949 Jihad

Li Fan's feet continuously stepped on the ladder cloud vertically, undulating in the air, at the same time, his hands constantly pushed out the dragon spit beads, one after another, the air beads flew into the pit and detonated inside!

The black smoke kept rising into the sky, rolling and rising, as if a missile bombarded.

Zhou Tai hid in the distance, looking at all this, silently lighting a cigarette.

The martial arts ... are terrible. Their existence has exceeded the control of the state.

"Is it really good to look at it this way?"

The driver sat in the front row and couldn't help asking.

"I can't help it ..."

Zhou Tai lowered his head and smoked, his hands trembling slightly. "None of these martial arts masters can control them. They will be nailed in the eyes of the government and thorns in the meat, and will definitely be removed."

Zhou Tai's expression became more serious, "The government will not allow them to exist, this time, the beginning of the jihad."

"Jihad plan ... I didn't expect it to really start ..."

The driver groaned and his expression followed.

And while they were talking, Li Fan had stopped the Qigong bomb attack and landed on a concrete steel bar standing on the ground.

The billowing black smoke slowly spread, and although the figure sent by Wang was a little embarrassed, it still stood there.

He was combing his hair, it seemed that it was more important than anything.

"I almost made a mess with my hairstyle to see you today."

Wang Send, while fixing his hair, looked at Li Fan, "Li Fan, you have become stronger and stronger, everything is as I expected. A generation of masters, you have entered this realm. But you have always been a fatal Lack of. "

The words sent by Wang made Li Fan frown.

"Do you think my power is here?"

Li Fan's voice was cold, but Wang Song smiled.

"Maybe you are stronger, but in this world, there are always stronger people than you. Li Fan, you and Zhou Guifei are two very special people, but it does not mean that the world is the only one of you. His strength is beyond everything! "

"That lord, who is he?"

Li Fan asked.

"Liao Wushuang's father."

Wang Xun simply said, "His existence will become a nightmare for everyone. No matter how you struggle, one day, sooner or later, he will come to the world."

"Ah, you enthusiasts."

Li Fan stood on the rebar and looked at the Wang Wang from below. "For a while, Lord Liao, for a while, it's endless."

"You don't understand the power of that adult."

Wang Wang reminded Li Fan, "Your fatal shortcoming will kill you sooner or later. Li Fan, you should let go of everything now, follow me, I will make you stronger, maybe you can rival that adult . "

"Aren't you his faithful running dog? You want to raise me to be like him?"

Li Fan was a little surprised.

"Although the adult is terrific, he does not agree with me."

Wang sent his eyes to Li Fan. "Only you, Li Fan, you are the most special to me."

"Disappointing you, I don't engage in base."

Li Fan said that his body had appeared in front of Wang Send, and at the same time he raised his hand, and took a unicorn palm, patted it directly to Wang Send's chest.

"Useless, you can't win ..."

Before Wang sent the words, Li Fan's body suddenly became red, and white smoke came out.

The golden ring was condensed behind Li Fan, and his unicorn palm was firmly printed on Wang's chest!

There seems to be a real ice-fire unicorn roaring in the air!

Li Fan's left arm also completely turned into a unicorn's arm!


A frost, and a flame burst from the back of Wang Send, spinning and impacting out!

The body sent by Wang was blown off in the blink of an eye, just like a cannonball, fired a hundred meters away, and finally blasted into a distant forest.

"Bang, bang!"

The trees in the woods were constantly broken, and finally the king sent them into the ground. A huge pit remained there, and the surrounding ground lifted in. Many trees were uprooted.

Seeing this, Zhou Tai dropped his cigarette on his pants.

too terrifying……

This kind of existence cannot be tolerated by the government!

"Let's go……"

Zhou Tai said to the driver, "Wang Wang failed ... the jihad started completely."


As soon as the driver stepped on the accelerator, the car drove towards the city.

Li Fan had lost his state, stepped on the light work, and came to the top of the forest.

This forest is already a mess, as if it were a hurricane crossing.

Wang Xun lay in a deep pit. This time, he was covered with blood, and his body was motionless, apparently not badly injured.

"Send by the king, go back and tell the grown-up, don't mess with me, otherwise you look like this, it's his end."

He glanced at Wang again and said, "For the sake of helping you once, I will save you a life, and it will be indefinite."

Having said that, Li Fan's body flashed, and soon disappeared into Wang's sight.

"Ah ... it's really an enemy ..."

Wang sent a cough of blood, and he was lying in a deep pit, feeling that his whole bones were a little scattered, and it would be difficult for him to crawl out of this pit for a while.

Just then, a figure came to his side and looked down at him.

"You came."

Wang Xie looked at the man, coughed twice, and blood came out of his mouth.

"you failed."

It's not someone else, it's Yu Xi.

She squatted down and watched Wang send, "My lord so fancy you, you still can't bring him back."

"Why, if you change you, can you take him back?"

Wang Song asked politely.

"My task is to protect him."

Yu Xi looked at Wang Send and said, "Your task is to attract him. Now that you have failed, you have to send someone to find him again."

"I think adults can reconsider."

Wang Xun said, "This guy, his strength, has far exceeded our budget and is difficult to control."

"You don't need to worry about this, the adult naturally has his calculations."

Yu Xi sighed, "You are so disappointing, Wang sent."

"Then let me die here."

"You can't die yet."

Yu Xi took out an elixir and stuffed it into the mouth sent by Wang.

"Your fate, you have to keep it for adults."

"May everything be for the adults."

Wang Song muttered to himself, a warm current appeared in his body, and he began to heal his body.

But at this time, his body suddenly began to tremble, and Wang sent a surprise to feel the abnormality in his body.

"This, this is ..."


Yu Xi said, "Adults have also given you this Jinxianyu, Jinxianyu will give different strengths according to the different attributes of each person. Feel your new power well, and then give your life to the adults! "

"Hard, isn't it ... has the jihad started ..."


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