My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 942: What is true barbarism

Chapter 942: What Is Real Savage

Li Fan fulfilled his promise.

Going abroad in a generous manner is also returning home with dignity.

Although he killed Mr. Abe, this person has disappeared from the island's domicile for decades, and no one remembers his existence. Li Fan's method was also neat. When Abe Yangfu was killed, no trace was left, and even a DNA was not detected at the scene. Therefore, Abe Yangfu has never appeared.

In addition, Li Fan also returned with Abe Haruko, and the people of Abe's family did not dare to touch him. People in other families, even if they want to do something, they must first weigh Li Fan's words.

Li Fan returned to China as a national hero, but after returning home, he suffered from the unification of all women.

"We're going to be women's dens here."

"Forget about opening a maid cafe, so many girls don't need to waste."

"I think so, where is it like a dart?"

Several women gathered together and murmured, expressing dissatisfaction in their hearts. Li Fan has two heads, and there are more people in this dart, especially women ...

For example, Yang Shuiyue, this is not mentioned, she is Guan Wenbao's self-reservation, but she is a woman.

Next are Xia Ling, Lin Yuexian, Jiang Ye, He Qiqi, Zhou Guifei, Abe Haruko, and two foreign aids per year, Liao Wushuang and Yin Xiaoru.

Li Fan didn't care about this either. The first thing he did when he returned was to find Zhou Guifei to fight. But Zhou Guifei was still in retreat, she didn't come out at all, Li Fan could only give up.

For the rest of the time, Li Fan did not dare to delay, and quickly reviewed his homework. After a while, he would have a second model.

The principal came over and asked if the second model could improve by 50 points, which was rejected by Li Fanyi rightfully!

This old fox wants to set himself up, there is no door!

However, Li Fan devoted himself to studying during this time, and he did not break his word, so Ling Tian arranged for Abe Haruko to go to a band in the city and play the cello.

Since this girl likes it, there is no need to stop her. This girl was originally brought to warn and weaken Abe's family. As long as she doesn't return home, what she loves to do.

Haruko didn't intend to return to the country at half past one. She was very interested in herself and wanted to squeeze out her knowledge about energy.

And Li Fan went to the island nation to have a fight, but they let the island nation's forces have a lot of peace.

During this time, no one had come to Li Fan for trouble, and Lijia Island was very peaceful.

Li Fan finished the second test with ease, this time Li Fan scored 570 points, which is probably the limit of Li Fan's score.

"You score, you can go to a good second-class college."

Lin Yuexian took Li Fan's arm, and while they were walking outside the school building, she gave Li Fan advice.

"If it's 211, it's still a bit short."


Li Fan didn't dare to think too much, he was satisfied that he could pass a similar college.

College is a life, a life that everyone should enjoy. A similar university is enough, there is no need to set aside your life to take a difficult university.

Except for Lin Yuexian, she has an excellent IQ, and even if she wants to renounce herself, it is not easy to take an ordinary exam.

This girl is born to go to a good university.

There is not much time left for the college entrance examination. The short love life of the two is almost over.

Think about it, it seems quite legendary. From the beginning, the attitude of two people turned into a trial love, and then they really tried to love. .

Love is so wonderful. Although Li Fan already has some level of energy mastery, he has no wisdom or experience in terms of emotion.

He always felt that love is a metaphysics, and girls are a strange creature that cannot be understood.

"Mr. Lee."

Two people approached the door, but were stopped by a black Mercedes.

Yu Feng stood beside the car and bent down respectfully to Li Fan.

"Well then, Yuexian, go back to the dartboard first, I'll go back in a moment."


Lin Yuexian nodded, leaving very nicely first.

Yu Feng opened the door for Li Fan. Li Fan sat in and saw Miss Liu Yanan sitting inside.

This big business car also has luxurious facilities inside, like a luxury cabin on land.

Liu Yannan, wearing a purple gown, sat there, holding a wine glass in his hand, and was slowly shaking.

Seeing Li Fan coming in, she first glanced at Li Fan's hand, then retracted her gaze, and seemed to say casually.

"It's been a good day, did you get that little girl?"

"She's Lin Yuexian, and you don't know her."

Li Fan opened the refrigerator freely and took out a bottle of Coke from it. He thought about it, put Coke back again, picked up a bottle of red wine, and poured himself a glass.

"Miss Liu, what's the matter of finding me so late?"

"Do I have to have something to find you?"

Liu Yanan looked at Li Fan, "When did you and me become so born?"

"I don't think so. You think so."

Li Fan shrugged. "I have always seen us as good friends."

"You bullshit!"

Liu Yannan stared at Li Fan as if to shoot Li Fan through his eyes, "I clearly saw from your eyes ... Disgust!"

"Why should I hate you?"

"You hate me. In front of so many people, you can't get off the stage, and you chop your hands!"

"Isn't this good?"

Li Fan shook his hand.

"You just hate me, hate me!"

Liu Yanan grabbed Li Fan's collar.

"Well, gentleman can't help it!"

Li Fan hurriedly shouted.

"I'll do something! You must hate me, otherwise why don't you come to me for so long!"

Liu Yannan was almost pressed on Li Fan's body. The car was slowly starting.

Liu Yanan's eyes stared at Li Fan's eyes, "You said, do you hate me!"

"Miss Liu ... we are all civilized people, can we speak in a civilized way ..."

Li Fan said, "Are you a bit brutal?"

"Am I savage?"

Liu Yanan smiled quickly, "Do you believe that Miss Ben has a more brutal way!"

Talking, Liu Yannan began to reach out to loosen Li Fan's neckline, and frightened Li Fan straight.

"Well, sister, what do you want?"

"Do you."

Liu Yanan licked his lips and looked at Li Fan, "Don't you say I'm barbarous. Miss Ben now shows you what is really barbaric!"

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