941 I have no end

Xia Yuan went out to buy food, Chen Junhua should also practice sword in the courtyard downstairs, so Jiang Ye was alone in the room.

Li Fan and Abe Haruko sat face to face, both eyes widened.

Li Fan was quite casual. He was on Erlang's legs and was drinking ice water.

"Drinking ice is just as bad for your body."

Abe Haruko couldn't help but said, "You might as well drink Coke."

"Why are you so troublesome?"

Li Fan looked up at Haruko Abe, "don't say, your aunt in her thirties is really young."

"Do you want to die!"

Abe Haruko clenched his fists, and his spirit began to emerge.

"How can you avoid your age?"

Li Fan reminded her, "I know a woman, she is hundreds of years old, and she has never avoided her age."

"Nonsense, where are there hundreds of women!"

"A thousand worlds, there are all kinds of wonders. Before I met the yin and yang masters, I didn't know the style gods and spells.

Li Fan said frankly, "Don't you know now?"

"Well, Abe's family will avenge his aging mother ... No, the aging mother will avenge herself!"

"You want revenge, you can."

Li Fan said, "As long as you are willing to test with me upright, I can fight with you whenever you find me."

"The fight, of course, is to be upright!"

Abe Haruko said without hesitation, "And I can beat you! You wait for me!"

"Okay, but you still have to go back to Huaxia with me."

Li Fan had his thoughts on holding back Abe Haruko.

With Abe Haruko here, Li Fan is not afraid of Abe's play, and they can board the plane smoothly and return to Huaxia.

Another point is that once Abe Haruko leaves, the Abe family will certainly fall into civil unrest. As the so-called dragons have no head, they have to choose an interim leader, which will definitely take a while.

Third, taking away the heads of the Abe family is also a warning to other families in the island nation.

Don't provoke me, whoever provokes me, go to your house and grab someone.

The influence divisions of the three major families of the island nation are relatively average. Now that this is done, the entire island nation should be on its own.

"Li Fan, can you tell me, how did you become so much stronger in just ten days?"

Abe Haruko couldn't help but want to ask.

"I know it's more absurd to ask like this ... It doesn't matter if you don't want to answer."

"It's okay, you can answer."

Li Fan didn't mind, "Thank you for this."

"Thank me?"

"Yeah, it inspired me to see you and Shishin as one."

Li Fan said, summoned the flying lion goddess.

The heroic flying lion goddess stood there, and the golden armor reflected the afterglow of the setting sun.

"You ... aren't you ...?"

Abe Haruko couldn't help but reach out and touched the armor on the flying lion goddess.

This truth cannot be compared to the gods.

"Well, it's not Shijin."

Li Fan nodded. "This is a superpower of my friend. I realized a kind of card. I type in it and it works. She has followed me since she was born, and it has been a long time."

"Shenshen can fit with me because we have the same spiritual power on the same band."

Abe Haruko summoned the ghost warrior and stood by his side.

"If you can't reach the same band, there is no way to fit, but you will hurt yourself. You are not a god, you do not understand spiritual power, how do you do this?"

"Spiritual power, god-like spirit, and infuriating, super power, to put it plainly, but it is just an energy."

Li Fan opened his palm, "I dissipated the energy in your body today. Isn't your spiritual power completely empty? In the end, all ways are normalized. In the end, as long as you can master the energy, you can master the essence of power . "


Abe Haruko seemed to understand something, "Let's go, I'll worship you as a teacher."


"I worship you as a teacher, learn the use of energy from you, and then I will get stronger and then I will defeat you."


Li Fan is a little speechless, this woman is a little too wayward.

"What's wrong, don't you dare?"

"You dear Abe family, worship me as a Chinese teacher, aren't you afraid to go back and be joked?"

"The strong are the teachers. What can be a joke."

Abe Haruko said directly, "You are better than me, and you can naturally be my teacher."

"Okay, then you kneel and give me three clicks."

Li Fan half-jokingly pointed to the ground, "Remember, it's a rattle."

"it is good."

Abe Haruko knelt down without hesitation and slammed her head three times against the ground.

Banging three times, louder than louder, even if Li Fan wanted to embarrass, the rest was swallowed back.

"Master is up, and in the future, the disciples will go to the fire and dance for the master."

Abe Haruko, with a red mark on her head, lifted herself and arched a hand in front of Li Fan.

"Well, I was joking, but since you're all embarrassed, from today on, you are my four disciples."

Li Fan reached out and wiped Abe Haruko's forehead.

Zhen Qi merged into it, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, and Abe Haruko's forehead injury improved a lot.

"To be honest, I originally planned to accept two apprentices. Since you are here, even my close disciple."

"Thank you, Master."

Abe Haruko decided to follow Li Fan to learn something, and he will become stronger in the future!

She doesn't want to be crushed by Li Fan forever, she must defeat Li Fan!

"Who is this?"

Xia Yan just pushed in the door, followed by sweaty Chen Junhua.

Chen Junhua was estimated to be met by Xia Yi. At this time, Xia Yi was carrying a large bag of various ingredients and meat.

Xia Yan saw Abe Haruko sitting on the sofa at a glance. The woman was wearing a kimono, a little gray-faced, and didn't want to pay attention.

"Introducing you, this is the head of the island country Abe's family, Abe Haruko."

Li Fan introduced it.

Xia Yan and Chen Junhua immediately approached the enemy, but Abe Haruko hurried forward, bowed deeply to them, and then reached out to take over Chen Junhua's things.

"It's Master's friend, it's rude."

"This ... what happened ..."

Xia Ling was a little confused.

"From today, she is my little apprentice. If you have any hardships in the future, just call her to do it."


Abe Haruko was arrogant before, but now she has completely converged. What Li Fan said is that the whole person is like a little daughter-in-law.

Xia Ling was slightly upset.

Isn't this the start of a war on the island country? Why did you collect a sister paper and come back!

There is no end!

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