Sister Xiaoshi has a special affinity. When talking to her, it's easy to accidentally tell her heart.

"Is that all right? Should I go get some cold medicine for you?"

"It's okay, little sister, I continue to retreat."

Li Fan watched his nose and his heart, and continued to cultivate.

Xia Yun was not bothersome, just looked at Li Fan with some worries, and then turned to go out. He also carefully closed the door for Li Fan.

Jiang Ye sat outside Li Fan's door, like a door god, meditating there.

"Is there anything that happened to your master last night?"

Xia Yan asked.

Jiang Ye shook his head, everything was normal.

"it's wired……"

"What's wrong?"

Chen Junhua was practicing sword in the living room. When Xia Xuan was worried, he asked subconsciously.

"Nothing ... it feels weird to the little master."

Xia Xie shook her head, hoping it was just her own illusion.

"Master must be fine, there is nothing he can't do yet."

Jiang Ye added aside.

"That's what it says ... but in just ten days ... what would the young master do ..."

One generation of masters, in this realm, is how many martial arts fighters have not been able to climb in their lives. Can the little master do it within ten days? This is unlikely.

"But when I went in today, I felt that the breath of the young master was much stronger."

Xia Yan still felt some changes in Li Fan.

"Look, I said, Master is fine."

"Look at it for two more days."

Xia Yun was worried, "If it doesn't work ... I'll find a way to return to China and ask Zhou Guifei for help ..."

"Don't go."

Chen Junhua rejected Xia Xuan's idea, "I won't let you go back."

"How can you be like this, don't you worry about the safety of the young master?"

Xia Yuan looked at Chen Junhua unhappy.

"Li Fan is Li Fan. The name of Xiao Ba Wang is not white."

Chen Junhua reminded Xia Ye, "His temper is there. If you call, Zhou Guifei is here. He may first fight with Zhou Guifei for your life."


Xia Xun also knew Li Fan's temper. She had followed Li Fan for such a long time, and naturally it was clear.

"Sister, I know you feel bad for Li Fan, but he has his thoughts, please respect him."

In this respect, Chen Junhua is very similar to Li Fan, "This is a competition that belongs to Li Fan. Let him!"

"Oh ... I don't care ..."

Xia Yan was going out with the bag.

"Sister, where are you going?"

"Go shopping, you idiot!"

Xia Yuan gave Chen Junhua a glance, Chen Junhua touched his nose in embarrassment.

The hotel has a kitchen for guests, and Xia Yi usually buys food there. She couldn't help Li Fan in her exercises, so she could only make something delicious for Li Fan.

"Bodhisattva ... you must protect the little master ..."

Xia Ling has been praying for Li Fan, but Li Fan once again came to the rooftop.

It was another night, although Li Fan said to himself, he only absorbed that one time. But after one time, Li Fan was a bit out of control.

The thrill of absorbing power goes beyond everything. He squeezed his hands tightly, stood on the rooftop, and looked at the living beings below.

"These people are too small, for you, but ants."

Mr. Yang stood beside Li Fan, pointing to the city below, and said to Li Fan.

"It is their honor to provide you with strength. Li Fan, this world is destined to submit to your feet!"

"No surrender ... I just need power ... a little power is enough ..."

Li Fan said, opened his arms, opened his mouth and took a deep breath!

A bit of green light appeared again in the city, as if the stars in the night were gathering towards Li Fan.

Li Fan was absorbing the energy from this city, and his body could not help shaking. It's awesome ... it's really awesome ...

Li Fan almost forgot everything. He couldn't help but want to take a second breath.

But at this time, a golden figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Fan, holding a shield and patted Li Fan.

Flying Lion Goddess.

She only appeared for a moment, hit Li Fan, and disappeared on the rooftop again.


Mr. Yang grunted and disappeared with him.

Li Fan opened his eyes again and looked at his hands in shock. It was terrible ... he was almost addicted!

Fortunately, the flying lion goddess suddenly appeared and woke herself up.

Li Fan thought for a while, it seems that he has been sucking energy for five days in a row ...

For five full days, I lived for one or two years every day ... that is to say, people in this city have almost reduced their lifespan by an average of ten years!

Li Fan glanced blankly at his hands, he felt his hands were turning into devil's claws.

How is this different from a monster?

No, I can't go on.

Li Fan stood on the rooftop and checked his internal strength.

In just five days, he has absorbed the power of ten dragons!

However, these forces are very messy. Although there are so many dragons, they cannot be used at all.

It's like a refining process. Li Fan must abandon unnecessary strength and temper it into really useful strength.

Li Fan returned to the room and began to refine his true spirit.

The ten dragon's true spirit was refined by him with at least half a dragon's power. Li Fan is a person who strives for perfection. Since he is practicing, he has to practice his best exercises with the purest innocence!

However, he was still shocked. In the past five days, he could absorb the power of the ten dragons. If he is a person who has no pursuit of Qi, if he **** in this city for a month, he can get the power of sixty dragons ...

Then change to another city and **** for another month ...

After a year, I am afraid this man is invincible!

Even if the Qi is not pure enough, but at least the amount is large!

In less than a year, an extraordinary sanctified master can be born.


Li Fan couldn't help shaking, even with the idea of ​​continuing to go to the rooftop to absorb energy ...

It doesn't take that long ... As long as he is standing there and sucking, one night, he can **** Jingdong into a dead city!

Suddenly Li Fan felt very terrible. Once he went into the devil, Zhou Guifei was a fart. He is probably the most terrible devil in the world.

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