My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 937: Fit with the goddess

937 With Goddess

For the next five days, Li Fan never knew how to break through his power.

His strength is stuck in the Kowloon half, and the remaining half dragons, if they want to be promoted, follow the normal path, and it is difficult to get to the sky.

If Li Fan closes the pores, he can instantly increase the energy by half, reaching almost the best power of the fourteen dragons.

But it can only be used in less than one minute, and it is not the case.

If you make a move, energy consumption will be faster!

For example, three moves were made today, and this state was maintained for less than half a minute.

In less than half a minute, how can I defeat an old devil who is a real generation master?

Li Fan analyzed it. The old devil had almost fifteen dragons or even higher strength, and maybe he could reach about eighteen dragons.

Even if Zhou Guifei came, she might not be able to beat him.

After all, she did not allow Zhou Guifei to absorb the power of others. If she was allowed to absorb casually and Zhou Guifei recovered her peak strength, then there should be no problem in defeating this old devil.

But this is their own battle.

Be sure to think of a way to make yourself play against old devils barely! And when the pores are closed, the old devil can be dropped in seconds!

Li Fan thinking is now two directions, one is how to improve his combat effectiveness. The other is how to effectively use the time of pore closure.

The pore closure can last for one minute ... but Li Fan thinks that one minute is too long.

What he has been doing is a route to take each other away. He thinks that it only takes ten seconds, which is almost enough!

Yes, ten seconds, almost.

In this case, after closing the pores by yourself, the energy utilization rate in the body should be increased, and the energy use effect should be improved by compressing the time.

Let the energy continue to double, within ten seconds, you can reach eighteen dragons to nineteen dragons!

Li Fan probably has a direction. He thinks it can be implemented and the chances of success will be great.

But such a power does not seem to be enough to kill the old devils.

Another method is how to improve your usual combat effectiveness.

He is now only one foot away from a generation of guru. But this one foot seems to be a kick, a kick, or a difference!

Relying on internal practice, you have to practice at least two or three years before you can officially enter the realm of a generation of masters!

But is there any quick way?

Li Fan thought hard.

At this moment, the flying lion goddess emerged again, stood beside Li Fan, put down her sword and shield, kneeled down against Li Fan and performed a knight ceremony.

"what do you mean?"

Li Fan is a bit strange. Does the goddess of flying lion want to talk to herself?

Li Fan looked at the flying lion goddess, looked at her perfect posture, and suddenly thought of something.

He remembered Abe Haruko, letting the ghost warrior and the demon sword attached to her!

"Yes indeed!"

Li Fan clapped his hands fiercely, "Why didn't I expect it!"

He was very surprised, this is a method!

"Come here, let's try it!"

Li Fan said to the flying lion goddess, "Try to fit!"

The flying lion goddess looked at Li Fan dullly, waiting for Li Fan's order.

"Come, fit!"

Li Fan put his hands on the shoulders of the flying lion goddess and shouted.

But nothing happened.


Li Fan thought about it, it might not be intense enough.

"I'm on this side, you're on the other side!"

Li Fan asked the flying lion goddess to stand at the other end of the room and said, "Come, let's run together!"

The two ran together, and slammed into each other in the middle of the room.

Li Fan was hit and fell to the ground, his **** hurt.

"Oh, lie down ..."

Li Fan rubbed his buttocks and stood up, "This doesn't seem to work ..."

Li Fan sat on the bed again, thinking. The flying lion goddess walked over thoughtfully, holding her shoulders for Li Fan.

Li Fanxin said, if this is really Murong Ying, let her pinch her shoulders, wouldn't it be quick, hahaha!

Day, why did you accidentally get up ...

Li Fan held his chin and rethought.

Jiang Ye and Xia Ye stood at the door, and both girls scratched their butts and listened to the movement inside.

"Why is it so busy today?"

Xia Xuan asked, "Little Master seems to be emotional."

"Maybe Master has made a breakthrough."

Jiang Ye analyzed. "It's a pleasure to listen to his voice."

"It must be so, I know, my little master can do it."

Jiang Ye took a scornful look at Xia Yuan.

"I'm going to make something delicious, to celebrate ... buy some sake, I think the young master likes to drink sake here."

Xia Yan said, turned and went out.

Li Fan's thinking is all day long.

When Xia Yi delivered breakfast the next day, he was still sitting in bed.

The existence of the flying lion goddess is Bai Linluo's good man card with instant superpowers.

In other words, the goddess of flying lion is also an existence of energy, but this energy is like a realization of Murong Ying's vanity.

If you let the Flying Lion goddess re-blurred ... Maybe you can let its energy attach to itself?

"Yes indeed!"

Li Fan clapped his hands heavily, so scared that Xia Gang, who had just come close, almost jumped up.

"Ah, little sister, are you there?"

"Yeah, I'm here to bring you breakfast ..."

"Thank you, sister!"

Seeing Li Fan's happy look, Xia Yan could not help asking.

"Any progress?"

"Some breakthroughs, Xiaoshi wait for my good news! By the way, I want to eat Mao's braised pork at night!"

"Okay, I'll do it for you."

For the first time, Li Fan had a mood to eat something, and it seemed that he had really made a breakthrough.

Xia Xun also became happy. As long as the little master was happy, she was also happy!

Time passed, and ten days passed quickly.

In the Abe's dojo, Abe Yoo was sitting there, tasting the current island cuisine.

"It tastes worse than before."

Abe sighed, "I miss Ryoko's craftsmanship."

Ryoko is the grandmother of Abe's sister-in-law and Abe Haruko. Their Abe family has always been involved, and no daughter will marry.

"Grandpa, dare that guy come?"

Abe asked, worried, "Will you find a way to run away?"

"Relax, he will come."

Aso sips warm sake, he confidently says, "I understand that they are a bunch of dead-faced guys. In this respect, they are similar to our stupid samurai. Probably, martial arts People, it's all this temper. "

"But you are so strong. He's here to die."

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