My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 950: New beginning

950 new start

"It's hot over there. Get some dehumidifier."

"Bring more fruit to avoid thirst on the road."

"Otherwise, I'll accompany you in person. When there is no one to take care of you, what can I do?"

In the airport, Xia Yuan and they all came to see him off. The little sister had been mumbling in the waiting hall with all kinds of concerns Li Fan.

"Relax, little sister, there are bedrooms over there, and I will take care of myself."

Li Fan comforted Xia Yun.

"You can go out and rent a house together."

"I read the rules and regulations. I can't go out to live as a freshman."

Li Fan hurriedly said, "Just rest assured, I am such a big person, wouldn't I take care of myself?"

"Then you come back at eleven?"

"It shouldn't be. At eleven, we didn't finish military training for a few days. We took two days off. I should be familiar with the environment nearby."

Li Fan continued to coax the younger sister, "Sister younger, you can stay at ease here and help me take care of the darts. When I settle down there, I will often come back to see you. At that time, maybe return I need a little sister to help me take care of the martial arts. "

"You can rest assured that the darts side, I received the news of the old customs a few days ago, he is coming back soon."

Yan Kai patted Li Fan's shoulder, "Don't forget where you are, your home is here."

"Of course I won't forget. It looks like you made it.

Li Fan haha ​​smiled, "I just go to college! Which student does not go to college!"

"I know, I won't miss you anymore, lest you be upset. You pay more attention to your body along the way, and contact us in time if there is anything."

"Well, I know."

Li Fan nodded, then subconsciously looked left and right.

"Then I'll go first. You can stay. Let's meet during the winter vacation."

Li Fan was slightly disappointed, waved his hand and left here.

"Is Lin Yuexian still here?"

After Li Fan left, Xia Ling turned and asked in a low voice.

"No ... I don't think she dares to come."

Yang Shuiyue sighed softly, "It must be very sad ... I understand the pain of having to part ways."

"Well, don't mention it in the future ... You say, when is it appropriate for me to see my little brother?"

Yang Shuiyue looked at Xia Yuan very silently.

"Will you put him in your pocket?"

"Hey, it seems okay ... I will ask Bai Linluo if I have such a superpower ... or, it can also be any kind of door. Open one directly in our dart board and Li Fan's dormitory. You can come back by pushing the door! "

"Is there something like that ... Didn't we use Li Jiadao with the darts earlier ..."

"Oh ..."

Yang Shuiyue soon served Xia Zhe. This woman may not be able to live without Li Fan.

She was about to persuade two more words and suddenly turned her head as if she saw someone.

Yang Shuiyue rubbed his eyes, and the figure was gone.

Are you blindfolding yourself?

Yang Shuiyue shook his head, turned and left the airport with Xia Ye.

In the corner of the airport, Murong Ying stood in a black cheongsam and said nothing.

She silently watched Li Fan's figure disappear at the passageway before leaving.

"G city, here I am."

Li Fan was still a little excited, and after boarding the plane, he couldn't calm down.

Everyone is full of expectations for their university, especially Li Fan, the high school career has been tired.

And he has to open his own martial arts hall in the city of G, which is full of challenges and makes him look forward to.

"Miss, please let me know, this is my seat."

After Li Fan got on the plane, he found a person in his seat.

The girl was wearing sunglasses, a blue peaked cap on her head, and a ponytail on her back. She was looking down at the iPad and ignored Li Fan at all.


Li Fan lost his patience a little bit. Is this pretending to be deaf?

Although Li Fan was a little hesitant and didn't want to spend money, Xia Yan still gave him a first class. In Xia's words, how could a gold medal dartist in an extraordinary dart board take an economy trip in this trip?

Li Fan was extravagant, but he didn't expect that the first-class cabin would encounter a special situation.

"Sir, what's wrong?"

The stewardess in the first-class cabin is generally more beautiful. When she sees the situation here, she hurries forward to ask.

"My seat is occupied."

Li Fan pointed at his ticket and pointed at the seat mark above his head.

"Miss, could you please give me a seat, you are seated in the wrong seat."

The stewardess said to the girl.

The girl finally seemed a little impatient, and she shouted.


Hearing this shout, a woman in her thirties dragged saluting, and hurried over, "My young lady, what's wrong, this is, I'm putting my luggage, too much."

"Jessica, what a good charter flight! Why are there others here?"

The girl spoke fluent English and questioned the woman named Jessica.

"This, this ..."

"What the **** is the situation, and is the company opening me again? Tell you Jessica, my contract is about to expire, so go on, let's not think about renewing the contract!"

"I help you, I help you ..."

Jessica wiped her sweat and said to Li Fan, "I'm sorry, sir ... otherwise, I'll pay for your ticket. Would you please sit in the back business class? He doesn't like to be disturbed. "

"She doesn't like to bother, so she goes by private jet."

Li Fan also has a temper. Although this girl speaks English, his English level is acceptable, and most of them understand it.

"My seat is my own, no one else has the right to sit."

"Tell this stupidity, I can sit wherever I like."

Sister Paper looked at the iPad while telling Jessica in English.

Jessica froze and then smiled and said to Li Fan.

"Sorry, she's not feeling well, so ..."

"Get off now! This is my seat!"

Li Fan no longer cares about that Jessica, but turns his head and yells at the girl's paper in English.

I have a chicken, and I can barely cover my hands in city A. How can I encounter such a cargo by flying?

It ’s not good to start!

At this moment, Li Fan especially wanted to scold someone. If the other person was not a woman, she would have kicked her out.

Sister paper finally looked up and looked at Li Fan.

"What can you do, hit me by hand?"

She still spoke English and said to Li Fan very politely, "A big man, even a girl, is really shameless."

Whoops, I wiped, this also hit a rake!

Li Fan's nose was almost flat and crooked!


Here, the story of Li Fan's first stage is over. The novel is not divided into volumes, but all previous stories should be Li Fan's debut. From now on, it is the real world hegemony stage. Li Fan ’s new life has begun. I graduated from Lao Yang University more than six years ago. I do n’t know if I can shape a beautiful college life.

p.s didn't send it regularly today, only to find out that update is late say sorry here

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