My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 954: One hundred responses

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Li Fan hasn't seen many things in the fast food restaurant. He saw some steamed rice noodles and looked like noodles, so he ordered them and called two buns.

In front of Xuejie, Li Fan was a bit embarrassed to eat too much. Otherwise, it is estimated that he can scare Liu Xiaowan with his meal.

"Eat so little."

Liu Xiaowan watched Li Fan return with a small meal and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Well, southern cuisine, I'm still a little accustomed to it."

Li Fan is telling the truth. I don't know which appetite and what don't. Li Fan didn't want to waste food, so he just ordered a little bit to eat.

"Where is the younger brother? I can't hear the accent."

Li Fan's accent is fairly standard Mandarin, and it is rarely heard that he has a Northeast accent.

"I'm northeast, city A."

"Yeah, that's no wonder."

Liu Xiaowan nodded. "You may have to accept these things for a while. The cuisine in the south is not the same as the north. I have a classmate who is also from the northeast. He said that most of your cuisine is greasy. The cuisine is exquisite. If you taste it carefully, it is actually very delicious. "

"It looks like I'm going to get used to it for a while."

Li Fan shrugged his shoulders, then continued to attack his steamed rice noodles.

"When I get here, I recommend you to try the sausage noodles, which is delicious. There is also a fried rice noodles at the school entrance, which is also very delicious. I think even the students in Northeast China will definitely like this taste of."

"Good sister, I will definitely try."

Li Fan ate some steamed rice noodles and felt pretty good.

Although it is different from noodles, don't have a taste.

Just as they bowed their heads for a meal, a girl with big sunglasses lowered her head and pushed in through the door.

And there was a crowd of people whirling outside, like who was chasing after. The girl glanced secretly and saw that she had not been found, so she stroked her chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing this girl, Li Fan frowned instantly.

As the saying goes, the enemy has a narrow road. This kind of sincerity doesn't deceive me!

The girl turned around and saw Li Fan at one glance, the two said in unison.

"why you?"

"Shen ... Xiao Chen? How are you here? You two know each other?"

Liu Xiaowan also knew the girl and even called out the other person's name.


The girl with ponytails looked around carefully, and found that no one was recognized in the room, so she walked over safely, opened a chair, and sat beside Liu Xiaowan.

"What's wrong with you is the same as fleeing."

Liu Xiaowan's cola hadn't been drunk yet and was pushed to the ponytail girl.

The girl with ponytails looked at this Cola, swallowed, hesitated again and again, and pushed back.

"Don't drink, it's too hot ..."

"You are living so hard now that you can't even drink Coke?"

"Well ... there's no way, otherwise you can't keep your figure."

The girl with the ponytail finished speaking and gave Li Fan a severe look. "Why are you asshole?"

"Do you woman like quarrels in particular?"

Li Fan was also very unhappy, and his luck was so bad that he even met the girl again.

"Are you two friends?"

"Who is a friend with him!"

The two men said in unison, and Liu Xiaowan laughed out loud.

"You two, it's a good match."

"Who matches him!"

They spoke in unison, and then the two men stared at each other in anger, with big eyes and small eyes.

I have to say that the ponytail girl's eyes are really big, it seems to be bigger than any girl she knows.

"Okay, don't quarrel with the two of you, everyone is alumni, why quarrel?"


Li Fan and the girl with ponytails opened their eyes at the same time and couldn't believe what they heard.


The girl with a ponytail pointed at Li Fan, "Oh my God ... whether it's so bad!"

"Shall I say that right?"

Li Fan is particularly upset, "Since I met you, nothing has happened!"

"Obviously yours!"

The ponytail girl glared at Li Fan fiercely, as if Li Fan was really her mourner.

"Fuck, God's wrong!"

Li Fan was furious and couldn't help swearing, "Before I met you, I was fine! Definitely your bad temper and offended too many people, now God is punished!"

"Nonsense, God can't bear to punish a beauty like me!"

Two people are head-to-head, no one will let anyone. After seeing enough jokes, Liu Xiaowan quickly reached out and stopped both of them.

"Okay, don't quarrel anymore. You don't know each other, how can you be so happy. I'll introduce it to you. This is Shen Chen, a top student in the 15th Music Department. This is Li Fan Our schoolmates are a professional with me. "

"Shen Chen, seems to have heard this name somewhere."

Li Fan thought the name was a bit familiar, but couldn't remember who said it.


Shen Chen seemed even more upset and looked at Li Fan angrily. And Liu Xiaowan was a little surprised, looking at Li Fan up and down, like watching a monster.

"Sister Xue, why look at me like this?"

"You don't know Shen Chen?"

"Didn't you see me today?"

"You ... don't watch TV, don't you go online?"

"Ah ... I've been busy studying things during this time, and I really haven't watched TV online."

During a holiday, Li Fan had hardly been on the net and was dealing with darts.

At the same time, he was still practicing hard. The appearance of Wang Song was a wake-up call to Li Fan.

The government has completely abandoned him.

"The caveman!"

Shen Chen rolled her eyes. "Come out of the ravine?"

"Did I offend you?"


Shen Chen nodded, "You are not offended! And you just got into our school again, hum, what Li is here, tell you, I can't make you outside the school, I make you hard to do in the school! Huh!

"The school is your home."

Li Fan couldn't help but groaned, "If you say I'll just fix me!"

"What, Lee, don't underestimate me!"

Chen Chen said, "Miss Ben responded!"

She also raised her hands like a model, and gestured.

There was a sudden noise outside.

"Shen Chen is here!"

"Come on, get in!"

Seeing the crowds outside, Li Fan was taken aback. What happened?

"Oops ... they're done when they come in!"

Liu Xiaowan frowned, Li Fanxin said, how can I give Liu Xue a little face.

He reached out his hand secretly, and sealed the door of the hotel with his vitality.

The crowd outside rushed to the door and pushed desperately, only to find that the door could not be opened, and it exploded.

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